
Haneul sat down in the hospital cafeteria with Haru while chewing on sandwiches. Whenever Haneul was too stressed, she would eat more than usual. Haru just sat in front of her and stared at her as whenever Haru was too stressed, she was the exact opposite. 

"So are you going to say something?" Haru asked after losing her appetite, seeing her friend stress eating in front of her. 

"Let me eat first." Haneul said, continuing to eat. 

"Okay." Haru pressed her lips together and waited patiently. 

Haneul finished gulping the last bit of her sandwich, "Are you gonna eat that?" She asked, pointing at Haru's sandwich. "Actually, I'm sorry. You should eat that." 

"It's fine, I don't feel like it." Haru said, "But I'm not giving it to you. You ate enough. You know better that eating more than intended can be bad." She added. 

"And not eating at all?" Haneul narrowed her eyes before she sighed. "Haru, Yeom Tae is weird."