Thank you, Ahjumma

Yeom Tae blinked a few times while swinging his spoon in the soup. It was his first time. Being looked after from a complete stranger was his first time. Well Myunghee Ahjumma wasn't necessarily a stranger, but they hadn't talked enough to become acquaintances. 

Yeom Tae cleared his throat, earning a stare from Myunghee Ahjumma while her hands were occupied by needles knitting a piece of wool. Yeom Tae couldn't guess what it was, being knitted in the middle of summer. Though strictly speaking, summer was coming to an end. But there was still a month or two before it would get cold. 

Fall was around the corner, but it wouldn't be as cold as wearing wool knitted sweaters. Myunghee Ahjumma's swift hands stopped knitting and her eyes paid attention to Yeom Tae. 

"Is the soup not to your taste?" She asked politely even while being much older than him, "If you want to have something else, let me know."