A day at the hospital

"Headache?" Haru chuckled. "I'll look after him, don't worry." She added with a wink. "You can continue your work or whatever." 

"Yeah, I'll go then." Haneul said under her breath. "It's Youngjae's last few days so we have to prepare assessments for him." She explained briefly. "Take care, Yeom Tae." She swiftly said and left Haru's room. 

Haru saw her leave then turned her gaze to Yeom Tae, "You sure are troublesome, aren't you?" She asked while squinting her eyes. "You would have to wait in line, by the way." She added. "I have outpatients coming in. You can wait right there till we get a call for your CT." She pointed at the chair at the very corner of the room.