Too sad

Yeom Tae couldn't help but burst into a soft series of laughter. Everything Haneul was trying to utter wasn't making any sense. Yeom Tae was convinced her friends had teased her into saying all of this. 

"You'll regret asking me this." Yeom Tae told her playfully, a constant smile etched on his face indicating his amusement. 

Haneul was suddenly alarmed, "W-What do you mean?" She asked hesitantly, "Why will I regret this?" 

The smile on Yeom Tae's face reduced into a smirk. He loved the nervous look on her face and he knew very well that his smirks only added fuel to the fire. He couldn't contain his amusement for long and his lips curled into a big, bright smile once again. Haneul nervously pressed her lips together. 

"You're teasing me." Haneul said and pouted, interlocking her hands behind her back nervously.