Seeing off

"Yeom Tae." Haneul made up her mind. "I love you too." She blinked instantly and blushed, "I think…" She added, pressing her lips together. 

Yeom Tae looked straight into her eyes while she told him all of this. Her thoughts were in such a disarranged manner that Yeom Tae couldn't help but smile widely and uncontrollably. His wide smile soon broke into a soft chuckle; showing both amusement and affection. He reached for the cup of tea on the table and held it, pulling it over to her, offering her his affection with little gestures. 

These little gestures were going to be Haneul's death, especially if he kept on being this nice to her! 

Haneul received the cup of tea with slight hesitance. She was used to drinking tea with him every night yet it just felt different. And that constant smile printed on his face was confusing to Haneul. She didn't know what to think of it. Why was he smiling so widely? Wasn't his face muscles aching?