Caskets of love

Yeom Tae walked as slowly as he could, matching his speed to his petite wife's small steps. She wasn't really short or small in general, Yeom Tae was just big and tall. He held her hand tightly in his hand as she walked in front of him carefree. She seemed glad to have some time off. They were walking around a marketplace in Jeju. 

Haneul excitedly moved forward like a child in a candy store with Yeom Tae holding her hand and being guided around by her. She really was child-like in some situations. It was so refreshing to see since that probably meant she felt comfortable enough around Yeom Tae. To act child-like and vulnerable around him was definitely a good sign for Yeom Tae. 

"Yeom Tae!" Haneul called him enthusiastically while pulling him towards her with all her strength amongst the crowded marketplace. 

Yeom Tae chuckled to himself while being pulled by his wife but accepted his fate and let his body loose, easier to pull.