
Yeom Tae and Haneul were quite drunk at this point. So drunk that they couldn't see straight. 

"You know what a," Haneul mumbled before hiccupping. "What a child said to me once?" She added in a barely audible voice. 

"Hmmmmm? What?" Yeom Tae elongated his words as if he was an accelerating car. 

"He said my hands looked like an old hag." Haneul said while breaking down into tears; fake ones at that. 

"Huh???" Yeom Tae tried to sound angry, hiccupped and grabbed Haneul's hand sluggishly, "How dare he say such things to my wife?!" 

Haneul nodded sluggishly, "So thoughtless!" She complained. 

Yeom Tae giggled, "I'm thoughtful, don't worry."