
Haneul woke up wearily, finding herself wrapped inside Yeom Tae's embrace. He smelled like the asphalt after a heavy rain. Haneul struggled slightly to move inside his tight grip but managed to look up at him, sleeping restlessly. His face said words, many words. Haneul pulled her hand upwards to touch his soft skin. 

The tips of her finger grazed right below his chin, managing only that far. It felt like a bubble. A weary bubble. Haneul wondered to herself why she was so poetic early in the morning. It wasn't like herself, but she would be lying if she said she didn't miss him. 

She missed him so badly that her eyes still hurt from yearning for him. All night long, she yearned for a glimpse of him. 


[Last Night] 

The doorbell rang out of the blue. 

"Oh, someone's at the door." Haneul said, "I'll call you back." She added and ended the call.