The road to unforgiveness

Haneul walked upstairs with Myunghee Ahjumma who was holding the tray. Haneul pressed her lips together. 

"Can we get a cup of coffee?" Haneul asked, "I think I'm going to wake Yeom Tae up and have breakfast with him." She added. 

Myunghee Ahjumma nodded, "Should I get more toasts as well?" She asked. 

"Just two more." Haneul smiled. 

She walked inside the room to see that Yeom Tae wasn't in the bed. She didn't even have to wake him up. He was probably in the bathroom. Within a few minutes, Myunghee Ahjumma brought Yeom Tae breakfast as well. Haneul set the tray over the study table and pulled an extra foldable chair from the cupboard. 

Yeom Tae walked out and to his surprise, Haneul had already prepared measures for his growling stomach. He smiled, wondering how she always seemed to know what he wanted. 

"I'm assuming it hasn't been too long since you woke up." Yeom Tae said in an interrogative tone.