How far?

(A/N: Welcome to the third volume!. 'Volume: Enemies or Lovers?' is going to conclude most of the questions we raised in the last two volumes! Enjoy reading!) 

Buzz. Buzz. 

Haneul's phone unexpectedly rang as soon as she returned to her room after inpatient rounds only to see a missed call from an unexpected person. She smiled as she grabbed her phone and called the mysterious person back. 

"Look who it is!" Haneul exclaimed joyfully. 

"Ah," The voice nervously arrived from the other end of the phone. "Just got done with exams, Noona." Youngjae informed her. "Hope I didn't disturb you." 

"You passed disturbing me by an inch." She chuckled. "But don't worry about that. Do you want me to treat you out? I might be free tonight, just need to check in with Yeom Tae," She added quite confidently. 

"Wow." Youngjae muttered. "The last time you talked about your husband, you were very restricted. Good to see." He added.