
Reaching Gwangju was easy and getting a ride to go to the villa was even easier. But what stood in Youngjae's way now was the sight in front of him. Hiding behind a big tree, he could only see so much. But with what he could see, he concluded that Jang Haejung meant business. 

Several cars lined behind her car, all full of men dressed in suits. Jang Haejung had her car parked just a little further from the villa, with all other cars parking behind her. It was all organized; from the way they parked their cars to the way they unanimously got out of the cars upon command. 

Jang Haejung herself could be seen in a suit, covered by a trenchcoat. What was going on? 

Before Youngjae could reach out to her and demand an explanation, the clouds roared. They collided with each other and showered little bits of snowflakes all over Gwangju. It was the first snow of the year.