The world stopped

"We are cheaters." Jang Wonshik said shamelessly. 

For a moment, no one understood. Then the women of the clan desperately stood up in shock. 

"Yeobo…" Jang Haejung looked at him with shock in her eyes. 

Whereas Yeom Haewon grabbed onto her husband's arm for refuge, but he pulled away since it was too late now. She felt futile for even holding onto him for the last time. 

"Allow me to explain," Jang Wonshik shamelessly continued, and the men from both clans seemed intrigued enough to hear him out. "Yeom Haewon, was my mistress." He confessed, "And my wife, Jang Haejung, was Yeom Jae's mistress." And then the shocking gasps emerged. 

The clan members suddenly lost their grounds. 

"Yeom Tae is actually my wife's son." Jang Wonshik continued to add with confidence, "And Jang Jiwoo is Yeom Haewon's son." He revealed Jiwoo's name, causing another uproar.