You're The Answer? Seriously?

"How far are we from the location?" Maria.

"Just about one more mile. Nothing too far. Don't worry. The story is almost over. I'm giving you the recap version so just bear with me," Joe.

"Yeah, sure,"

Maria nodded and Joe could tell how uncomfortable she felt with the story. She didn't look like she would survive the whole story if they stopped again. So Joe continued.

"The next time they met was also in Paris, but this time was during the revolution..."

Maria actually smiled at this.


"Bread! Bread! Bread! Bread! Down with the nobles! Down with the nobles!"

Raz watched from his place above all the people of the city as they marched their nobles towards the guillotine to be beheaded. This is really a strange place. Just two hundred years ago they were fine and happy and all of a sudden they become like animals. I can never stop being amazed by humanity.

Raz looked down and his eyes finally landed on the one person he was looking for. This girl will never stop being in trouble. Really, she was like a magnet!

Gretha was struggling with the person dragging her towards the guillotine as well and Raz could see how the crowd was especially happy about her potential death! It turns out that she became the head of the French nobles in the two hundred years since he saw her and she somehow managed to completely bankrupt the entire french treasury in just a hundred years. Bravo.

"Tch. Always annoying, no matter what century it is,"

Raz jumped down from the tower he was standing in just as they were about to put her in the guillotine and he grabbed her. He could tell Gretha was completely shocked to see him but he ignored her. Don't make me regret this already.

"I'll be taking this one so do what you want to the others. Bye,"

Raz and Gretha burst into a large wave of bats and everyone started to scream as they ran from the place! Raz brought the two of them to the outskirts of the city and Gretha forced her hand away from Raz. So he finally showed up after two hundred years.

"It's about time!"

Raz rose a brow at her tone. This woman still needs to learn respect. Does she think I won't smack her?

"I think a thank you is in order. Or maybe you've spent your brain cells along with the cities money,"

Gretha huffed.

"You told me to live, didn't you? Well. I'm living,"

"I told you to live, not destroy the French economy! I should have left you somewhere like Rome, at least you can't destroy their economy anymore than that Ceaser did! These are good people and this is what you do to them!?"

Gretha grew angry at him!

"Don't tell me what to do after what you did to me! I told you that I didn't want any of this! This life isn't worth living so why were you so fixated on making me live it!?"

Raz closed his eyes and sighed. He really needs to stop meddling so much. This woman is not going to change.

"Fine, do you want me to kill you again then?"

Raz asked this with a stoic face and he was surprised when Gretha didn't jump at the opportunity immediately! She shuffled slightly before sighing.

"No, I don't. Not anymore at least. I can't leave our kids behind."

The realization of what she said slowly dawned on him and when he realized it his eyes glowed and he stepped toward her.

"What did you say!?"

Gretha was actually frightened when she heard him shout and she swallowed. She stood straight and faced him.

"I said I can't leave our children,"


Raz grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against a tree! His fangs were peeking out from his mouth as he looked down at her.

"And when were you going to tell me about 'our' children? When we're you going to tell me that I had children!?"

"Urk! Y-Your hurting me you bastard. Let go and we'll talk!"

Raz finally loosened his grip on her neck and she sighed. This man only knows violence!

"I got pregnant with twins two hundred years ago, when you and me... Well, you know. I was also shocked by it okay, I didn't think that it would happen but it did. Can you believe I was pregnant for two whole years! What kind of babies did you put inside me!?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Raz was too happy. He couldn't even describe his happiness! He had two children! Two of them!!

But how did she survive? If all the other women died because of the blood that the babies take from their mother then how did she survive? They must've taken a lot from her!

Oh, that's right. She has way more blood than a normal person. It's almost more than what he could drink!

Hold on...

"So you did this shit to get my attention?"

Gretha stomped her foot! Of course, I did!! You were avoiding me like some kind of plague!!

"What the fuck was I going to do!? You just left me to take care of two children alone! I needed to see you because they're both vampires! They almost killed me during birth!!"

Raz chuckled! That would have been funny.


Gretha stomped on Raz's foot in anger and Raz turned his head to her in disbelief. This woman, isn't she a child herself? I fear for what my children learned from a woman like this.

"Just take me to them already!!"


Maria suddenly tapped Joe on the arm and pointed to a train of police cars driving in the opposite direction. She picked up her radio and quickly called the chief!

"Chief! Tell me it's not already happening!!"

[There is a jumper on the Tokyo tower! Get your asses down here immediately! I don't care what you're doing just drop it and come here!]

The car stopped and Joe turned around to follow the police cars! He didn't think that it would be happening so soon! It's not even five yet! Did this killer have some sort of alternative plan!?

Joe drove as quickly as he could and they got to the Tokyo tower in record time! They saw the man was still standing on the tower and he was about to jump.

"Chief, what happened!? Can't we get men up there!?"

The chief turned to look at then and they recoiled at the intense look of anger on his face! The chief is usually a calm man because he always tried to hold himself back but this time he was fuming!

"The man won't let anyone come up. If we force our way in then he will fall. No amount of foam can make this fall non-lethal! If he falls then he dies!"

"Sir there's something being broadcasted! I think it's the jumper!"

The chief quickly went to see what the technician was saying and they saw that the jumper was holding a large cardboard paper in his hand. He held it up to the helicopter flying up there and they all read it together.

"Get your ass up here, detective."

The entire crew turned and looked towards the two partners and they quickly held their hands up! They had no idea what was going on here! And he said detective, not detectives! Which one of them is it!?

Another paper was then held up and Joe felt his eyes twitch!

"Not the old man, the female,"

Maria breathed deeply before she started to march towards the door! Joe caught her hand quickly!

"What do you think you're doing!? Then killer might be up there!"

"Just let me go! He won't harm me,"

Maria dragged her hand away from Joe before she headed for the door. She gently started to push it and they were surprised when the jumper didn't fall. Once a swat team member tried to rush the door the jumper stumbled towards the edge and the man stopped! Shit! So only she can go through?

Maria shook her head towards Joe before she entered and made her way upstairs.

The top of the Tokyo tower had a wonderful view of the whole east side of Tokyo. Once Maria got up there she couldn't help but love the view. It was amazing!

"You're late!"

Gretha rolled her eyes before turning to the side to see the apparent father of her children. Once, just one time and they are now stuck together for life. Great.

"Yes, I'm late. But what the fuck have you been doing in this city!? Ten dead bodies and now you're tormenting this poor man on the Tokyo tower!? Let him down now!!"

Gretha saw Raz frown as he brought the man back from the edge and threw him on the floor. The man scrambled to get on his feet again and ran away. Once he was gone Gertha rose a brow at Raz. She obviously wanted an explanation!

Raz smiled as he leaned back on one of the iron columns in the tower.

"What are you looking at?"

"You look beautiful today,"

Gretha threw her shoe at him! Raz finally rose a hand up and laughed.

"Fine fine! Get out here kids!"



Two little children, a boy and a girl that didn't look a day above six ran out of the darkness and hugged Gretha tightly. She smiled down at her children but she frowned when she saw their mouths were covered with blood! What did they do!?

"They're finally teething so I'm taking them out to hunt at night. I figured since mummy didn't want to play with them I should just get them to play with mummy's job instead,"

Raz said everything in this condescending tone that made Gretha angrier! She stomped up to him and she was about to shout at him, but Raz grabbed her hand and instead pulled her in for a kiss. She scowled throughout the kiss! Even when she was kissing him back she was still scowling!

"I love you," Raz said.

"Fuck you. And I love you too. Now get out of my city before my boss kicks me off my team! And what is this I hear about you releasing a book?"

Raz chuckled low and the two children came out to their parents once they saw that they stopped kissing. Raz carried his daughter up and the boy kept on pulling on Gretha's leg till she also carried him up. The look she was giving Raz told him that this wasn't done yet! They were definitely going it have this talk!

"Alright, you can go back down. I already told the kids to kill that man that ran so you can just say he was the killer and he tried to attack you,"

Gretha rolled he eyes. She really didn't care who the killer was, but she was still pissed that it was her own family making her run around so much.

Raz gave her one more kiss and this time she tried to savor it. It took her a while to find it, but at least she now has something worth living for.

"Why don't you tell Joe that your husband wants to meet him? He seems like he'll make a good meal!"

Geetha rose a brow at Raz. Is he jealous? Look at her vampire getting jealous.

"Don't worry, you can't get rid of me so easily. Especially after the thousand of years we've been together,"

Raz rolled his eyes before he said one last thing.

"I'm taking the kids to feed again tonight so make sure you're ready to work! See you at home babe!"

Raz and the kids burst into bats and flew away from the Tokyo tower and Gretha squeezed her hands into fists!

If only she didn't want to kill her only reason to live all the time!

"Fuck you. Raz!"