Introduction 贡 Tribute (Rewrite100%)



In the spring of the lunar month, cycles occur every twelve years. It's the year that humans will be closest to the world of the deities.

The city, which is surrounded by a river that stretches as far as the eye can see, is festooned with red and black lanterns that hang down evenly and are engraved with the letters '平安 píng an' which means peace.

A warlord who traveled around the world once said: 'Land of Perfection' agricultural, moist soil, green grass, seasonal rain, cultivate any type of plant, and it will bloom beautifully. There has never been a major disaster in many centuries. The people are happy and peaceful under the rule of a very competent lord. There is only one place.

'Zhèn gan'

In the middle of the emerald lake, it's clean and clear until you see a variety of fish swimming. Both sidewalks are made of bricks. switched to sandy soil Most of the villagers' dwellings are built from Chinese pine.

This year, the City of Peace held a grand celebration. People were all dressed in black and red, equivalent to the living status of each home.

The whole Tavern Food Store Along the aisle, there are bride dolls in bright red dresses and black bridesmaid veils, hand-woven and hanging with lanterns. Various grocery store signs are decorated according to the traditional ritual sacrifice of the serpent.

'Black color' means paying homage to the deity who has a completely black body.

'Red color' meanings, in addition to referring to the red eyes of Lóng- nián Deity, also represent auspicious events such as weddings. The bride's heroic bloodshed

"Is Lóng- nián's bride ready?"

A decisive voice called out his guards. The City Lord was dressed in pitch-black armor, wrapped around a red girdle. His warrior's attire was the same color as the people of the city and the soldiers.

The City Lord, Lóng Yi Jìn realized that the human world can reach the Divine World. Thus, it's important to be in alliance with the deities.

Zhèn gan City will be blessed by the gods. Warlords from all over the world, devils, demons, and the divine world will have to rely on his power.

"She's now ready, My Lord, but she needs to say goodbye to her mother, to the Master who raised her."

"Let her go."

Lóng Yi Jìn was not a heartless old man. At the age of sixty-three, he was still a virtuous ruler.

He realized this celebration was important. Peace doesn't come with two hands. All rewards are commensurate exchanges.

That's the reason why he chose Lóng- nián's bride on his order this year.

First and foremost, she must be a virgin. Secondly, no family members are descended from demons, and lastly, there must be a woman with a red birthmark somewhere on her body in the shape of a 'python'

after capturing a woman as a sacrifice. Dozens of burly soldiers were still waiting to take orders in front of the city's largest tavern. The young guard walked vigorously, bowing his head, and raising his hands to respect him.

"My lord, we have taken her to her mother's farewell. Her Master will be waiting for her at the pier. How are you going to handle it?"

"Send our guard to wait in front of the boat. Do not let that heretic monk interfere with the auspicious event. This delivering of the sacrifice must not be mistaken!"

"As your order, My lord!"

The three guards responded very strongly, while Lord Lóng Yi Jìn flicked the red iron fan just once. A small wooden boat moved to the port area.

The rowboat is made up of three long planks that form the hull. This boat was painted with a finely patterned black brush. It's a picture of a beautiful woman, wearing a red bride's robe alongside a black serpent with a majestic body in the night sky.

The boat was sprinkled with peony and plum blossoms. As if this ship is truly on its way to a deity wedding.

His unwavering gaze fixed on the vast lake of Zhèn gan, hoping to meet a mighty deity because he had received the river's dignity while preparing to hand over the bride on behalf of her parents.

The beautiful bride now wears red shoes. Her red bridesmaid dress stood out from the others. There was no way Lord Lóng- nián couldn't see her.

A slender hand grabbed the hem of a beautiful skirt drawn up to walk down the stairs of the city's largest tavern. A pair of beautiful eyes shone brightly, looking through the thin veil. obscure the scenery So she had two maids flanking her left and right to support her and show her the way. Despite the fact that she was certain that she would not make a mistake,

"Let's go... now is your time. You will live among deities. for the honor of your country and your parents. You are a woman with a brave heart. For your sacrifice today, you should be proud. I won't forget you... Ā bèi"

"You definitely won't forget me. Lord, I know that this path is not for a deity's bride at all. I'm going to feed the snake."

The city lord was dissatisfied with her. but she was not chastised for her impolite behavior.

She laughed and mocked the vast river in front of her.

"Haha, Lord Lóng– nián, looks like I'm calling your name wrong. I should honor the deity who protects this country. I apologize... you're about to swallow me up."

'Ā bèi' 阿贝 doesn't have femininity since she has lived like a man all her life. Now she ignored the city lord and walked away with a stubborn smile.

It wouldn't be strange. Who wants to take their own life in an unreasonable matter?

Definitely, she disagreed with the offering of sacrifices to deities. She would never agree! She had only turned eighteen a few days ago. She never had a life of her own before.

She had never received a hairpin like a woman, and once in a while she would have eaten well, so what is this!?

She was captured without prior notice. No one explained anything to her; even her master could only lower her head to face her fate. when no one dared to disobey the command of the great lord.

Until she realized the truth of her situation when listening to the girls who used to talk to each other. Also, the city lord ordered his servants to pamper her with various kinds of exquisite food. It was as if it were the last meal of her life.

There was also a maid to take a bath for her. Scrub until her body is completely clean. Her whole body was steamed with herbs and spices and stewed in medicine that made the soup more delicious. It has properties in the treatment of disease. Health maintenance is very good.

At this time, she should be quite tasty and good for Lóng- nián Deity's health.

A noble city lord who ruled the sixteen provinces. Even though he was usually busy and busy all the time, he still made the effort to come by himself, along with six guards who were skilled fighters. They were all wearing pitch-black armor, holding a full weapon.

It wasn't that they wanted to deliver her. But more afraid that she would run away.

"[crying]— [sob sob] Why have you returned, my child? Why...?"

A shrill cry followed behind Mrs. Yan 严 had a mad scream, weeping, curled up on the floor. Her beautiful face was flushed with tears. Ā bèi then turned around, comforting her mother with a sweet voice.

"I have lived like a man for a long time. Mother, please allow me to repay this land once. don't be so sad because of your child. "You should get up early like you did and eat a full meal... Goodbye..."

"[sob sob] My child... Ā bèi!"

The most famous beauty courtesan of Zhèn gan City At this time, if she had jumped into the water to take her own life, she would have done so.

because it was blocked by a long sword between her and her daughter. with the handiwork of the Royal Guards.

When the sacrifice was taken away by the guards. Mother sat on her knees behind her beloved daughter and moan. squinting burning eyes Look at The Apple of her eye, Step on the boat to die!