2-3 她来帮忙 Her coming to help

Both henchmen, who were treated as having no manners, began to treat her better.

They told her that this world's situation is messed up right now. Deities and demons are divided. From the beautiful land that united as one, even though there was some discord but not as much, It was now dividing partisans.

An extremely virtuous deity is harassed by demons, beasts, and demonic beasts to the point of being unable to practice.

The first-section deity is responsible for this realm. The west was ruled by the Elder, who was ten thousand years old. Known as Lord Jí gòng.

This realm's thought to be a deity realm close to the human world. Deities and demons have rough bodies, and have the flesh and blood of humans, but they have long lives like other deities in every realm. If going outside the territory, they will transform according to their original clan.

Deity Yǔchén was sent to this realm, the subterranean realm, which is a watery realm, where he has been for several decades. to end the war between deities and demons so that they can coexist.

Following Heavenly King, he believed that a half-deity, half-demon force could deal with another force led by Lord Jí gòng.


Since the beginning of time, deities and demons have been unable to coexist.

Forasmuch as Yǔchén is the only son of both sides, He's a deity and demon. It's likely the relationship between the two parties may be established.

Even if it can't, there is at least no need to kill each other. His job is to keep the demons from bothering the deities too much. different parties not bothering each other. better than doing nothing.

"So... how does a human like me relate to this matter? Why does he have to bring the Sacrifice back to this world?"

"Lord Yǔchén received a prophecy from an elder about the bride who sacrificed for him. She is the only one who can bring peace. on the other hand, she might destroy him and his realm, where he lives."

Ābèi was shocked, thought she should go back to the temple as before to live like a servant with the bald ascetic. More Than stay here while snake pensioner tried to cram a lot of information into her brain. she's feeling dizzy.

"Another issue... If Lord Yǔchén didn't go by himself. Then let his mother take the sacrifice... Have you ever heard the legend of Fèi yì?"

"There will be a great flood. dry river, the sky doesn't rain. must be seasonal. If she appears, everything becomes dry and chaotic."

"Yes, and most importantly, you will surely be swallowed up in her stomach. Even if you have Master Huì míng's shield, nothing guarantees that you will survive. If you survive, she might kill you as soon as you arrive at the Divine World."

"Oh... why would she have to kill me? What have I done to her?" Ābèi yelled.

"Fèi yìis a very powerful serpent demon in Hell's lowest realm. She was imprisoned by the Heavenly King. She escaped one day. To tempt the dragon deity while facing adversity in order to cause lust. Finally, she gave birth to a half-deity, half-demon. Her actions were all unreasonable. She did it in order to satisfy her rage."

"Arr—I understand now."

Family problems... Emotional control problems are difficult to resolve.

She sighed and lay down on her bed. The snake henchman stood beside her bed. Afraid that she would be accused of having no manners again, he asked.

"No more questions?"

"No, I'm headache now. I think I'd better sleep."

Ābèi didn't ask any further. Although she would not forget the fact that she knew the truth. They began to honor her after being reproached by her, so she asked their names.

Two snake brothers, Sūyùyí, the White Snake, and Xiǎoyù rú, the burly man, should be Green Snakes.

She asked just enough to be polite. Then she put her hands on her belly and fell asleep.