5-1 金莲花 the golden lotus



The golden lotus

Fire beast Tiger told the truth: he wanted a Millennium Jade to restore his young son's strength. who played a bit naughty and was poisoned by Bai Xia[1]

The giant crab beast had a strange, predatory way. not swallowing prey, but burying sharp fangs Wait for the poison wound to rot. Let the victim face adversity. When the body can't move, it will come back.

Neither demons nor beasts were ever good friends. Many of these beasts were on the same side as the fire tiger. which is a mythical beast that is classified as a power similar to a beast.

For the bird beast who had come, why did he want a Millennium Jade? No one knows, why he didn't show up until this time, but next time he didn't know if he would come or not.

Ābèi sees another truth. Humans are divided into many tribes. Demons and beasts are also present. Even though this world is not as chaotic as the human world, both sides fought against each other to satisfy their passions.

For example, Lord Lóng yī jìn sent a sacrifice through his faith. wished for the power of the deities, and hope people will respect him.

At this place, demons might even devour the demons themselves to pump up their power.

While the deities were devoted to asceticism, to succeed as a master, one must be able to escape solitude. No one cares if others are in trouble or not.

Her heart wanted to save this fire tiger. She understood how great a mother's love was. She doesn't have time to speak. A man's voice resounded in the sky.

"Bai Xia is a water demon crab. one of the night demons, the antidote is in the deities of the river house."

All eyes looked towards a huge python body. The reds' eyes sparkled. Numerous masses of pitch-black smoke surrounded the demon's body. indicates that hibernation is complete.

Lord Yuchén returned in the form of a man dressed in black. His toes landed on the ground with majestic majesty.

"You will have to wait. I will bring the golden lotus to Lord Jí gòng house to neutralize the poison for your son."

"I can't wait."

Fire Tiger's voice was filled with aggression. with the behavior of a tiger Even being bound by Ābèi's golden character chains, she had a face that was not very bright when unable to release the Fire Tiger to be free.

A small demonic beast hid in the exhausted mother's magic bag. The area under the tiger's belly made it unable to move properly. Finally, had to admit defeat.

"You must compromise if you need help. I didn't lie to you about the Millennium Jade. I don't know where it is on this mountain. And if you don't want to wait too long. Come with us..." In a voice as decisive as an order. Ābèi's face was delighted because she was going to see the golden lotus. But she was suddenly stopped by Yǔchén's red eyes.

"You stay here, Ābèi."

Ābèi yelled, "Oh! lord, please let me go with you. "I am the perpetrator, deceiving the demons to annoy them for days and nights; I should be forced to leave."

"Better take her with you, Lord, I think... this rope is in her hand too."

The Fire Tiger Interpreter was just like a beast. The elder Water deity agreed, joined him, stepped on the ground, and urged him.

"Hurry up, you, guys. It won't be in time."

Ābèi's face was beaming. Only being allowed to follow along to The River's deity's house. She shook her head and looked across the starless night sky.

One stick of incense cannot tell the time in the celestial world. She couldn't tell if it was late at night (子:zǐ)[2] or early morning (丑:chǒu[3]). One night is longer than she expected, but some days she feels it isn't. Dawn had already shone on her head.

Ābèi tightly tightened the golden rope in her hand. Sit on one knee to maintain a stable balance. In the coarse palm of the mighty body serpent who was known as a deity,

at the same time, the tiny beast's small screeching sound rang out. It sounded like excruciating pain, causing her to lower her head to look at the area under Tiger Mother's belly. covered its body with its mother's hand. urged the child not to cry. Then she heard no more sounds. They were completely silent.

Ābèi felt pity for them, so she spoke in a gentle voice.

"Little beast... be a little more patient. I believe Lord Yǔchén will find the way to save your life."

Lord Yǔchén kept attentively listening to her talk to the Tiger Beast. while soaring into the sky.

[1] 白蟹

[2] 子:zǐ 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m.

[3] 丑 chǒu 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m.