6-1 众神之宝 Deity's treasure



Deity's treasure

Yǔchén carried her fragile body back. not to mention the beautiful lotus pond, which was utterly destroyed. Not even the underwater mechanical camp was left.

Destiny also favored Little Fire-Tiger, so the golden lotus had not become a lotus shard. Its mother had taken an antidote to cure her son. Cured of poison in the blink of an eye

"You only bring problems."

Ever since she regained consciousness, Lord Yǔchén had been making fun of her. In the room of the house under Lord Jí gòng's, he peered down at the pale face sitting on the wooden bench. She maintained her haughty demeanor.

Ābèi didn't even have the strength to sit on her own. She rested her head on her broad shoulders. Divine Yǔchén supported her upper arm so that she wouldn't choke if she lay down. Crimson blood was still wet all over his clothes and throat. She spoke in a low voice, as if she could not stand it.

"You should praise me... Not aggravated."

"You're very talented... Ābèi, how's your condition now? Are you satisfied with me or not?"

"It hurts... Just a little."

"Probably not a little, but you must be patient. Just like you said to that little tiger, Be patient."

"I'm... patient."

Even simply considering her words made her smirk. She was hurt, but she was still His body was immobile because the ache in his chest was so severe. It appeared as though she had been penetrated by a hot, pointed object.

Ābèi had never choked on magic power. Elements in the body had fought with each other before. She has been trained by Master Huì míng. Always be cautious for her sake. She was not allowed to do anything beyond her strength.

She remembered her master's merit. But if you forbid it, she will do it anyway. She still felt a strange warmth in her heart.

"so... you're so considerate... to me."

"I need to take care of you. Yes, when did I want to take care of you? Be quiet. You must not say a single word. This is my order."

In a stern voice A pair of sharp eyes stared at the blood flowing from her lips.

Yǔchén saw that her condition was not very good. decided to raise his hand to release a stream of healing magic. If the black vapor came out of the palm accidentally, he looked down at his hand with a panicked look.

"Wait... Lord Yǔchén, your body still has a Yin energy aura. Inability to heal internal wounds I'm having the servants in the house bring the medicine to her. There was still enough golden lotus left to grind a pill for her to drink."

Lord Jí gòng came and told Lord Yǔchén just in time before she was killed by the Demon god's hand. Then the elder hurried to supervise the medicine in the kitchen. Don't waste his time in vain.

Ābèi was only slightly touched by Yin power. She vomited out a large amount of blood. If her condition had improved, the demon's agitation would have been reflected in her eyes.

"I'm fine... You didn't... purposefully... hurt me."

"Be quiet, Ābèi, say one more word. I'll keep your mouth shut."

"... how?"

She laughed mockingly, despite her injured body. Both her mouth and teeth were full of blood.

Ugly lady!

Divine Yǔchén came into her heart as he held her hand up and wiped her mouth with his hem. He acted rashly as if he didn't want to wipe her mouth. but wants to grab her and hit her He even covered her mouth with his hand, covering half of her face when she tried to open her mouth.

"I command you not to say anything. You must follow my orders, Ābèi."

while beautiful eyes laugh. She was happy to have someone care about her. See that there will never be any other than Master Huì míng. even more so as a Demon god who was indifferent to anything. It was as if she had won one small victory in her miserable life.

Lord Yǔchén had lost his face. When the dark and fierce eyes appeared many feelings. both confused and worried, also feel deeply sorry for her.

Because he almost killed her a second time! Even if it wasn't intentional at all.

The divine man's stern face also stared at her clear, beautiful eyes.

The meeting of young people's eyes in a quiet room was completely silent. may cause one party to be shaken. After all, it wasn't the Demon god who covered her mouth until he was sure that she would not say a single word. Then let go of her hand.

Suddenly, she raised her hand to clasp the blood-soaked hand. Her small palm was almost half the size of a man's hand. She gently held his large hand, smiled and comforted him that she would be fine. so that he would not feel any more guilt.

Even half of her face was sloppy. Her slender eyebrows collided together due to the pain. and she could no longer contain the expression on her face. She squeezed his thick hand tightly. before releasing the strength immediately as he completely closed his eyes.

"Ābèi... Ābèi...!"

Lord Yǔchén shouted. Look down at the tip of her nose to make sure she is still breathing. turned and rushed over to the two women who were waiting in front of the door Hurry up to bring medicine to treat her urgently.