8-2 半个魔鬼 Half Demon

"There must be... some... maybe."

because he completely forgot about himself. But it reminded him of what she had said: that committing the crime of killing one's life was a great misdemeanor. especially when the offerings were left with only bone fragments and little metal that would not melt away with the poison. They are very tortured.

Their corpse roots were an indelible image of Deity Yǔchén. Every twelve years in the human world

One year on earth is equal to one hundred years in the divine world. One hundred years equals a thousand years. Divine Yǔchén had an assigned duty not to let Fèi yì go down to receive the sacrifice. He must go down before his mother. And if he found her, he would have to prevent her from accepting the sacrifice.

Normally, he hardly ever kills living beings. Except for animals to cook food, that is still rare because the deities are always full because of their divinity.

"If I were you, I would like to know my karma. If there was a way to lighten the burden and not let their souls turn to hurt me, I thought they would suffer more than die from the scorching heat of your poison."

"They know themselves well. Therefore, willingly agreeing to be sacrifices, they saw themselves as deity's brides in City Lord Lóng yī jìn's plans. I think the governor's probably the one who suffers the most misfortune. more than me."

"I am talking about your karma separately. didn't pay much attention to others. The karma of the governor is on him. Then I see that he will undoubtedly die of old age in a few years."

She replied and then got up and walked impatiently. When talking about the governor who had captured her, Divine Yǔchén was still sitting in the library. did not follow her.

It would be heartbreaking for her. who had succeeded in convincing Demon Lord Yǔchén to repent.

The overwhelming fragrance of the flowers was completely drowned out by the scent of a woman's hair and clothes. Divine Yǔchén had been in demon form for quite a long time.

Rarely did he turn into a divine man when he was guarding her. When returning to rest in a quiet house, it took several days to sit and meditate.

When he was in the form of a powerful serpent demon, he also had thoughts like the devil. It's not difficult to get angry. Anger and rage overwhelmed his burning heart. Obsessed with the flesh, the beauty of women.

Returning as a divine man this time, Divine Yǔchén began to dislike the smell of her flesh. which makes the head distracted and makes it difficult to calm his mind. And when Ābèi asked him how much those innocent women had to suffer. It is not surprising that such a good deity repented of his sins.

Will there be misfortune or not? Karma belongs to the doer or commander.

Divine Yǔchén sat contemplating this under a big tree. Mei flowers bloom in front of a beautiful wooden house. in favor of the order of the highs Carrying a sword to kill humans may not be a crime. They were the ones who had to die as sacrifices.

Alternatively, he may not be worthy of the title 'Divine Yǔchén' but rather 'The Demon Lord Yǔchén'


"Divine Yǔchén..."

Whispering calls caused the Demon god to slowly open his eyes and turn to look at the woman beside him. Divine Yǔchén saw his smiling face more than the day before. Back to the sigh

"What's the matter with you? Ābèi"

"I saw that you sat alone for a long time with your eyes closed. So, I wonder if you are asleep. Do you have a dream? I personally don't see any dreams."

Ābèi is dressed in a long robe. soft, dark pink interspersed with white. looks as bright as the color of plum blossoms Inside is a straight piece of cloth that extends to the ankle. The smooth, fine skin on her chest was alluring to men's eyes. but she did not even feel it for a moment. She just wanted to wear a beautiful, bright dress. given by the mother of the river as the wind swept across her body, her hair, pinned with a golden hairpin, emitted a faint fragrance for the deity.

It was as if she were deliberately seducing the Demon god. who had never been close to a woman before for more than five thousand years, looked at her with such cold eyes.

"Why did you tell me? Your master forbade you to take more than three steps closer to a man."

"My apologies, Lord! I shouldn't have let her here." Xiǎoyù rú dashed over to dissuade her, but he was probably too late. Ābèi glanced at him with an angry expression.

"I can go for now... Xiǎoyù rú You don't have to drive me away, shhh." Then she turned her face toward the Little Flame Tiger. "Lián lián, we'd better go and play."

The Snake, henchman of Divine Yǔchén, wouldn't have been surprised to see her holding the little one for a while. but it was the Divine Yǔchén himself. When the Fire Tiger's four feet step across the air toward Ābèi, open her arms and embrace it tightly.

"Does it let you carry it?"

"Yes, I slept with him too. Its fur is as soft as cotton. Its body was enveloped in warm flames. I lull him to sleep every night. so that he would not be so sad and miss his mother." devoid of fire Maybe it's because it's still very small. She turned to speak to Divine Yǔchén.

"Hmm... I think I'm tired of you. Lord Yǔchén did not come to look at his own treasure. I wouldn't be able to help you if I was the one who got bored of you."

She just finished speaking! The innocent Fire Tiger was suddenly blown away by a huge black storm. rolling on the grass, a cloud of black smoke tugged at her back until her outer cloak almost flew away in the wind.

The two serpents looked startled at the sight they had seen. All of the minor deities who had passed by fled hurriedly. When her two legs lifted off the ground, the outer garments did not fall off. Rough hands furiously grabbed the collar behind her.

"What did you say just now?"