10-2 无情的恶魔 A heartless demon

It came from these mists...

Within the dank cave without a way out, white smoke was floating all around. Just inhaling it can put everyone into a deep sleep. Even the strongest Demon god was affected. With the mind in the body of the serpent, originally a demon of fire, the matter of lust was no less than the demon had created a vision.

There was only one tiny flame tiger. It was still in infancy, so it lay down with a blank expression on its face. different from the woman besides, she was able to have a husband.

Ābèi moved her clenched legs. let out a sweet moan unconsciously. She looked at the Demon god man, startled. She was still panting so hard that her chest throbbed.

"That was just a vision. not the real world. I shouldn't be close to you anymore, Ābèi... Half of my body and soul are demonic. You better stay away from me."

Ābèi looked at the Demon god who almost had an intimate relationship with her in a vision. She got some sense back. when she looks at the stern face with her consciousness... It's going to be terrifying...

She was afraid that Lord would ignore her again. She probably couldn't accept this.

"But I... I... don't have anyone to bother me. I feel lonely..."

"I'm not your friend who will hang out with you. I'm a demonic man. Half of me is devilishly obsessed with lust. I need to practice more to find salvation. One cannot harass a woman with such telepathy."

"I never even disgusted you. whether you are a deity or a devil. I'm happy to follow you. Just let me be by your side. Sit and talk with you. I don't want anything else."

"You will regret Ābèi. Because I don't like to talk, I'm not interested in talking to women. Especially you. Get out of my sight. I won't take more than three steps closer to you." Divine Yǔchén suddenly stood up. with a determined determination, even though it hurt her heart.

"Hurry up and find a way out of this strange cave as quickly as possible. You wake up now, Lián lián."

A pair of sharp eyes shone coldly. in contrast to the blinking eyes, slowly glistening with tears due to Demon god's careless demeanor.

When the owner of the tall figure in front of her turned away, her red face looked down at the rocky ground with many tears.

The viper, who recently had a deep connection with her, didn't pay attention to her... Not even a little...

"Divine Yǔchén... Why are you so mean to me? I'm only a mortal who was forced to be killed, even though I was innocent. I have never harmed anyone. I have always been kind, but what you have done... no different from me... just an object."

Ābèi got up and wiped the tears from her red cheeks. Her gentle heart was not a cold, harsh stone. It wouldn't be strange if she felt pain.

She had just received a warm and sweet touch from a serpent. made her feel as if she were floating, but when she woke from her slumber, everything is just an illusion.

Her sweet and warm vision was a total deception!

"You're a heartless demon... Well... since you don't care about me anymore, I will go my way, whether it's good or bad; it's my life." A sweet, trembling voice spoke to the emptiness. Ābèi bent down and carried the Fire Tiger with bloodshot eyes. Her gloomy face was reflected in Lián lián's eyes.

Ābèi walked around in the maze of caves. There are many intersections She glanced left and right. Walk away quietly and cautiously. But whether it was to the left or to the right, she would return the same way. Look at the stacked rocks in their original shape. There is no indication of an exit.

She felt exhausted and overwhelmed; she had never felt like this before in the celestial world. She continued to resist her body, unsure whether she was exhausted because of this cave or because she had shed so many tears for no reason.

"Ābèi... I see that crying is useless. When will you stop crying?"

Flame Tiger kept asking without understanding what she was. Demons would never understand humans. And as a child, it was too difficult for Lián lián to understand.

It just felt unhappy when it couldn't find her and had to follow her everywhere.

"I don't know why you decided to run away from Lord Yǔchén. His house is so quiet and peaceful. You eat well and live well. In one day, you acted like a foolish woman."

Ābèi lowered her eyes at the word 'stupid', and let out a breath.

"My mother told me... Don't run to your death like a foolish woman who fell in love."

"I don't know... I admit that I'm stupid. but I will go my way. If you don't go with me, you go your way. We can be separate. Whenever I find a way out of here, you don't have to repay me any favors. I helped you because I am a merciful person."

"I better hide under your skirt. My life should be safe than going out alone; I would not survive in this state. even if I go back, Divine Yǔchén would not welcome me."

"He doesn't welcome me either. He has just said to me, Go out of his sight. You were asleep, so you couldn't hear."

When she talked about this story, tears flowed until the corners of her swollen eyes revealed traces of sorrow. Her trembling shoulders and two legs have no strength. She stepped without direction because of her blurry scenery, and many tears welled up in her eyes. Worst of all, now she couldn't see her own future.

"Lord Yǔchén... why do you hurt me so much? humiliate me until there is no dignity left. You just had a relationship with me and ignored me."

"The visions of demons are not reality. It is because the mind is distracted and absorbed in lust and creates another world. In the beginning, it still won't be a problem. can destroy it."

"You are a beast. That's why you know these things well. But you're too young to understand the feelings of men and women..." The trembling lips that held the tight seal suddenly loosened. "Lord Yǔchén is my first man. Whether it's a vision or reality, I agree... I have many feelings for him. So, I regret this."

With tears running down her face, she quarreled with Fire Tiger. It didn't understand her at all, and there will never be a day when it will.