11-3 迷路的人 Lost man


Ancient texts in the right hand revealing it to her without hiding it She saw that the letters were too small for her to read in a language she didn't know. But the man by her side shook his head as if he understood it. So, she speculated that it might be the language of the gods.

"Your texts are big and thick. Have you ever forgotten? or tied to the wrong person, the wrong partner, the wrong person."

"I have never forgotten a single moment. and as I told you Ābèi If there's a blessing fate to each other, you will surely meet..."

Ābèi regained her sanity. she looked down at her tightly clenched hands and the red thread. The other end was hidden under a pitch-black garment around the ankle.

"That's why I feel... so familiar with you... Lord Yǔchén, I have met you before."

She muttered, but the Elderly laughed at her. It's a kind laugh. Not mocking her for coming to the divine world, however, did not know the root cause.

Divine Yǔchén was confused by what he perceived. He looked down at his white face with many emotions.

One thing is for sure, there will never be a chance to let go of her hand again!

Trinity's eyes flashed fiercely as he looked at her with many arguments. So squeezed the small wrist until she felt pain. Even she yelled at him to free her, he didn't let go of her.

The Elder Moon had to scrub both of them. with a smile full of kindness but as sharp as the blade of a poisoned sword

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Lord Yǔchén, before you go back to your residence. The trees and grass in this realm are all living things. This matter has not yet reached the upper heaven. The ascetics in the Secret Realm bothered you to restore them to their original beauty."

Every world has exactly one demon who likes to destroy everything with fire.

But Fèi yì had not stepped on the secret realm landscape among the hermit's residence for a thousand years. When she was freed from the second arrest, she made a contract with the Demon King that she would stay in her territory. Everything is written in the contract between deities and demons.

Almost half the trees are dead. There was no way for Divine Yǔchén to revive them; if it could, it would have lasted hundreds of years. This fault could have been taken as the fault of the demon mother.

It would be so dishonorable if he asked assistance from The River's deity again. So, he decided to find the heavenly dragon's father for help. leaped into the wide sky in the body of a serpent, not forgetting to grab two problems with his gigantic, large paws.

In this expansive sky, there is one divine serpent and one gigantic dragon. The dragon of the celestial deity has scales the same color as the Emerald River. weaving sparkle

The pitch-black plants from the burn returned to prominence as if they had never burned before. Only the dragon father rises through the claws. When the Dragon God set foot on the ground, lush green grass grew brighter. All flowers return to bloom. All other living things are resurrected.

"My son, Yǔchén. I heard the news that you burned down the beautiful lotus pond of Lord Jí gòng in order to save a little beast. Oh... it's you..."

The attractive divine man appeared to be the same age as his son. Ābèi stared back and forth between father and son. because their faces are more like an older and younger brother.

After she had adjusted to the fact that she was not going to run away, she wouldn't be able to escape. At this time, he was still tightly squeezing her bruised wrist like she was a prisoner.

Divine Hào Rán, the father of dragons, is a very humble deity. He was fixated on the tiny fire tiger, squatted down to the same height as it to talk to it.

"What should I call you? little beast"

"You can call me Lián lián. Ābèi called me... My mother never gave me a name..."

"Oh, Lián lián, you're so majestic and lovely. I haven't seen Fire Tiger in a long time. I'm glad to see you, and you..." Divine Hào Rán stood up and smiled at the lady in black robes. In the center of her brow was a symbol that instantly revealed that she was the Demon god's property.

"You must be Ābèi. I heard that you are a disciple of Mater Huì míng. I'm glad to see the beautiful lady as the rumors say."

Just hearing the word 'beautiful', the flames in the Yǔchén Deity's eyes lit up, He was obviously jealous of her.

Although the father of dragon looked at the girl's face like he was looking at a child, Ābèi bowed her head respectfully without overthinking it.

"I salute, the Dragon God. I apologize for causing trouble. I caused trouble for you..."

"This matter is so trivial. It's far from difficult for me when I'm a Dragon of Revival."

"Father scatters the seeds of life. cast a recovery spell in his blue dragon form. He hasn't transformed into a dragon for a long time. about five thousand years ago. It's probably not because I'm the only one..."

"Yǔchén, you shouldn't blame her. You are the one who burned those flowers. Even a small bird that has just hatched A large herd of fish in the stream All of them were not her handiwork. That's all your anger."

"I'm sorry, Father. It was my fault."

Divine Yǔchén quickly bowed his head to his father. Ābèi raised her head. The latter was inevitably blamed. She felt that it was the cause of the whole thing.

Actually, it might not be her fault. She had just realized this with her consciousness. When the dragon father instructed his son in a solemn tone

"My son, I'm just looking into your eyes I know that you have feelings for her. That's why you were so jealous of her. When have you been dissolute? It's impossible for you to use the flames from Demon Eyes to burn half of the Divine Realm like this. Well..., you two should go rest in my residence first. I have to teach something to my son. Especially... about women..."