
Her cousin, olu was enrolled into a big school with all the amenities provided for him. Also, loveth opened a big supermarket all with her parents struggle and sweat .

"uncle, please I beg you I want to commence schooling just like olu!" she knelt down while pleading for his help even if she wasn't supposed to.

" stupid girl, did your late father enroll any of my children in school when we had financial problems?next time you come to me with that request I'll give you befitting reply. "uche spatted out as he used his right leg to push her hard on the tiles.

On sundays,elsa would trek to church while her uncle along with his family would drive to church with one of her late fathers newly acquired jeep.Before she would reach the church for service, it would remain a few minutes to the closing hours.No transport fare would be given to her either.One Sunday, Elsa was trekking to church when a rangerover stopped and a dark looking man with a squeezed face,tattered beard with a lit cigarette in his mouth called out.

"hey beautiful lady, why don't you hop in let me take you for a drive? " he said with a smirk on his face.

"No thank you I'm fine!I will soon reach my destination." she replied hastily trying to walk out when two men came down from the car,they started following me.she sensed danger and started to run as fast as her short legs can go.

"What do these people want from me??"she thought as she regretted following the short rountine to the church.she ran into a bush by her right,

"o lord please protect me!!"she muttered a silent prayer just then she spotted an old abandoned looking house and ran into it.when the men saw her entering the house,They turned back.Elsa knocked on the door with her heart racing rapidly, an old couple ushered her inside,while panting she explained everything that occurred from when she met the stranger who offered her a ride.

"Good day ma and sir sorry to disturb I need your help??" After listening to her story, the old woman replied "OK my daughter!! you can stay here until they have vanished."

"Thank you grandma,grandpa!! " she slightly bowed her head to show how thankful she was.To burn time she helped them do little chores around the house.

"grandma,I will be on my way now! thank you once again!" she gave them a warm hug.

"may God see you through!!"she said a word of prayer for this little kind gesture the girl offered.

"Amen!!" she replied and existed the house .

Elsa went back home only to receive terrible beating and insult from her wicked uncle and his evil wife.

"where are you coming from??" uche asked

she explained everything that happened to them but instead of joining her to thank God for saving her life,they began to laugh loudly "ha!ha!ha!ha! " he laughed loudly,

"do you think we are fools to believe your cock and bull story?"loveth said with a questioning look."

she tried so many times to explain to them but they didn't want to give a listening ear. Elsa was left with wound all over her body. Elsa cried through out that afternoon because her entire body ached but she still managed to do her chores as usual.