I accept

Raphael laughed so much that his eyes began to burn, he already knows daisy won't let him go that easily.

He turned to look at elsa whose laughter has died down. The air around them was awkward as they never got the chance to communicate with each other.

Elsa stood up to clear the table and wash the plates in the sink , when she was about to head back to her room Raphael called out her name "Elsa can I have a word with you?" He politely asked "sure" elsa sat on the couch opposite him.

He cleared his throat first "I'm sure you might be wondering why I have a hard time trusting you?" he paused then continued

" I love my wife soo much.Her happiness matters to me more than my life and i notice her happiness lies in you now.i want to know about your real parents" he asked waiting for her reply but she didn't utter a word .

"Feel free to talk to me, I know you are not comfortable with me as you are with daisy but don't get scared!" Raphael pointed out encouraging her to spill out everything.

Feeling relaxed, elsa began to narrate everything to raph from her parents fatal accident to how she ended up on the streets not missing a single detail. Raphael walked to sit beside her, he opened his hands wide inviting her in for a hug. Raph had no idea that elsa had pass through all this at a very small age. He felt guilty for not supporting his wife earlier on her decision to adopt her but now his full support is with her .

Elsa pulled out from the hug,Raphael wiped her tears and said " I'm sorry you went through all this without anyone standing beside you but that will change today because my wife and i will take care of you as our own and we will give you proper education and love as long as you're obedient!"

" i promise to be obedient to you and aunt daisy" elsa smiled

" you can call me dad and aunt daisy mom" he nudged her to say it after him .

" dad!" it has been long she utter those words and it felt really good.

" come here!" he pulled her in for a hug again , meanwhile daisy watched the duo bonding with each other. Her eyes turned teary as she watched them hug eachother lovely. She was glad her husband was not against her decision and that quality of him always putting her into consideration first made her love him even more. she climbed the stairs back to her room, so that they could have time to know eachother more better. This was a relieve to her .

" mom are you crazy?" Samuel slapped the knife away from her hand

" leave me son! " she tried to reach her hand to the knife but Samuel kicked the knife under the bed far from her reach.

"Do you really want to kill yourself for that man that doesnt care if you live,is it really worth it,mom? A man that doesn't give a damn if you die or not, a man that bed women without giving a thought about your feelings, what about your two son?don't you care about us mom? are you so selfish that you thought about yourself first," Samuel got really furious seeing his mom trying to attempt suicide without thinking about them. he was glad that she has finally seen Gabriel true self but was also sad seeing his mom in this miserable state.

" did you know about this?" came her short words looking directly at him,she was a big fool to trust him blindly.she now realize that she had been wrong when she accused elsa for such a disgusting attitude, so it was her husband all along .

" yes mom I'm aware of all this happenings but he threatened me not to say a word to you and I felt soo helpless"

" Elsa had been right but I was soo blinded by my love for him," she continued crying out her heart .

"Son can you find her? I need to apologize she was an innocent girl! I'm going to take her back," samuel hugged his mom trying to console her .

"I am already on it,mother." he responded, he wondered what would have happened if he hadn't come here on time .