Episode 3: Meet Zelles!

"This is---!!!"

And Red was gone.

Not a single molecule of her body was left.

She had left this space-time.

And Zelles was there..

Waiting, patiently for something to occur.

But nothing happened in thats short notice.

It was too late, thought Zelles as she looked everywhere on the ship.

But nothing could do it.

Red had simply "blipped" away.


Even though it was pointless, Zelles wanted to a miracle to happen.

Soldiers of the Absolute Order, she believed in a greatness that would make this wish come true.

"Was it me?"

She wasn't sure what she was to do.That strange moment took Reddar to some place by ignoring the law of kinetic energy.

What was she supposed to do right now?

If she would to move the ship, would Reddar spawn inside the ship where her molecules trace last were or would she come back in the nothingness of space..?


Was she doing good in waiting it out?

What if Red needed her right this instant?

"Waiting isn't gonna help her, if that's what's stopping you from saving her. Not like she will die right away, I asked Seigna to be careful with the merchandise."

When suddenly, a woman's voice resonated inside Zelles' head.

Looking around, Zelles couldn't feel any presence.

"It's one of those times that doesn't feel real. One grasp that changes the experience of a whole lifetime. One fatal decision that would make you choose whether you are adept to have a choice. Of course, I'm nay insinuating your possible self. I'm simply evaluating the dumbness of today's generation. BUT I do hope you caught on to your actual situation.."

Zelles thought she was crazy before trying to understand her situation.

An enemy that penetrated her mind that easily, an accomplice that kidnapped Red..

It was an Ambush!

"Spot on! You are really something, huh? Let's cut to the chase then. I will abduct that red haired insect and sell her to the best bidder through the black Lad*. Concerning you, I have the choice to free you..., as I have the choice to *creaak* you... What do you want me to do, Zelles?"

A Threat?

A clear cold threat!

Zelles was scared, because this time, her thoughts were going to determine her Sister's Life safety..

That voice was having fun.

Zelles was trembling.

Two radical opposites.

One dominant.

and one dominated---

"Joking! I'm obviously joking!! Heehee! I'm not that cruel, come on... Sorry for this little prank. I just had to. You just seem so breakable now*[She's referring to the fact that Zelles forgot about her real goal inside the Absolute Order Organisation.]. Seigna, my little girl, won't hurt your girl. They are just playing... I'll send you our location. Make sure to arrive fast."


No, it was different.

Dancing on the palm of an invisible enemy.

Zelles thought that maybe, the one getting hunted was herself..

And she felt this enormous weight on her shoulders..

Thinking that surely...

They uncovered a mess greater than their own existences.

~To Be Continued~