"Give us what we want and we'll be gone right before you know it."
An obvious lie from Arkus as he crossed fingers behind his back.
But as she was the definition of a simp that night, she believed Arkus' words which were meant to deceive and cheat.
"Let me through then.. We don't need to fight anymore. I Will Lead You To The Cursed Lightsaber!"
Tatooine, X4 ABY Ago.
"Rumor has it that an alliance is about to be born out of them two*. I cannot afford any more anomaly in my plan...[
*Breathes in deeply*
]..The force dwells wothin me as I taunt it> I feel unvulnerable. I feel: Inevitable. I am The one True Dark Lord of The Siths. I will not let my legacy fall in crumbling pieces under the watch of my beliefs. The Jed'aiis history have gone for far too long, I will put an end to it.."
{Talking to yourself, Wano.. Told you this wasn't a good idea.}
Joining in the frey was a voice that echoed from everywhere.
Looking to his waist, the lightsaber that's been by his side all this time.
{Finally noticing me, huh? We should have just killed those brainless bitches a long time ago. The Jed'aii beliefs will never stop.}
Grinning, Darth Krayt was satisfied.
Satisfied of what, only himself knew.
{Senile man, you listening to me...?}
And the Lightsaber seemed to have noticed that it was speaking to nothingness.
It was later found out that Darth Krayt had lost his reasoning over the Dark Force impulse*; A disease that corrupts the body and destroys the mind of the host.
This lightsaber, known as the Stark Eon was then passed down by himself to his disciple Juàn Hett-so.
Who himself would later lose it as he easily lost his life during an altercation with a little kid.
Juàn Hett-so was forgotten and his life, lost in the ages of history.
Until The Stark Eons found Val.
Astonished by the prowess of a little child to withstand the Dark Force Impulse, it started to long for the little girl's attention and a relation was then created.
*Back To The Present*
"It is said that the reason this Lightsaber is cursed is because it bears the heart of an EGO*. One of the deadliest intelligent beings that have ever used to march upon these lands.. Master used to count the feats of such monsters as they rode life with a wicked approach. At the time, they would have been known as Jed'aii but nowadays, it would be culturally correct to refer to them as The Dark People."
"Jed'aii you say.. Things like that don't matter anymore. Just tell me if this is it."
Having taken a path to rhe Underground, Callis Halo has led Arkus to the---
"I Found It!!--"
Crashing the party, A smirking Seigna busting through the thick ceiling easily, landing on her two feet.
"Before You!!!"
Pointing a finger at Arkus who's already cracking a nerve from Seigna's sight, Seigna busted out loud of laugh as she already put her hands on the Stark Eon.
And before Arkus knew it, she already warped through space to wherever she came from..
"What jus' happened?!"
Nervously cracking her voice at the unrealness of the situation, Callis Halo was speechless at what just happened.
And during that same matter of seconds, her head was sent flying feet away as her body stayed still.
The Cause.
An angered Arkus who's had enough of Seigna's existence.
This marked the lost of Tigressa in this competition to find the Cursed Lightsaber.
Or was it?
Notes from The Author; This is the first scrbble I did before starting this Fan-Fiction.
History passed down through the generations.
A message relayed to every descendants.
From Anakin, Luke, Rey to Valérie Mertens.
From The Dark woman*, Darth Krayt, Sith Lord Juàn to Val Ky Rae.
To which's concern;
The Stark Eon, a blazing red lightsaber passed on from The greatest Masters Of Dark Side.
Stories of millions of murders committed with the saber were being written as the deaths of its wielders were being recorded.
At the time Sith Lord Juàn held the Lightsaber within his hands, he misplaced it as a little kid thefted it.
That little kid being the The Thief of Another's Fate became the bearer of the Stark Eon as she started to walk a path already predicted by the history of the saber.
~To Be Continued~