A Bouquet Of Hundred Red Roses

Time passed quickly when one was having fun, people said. No one spoke about it happening when one was trying to distract himself.

In an attempt to stop thinking about Ronan and Lillian, Lucien worked hard at the art gallery. He not only gave precious feedback to the gallery staff but was also actively involved in doing some of the work himself.

Every day he found new things to do. He also gained solace from interacting with visitors and art critics that came from time to time to admire the fascinating display.

The young artist was also greatly admired by the gallery interns, particularly the female ones. They often came to him to discuss their own projects, seeking precious constructive critics to enhance their skills.

After three days had passed, Alice Clearwater had to go back home. She extracted a promise from Lucien to always reply to her messages and phone calls. Otherwise, so she threatened, she would come to pester him again.