"When Serena loved Damian and wished to be with him, you had a problem," Pietro raised his voice louder than Sofia's. "Now that she wants nothing to do with the man. You still have a problem. Where do you stand?" he asked.
His words caught Sofia's tongue. It was true, Serena was giving her what she wanted. Going away from Damian and giving her the chance she had always prayed for. However, she was still unhappy.
Because even when Serena made it very clear that he wasn't interested in Damian. The man was obsessed with her.
It was impossible to replace her sister. It pained her and made her bitter. To know that no matter what she did, she would never be as worthy as Serena in Damian's eyes.
Serena had left him. There was no line of betrayal that Serena hadn't crossed, she cheated on him, abandoned him, choose someone else over him and still, Damian wanted only her.