Modern world: Arc 1.1

[Ding! You have reached the mission world. The system will now perform a soul fusion for the host]

The tearing sensation of soul fusion passed through all the limbs. Bai Lixin stifled a grunt and frowned. Every time he crossed over, he had to go through this. The taste was indescribably sour.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host; the body has had no rejection reactions and the soul fusion rate has reached 100%. The host can fully dominate the fused body]

[Ding! Scanning the dimensional world and new body attribute levels]

[Ding! The scan is complete. This world is a modern, civilized world, a low-level dimension, and its attribute level is determined to be F.]

[The original mental power attribute of the fused body is at the F level, and the physical attribute is also at the F level. The current mental power attribute is B level as it is the host's current mental power]

[Warning: The body's physical attributes are too low, making it unable to carry too high soul attributes for a long time. The physical body is in danger of bursting. Please use your dimensional points to raise the physical attributes as soon as possible]

Awakening from the pain of soul fusion, Bai Lixin slowly opened his eyes and looked around to survey his surroundings.

It was an office of about eighty square metres, not too big nor too small. Underneath him was a comfortable black leather sofa, on which the original owner must have been taking a nap. Not far from him, there was a black desk and a standing bookcase, but nothing else. The whole office looked extraordinarily clean and tidy.

Bai Lixin slowly got up from the sofa and went into the inner room to sort out his clothes.

In the mirror was an excessively pale, handsome young man's face, with heavy dark circles under his eyes that could not be ignored. His eyes were bloodshot, his clothes were unkempt, his hair was disheveled.

With an imperceptible frown, Bai Lixin said, [S419M, I need the memories of this world.]

[As requested by Lord Host. Now collecting memories of this world.]

[Ding! Report to Lord Host: memory collection is complete and will be implanted in the host's brain in three seconds. Now starts the countdown. 3,2,1, memory implantation begins]

As soon as S419M's words fell, Bai Lixin felt an invisible mental force pouring into his mind, almost pushing him to the ground. Every time memories were poured in, it was so painful. Soul fusion was like this: receiving memories was also like this. This dimensional system claimed to be the highest level system in billions of worlds, but it was all bullshit.

Bai Lixin frowned tightly and endured the squeezing sensation of memories implanted in his mind as he began to go through the useful ones.

This was a story of rebirth and revenge in the entertainment industry. The owner of this body was a young president of a new entertainment company named Lu Xuefei. Lu Xuefei's father died early, and there was only his mother at home. The family business was left unattended, so he had to enter society early and take over the company.

At the age of 20, he became the head of a multi-million entertainment company.

Lu's Entertainment Company, which had been a little shaky at first, has recovered and thrived thanks to his years of hard work.

Lu Xuefei's life should have been smooth and enviable, with no worries about food and clothing. However, he should not have angered someone called Wang Sisi.

Wang Sisi was the beloved daughter of this world and was also the favorite of this world.

In her previous life, she was a top-tier actress in China. Although she had not won any major awards, such as the Golden Bear or Golden Globe, her acting skills and strength were obvious to everyone.

But in her previous life, she was blind and fell for a scumbag, a triple star in film, television, and music-Zhou Yun.

Why was he a scumbag? Because apart from his love of flirting with girls, he was also a double-crossing gigolo. Zhou Yun fell in love with Wang Sisi and used all his financial and material resources to woo her. The two of them showed off their love in a high-profile manner, making them the envy of everyone.

But Zhou Yun's behaviour annoyed his former lover, who was not so much Zhou Yun's lover but rather his gold master. Zhou Yun's success was made possible by his lover's help. The lover was so powerful that she could bring down a small actress in a matter of minutes.

So it was only a matter of time before the black material about Wang Sisi spread. With everything that was not true being said, and everything that was white being painted black, it was all thrown at her. From promiscuity, drug addiction, home-wreckers and gold-masters, all kinds of negative news emerged one after another. In just one month, Wang Sisi had been blackened like a rat in the street, and everyone was pointing fingers at her.

Wang Sisi was so desperate that she pleaded with her boss, Lu Xuefei of Lu's Entertainment, for help in clearing her name. However, Lu Xuefei's company was, after all, a newcomer to the entertainment industry and was not strong enough to fight against Zhou Yun's gold master. In the end, he could only compromise and keep Wang Sisi off the scene for the time being.

When Zhou Yun saw Wang Si Si's predicament, he knew that she was in no position to fight back, and he resolutely chose to leave her. He not only abandoned her when she was in such a situation, but also rekindled with his old flame.

Wang Si Si was abandoned by her boss, betrayed by her lover, and spurned by public opinion, and she felt that the world was hopeless. Unhappy at being so falsely accused, she finally wrote a letter to clear her name with grief and resentment and resolutely chose to commit suicide by slitting her wrists in the bathroom.

And after slitting her wrists, Wang Si Si was reborn. She was reborn to five years before, when she had just entered the acting world and was still a newcomer.

The reborn Wang Sisi was no longer the vibrant and innocent girl she was when she first stepped into the film industry in her previous life. Instead, she had become an avenger with acting strength and was determined to take revenge on those who hurt her in her previous life.

Whether it was Zhou Yun who betrayed her, or Zhou Yun's lover who smeared her, she would not let any of them go. Even Lu Xuefei, who had abandoned her in the beginning, was included in her revenge.

After her rebirth, Wang Sisi first took two years to become an unstoppable rookie of this generation, using the packaging and promotion of Lu Xuefei's entertainment company.

In those two years, she not only made herself a star, but also attracted all of Lu Entertainment's best men and women, especially Xu Haoran, the vice president and Wang Sisi's loyal lover in her new life.

She then used Lu Xuefei's sexual orientation to blackmail him into terminating her contract. Yes, Lu Xuefei was gay, and one who was afraid of his sexuality being made public. He was both rigid and cowardly, afraid that the exposure of his sexuality would affect the company's reputation and his image in Xu Haoran's mind, so he had to choose to compromise and agree to Wang Sisi's terms.

After Wang Sisi successfully terminated her contract, she set up her own studio and even abducted Xu Haoran to become her manager. In addition, Xu Haoran also took away all the people he had trained to join Wang Sisi's studio.

Suddenly deprived of a third of its manpower, Lu Xuefei's company was paralysed for a while, and it took a long time to recover, but it was not as good as before.

While he was hanging on and restoring the company to life, Xu Haoran led his team and quietly snatched all his resources to Wang Sisi's studio. A huge entertainment company was actually beaten to the ground by a small studio.

After Wang Sisi set up her studio, she used Xu Haoran's connections to further consolidate her position in the entertainment industry. In just two years, she became the number one goddess in the entertainment industry, and she later even screwed over Zhou Yun and his old lover, step by step.

Finally, just after everything was settled, Wang Sisi posted Lu Xuefei's sex video on the Internet, which became the last straw that crushed Lu Xuefei.

The reputation of Lu's entertainment company had since fallen, and the stock market price plummeted, and it wasn't long before it was bought out by Wang Sisi's studio.

He became a loser, but Wang Si Si's success did not stop there. Shortly afterwards, her film was nominated for an Academy Award, and she became the first Chinese actress to win an Oscar, making her famous! On the awards stage, she made a high-profile announcement about her relationship with Xu Haoran, and it wasn't long before they registered their marriage.

After her rebirth, Wang Sisi's life was on a high track, with her love and career flourishing, and she was called "the woman who saved the world in her previous life."

Bai Lixin pulled away from the memories of this world, and he sighed. This woman was ruthless. Ten men would not be able to match her.

As he thought this in his mind, the familiar electronic voice of S419M came into his mind:

[Yes, Lord Host, the Daughter of this world belongs to the Revenge system and has a certain danger factor. Please do not take it lightly].

Bai Lixin nodded. [I know, issue the mission]

[Yes, Lord host. Ding! The mission for this world is issued: Change Lu Xuefei's cannon fodder ending to achieve success in both love and business.]

At that, Bai Lixin froze.

[Love? I don't think I've ever received this kind of mission before.]

[ Reminding the Lord host, because your mental power has reached B level and the system has just been upgraded to A level, the two levels have met the conditions for double rewards.]

[You can choose to only have career success, and the reward you receive at the end will remain the same as before. But, if you complete both achievements at the same time, you can activate a new redemption item as well as receive the double reward.]

[You do not need to make the choice of whether to complete the love quest now or not, the system will automatically make the judgement at the end of your physical life. Please just complete the quest as you are used to doing and do not be overly burdened.]

Bai Lixin nodded his head, indicating that he understood. But after a while, the hand arranging his clothes paused. He hesitated for a moment, as if remembering something, and asked: [I remember the world memory showed that Lu Xuefei likes men. Then what does the system look at when it determines whether he gained love or not?]

[Lord host is indeed so perceptive. Just as you guessed, the system determines that by looking at whether there is a man who truly loves Lu Xuefei or not]

…..crap! That's really the case!

Bai Lixin covered his face and rubbed his cheeks, which were excessively stiff from this entanglement.

He'd been through so many worlds, and while he'd never fallen in love with anyone, he'd never imagined that his first task about love would have a man as the object. As the prince of the Tang Tang Snow Kingdom, he had been brought up with the ideology of marrying a wife, having children, and prolonging the lineage. He never thought that he would now have to take on a man.

His current mood was really hard to describe.

[Ding! As the system has just been upgraded, I need 24 hours for system maintenance, and I will fall into a deep sleep. Lord Host, I wish you a successful completion of your mission.]

As soon as S419M's words fell, the office door was pushed open and two people hurriedly barged in. One of them shouting, "Mr. Lu, something big is wrong."

Bai Lixin shrugged his shoulders. Here it starts.

He tidied up every strand of hair before stepping out of the inner room and asking, "What's wrong?"

The intruders were a man and a woman. The woman was the secretary-general, who was also his personal secretary, and the man was the manager of the HR department.

The manager of the HR department stomped his feet and said hurriedly, "After Manager Xu leaving, another group of people has jumped ship!"