Modern world: Arc 1.17

This was none other than the previous analysis post, which had risen out of nowhere to pull back the crowd's sanity at a time when Lu Xuefei's black powder was flying all over the place. And just after the poster threatened to leak proof that Lu Xuefei was forced to terminate Wang Sisi's contract, the owner of this post disappeared.

It was like a tsunami that came fiercely and went extremely fast, leaving only debris all over the ground.

And now, this post has reappeared.

At a time when everyone was about to forget it, the man suddenly kept his promise and reappeared in the public eye, announcing the inside story of Lu Xuefei's forced termination of Wang Sisi's contract.

It was a video taken by mobile phone at an open-air cafe.

Wang Sisi and Lu Xuefei were sitting in a corner facing each other. While they were in a place where they could not see, the owner of the phone filmed the video with his phone camera.

In the video, Wang Sisi throws a few photos on the table. The owner of the phone secretly pulled the screen to zoom in, and because the phone used by the owner was very high-pixel, everyone could clearly see the content of the photos. In the photos, Lu Xuefei was hugging and kissing two men.

The owner of the phone unzoomed to pull the camera back to the two, and at that moment, Lu Xuefei's face had visibly changed when he saw the photos, showing both fear and concern.

He asked, "It's not like you are saying. I was drinking in a bar yesterday when they both forced themselves on me and kissed me, and by the time I reacted, they had left in a hurry. This is a false accusation…it was you! It was you who framed me. "

Wang Sisi smiled calmly, "So what if it's a false accusation? It's already happened, hasn't it? What will Xu Haoran think of you when he sees this? I know you've always liked Xu Haoran, right? You wouldn't want him to look at you with disgust, would you? "

Lu Xuefei looked at Wang Sisi in confusion and astonishment, as if he had never realized that Wang Sisi was actually this kind of person, "What exactly do you want?"

"Forcefully terminate my contract in your name, and these photos will never appear in this world. Trust me." Wang Sisi smiled with certainty as she said lightly.

Lu Xuefei sniffed and rubbed his hair anxiously, his eyes pleading, "But you just signed up for several commercials, didn't you? If you want to leave, I won't force you to stay, but please first finish filming these commercials before you leave, okay? "

Wang Sisi sneered, "That's your problem, I don't care. If I don't receive the notice of termination in three days, your privacy will definitely be exposed to the world. By then, think of your sickly mother and your beloved Xu Haoran. Think how sad they will be. "

Lu Xuefei felt it was unbelievable. He broke down and said, "You are already with Haoran. He is straight and won't like me. Why are you still worried? Why do you have to force me into a desperate situation? I, Lu Xuefei, have never treated you badly. I usually give you the first resources I have. Why are you so vindictive? "

Wang Sisi laughed coldly, "But I always resent the kind of eyes you use when looking at Hao Ran. Anyway, you won't be in the same company as Haoran for long. I will take him with me when I leave. Believe me, he loves me so much. As long as I say I have a situation, he will definitely listen to me, and I will only feel at ease when we die of old age. "

Lu Xuefei narrowed his eyebrows and sighed, "I believe what you said. Between you and I, he will definitely choose you without hesitation. "

Wang Sisi seemed happy to hear this. She raised her eyebrows and smiled before leaving with a high spirited smile, leaving a disheveled Lu Xuefei alone.

At the end of the video, Lu Xuefei was sitting in a corner with his hands in his hair, his eyes sad and lonely. The corners of his eyes were slightly red and his eyes were full of tears, but he was holding them back, as if he had been abandoned by heaven and earth.

After the video, the poster added new evidence, a lease contract.

The building stated in the lease contract was where Wang Sisi's studio was currently located, and the signatory had the name "Wang Sisi" written on it. When everyone took a closer look, the contract was signed two months earlier than the date when Lu Xuefei terminated Wang Sisi's contract!

In other words, Wang Sisi had planned to leave Lu's Entertainment Group two months ago, but in that same two-month period, she had also signed several advertisements that had reached the top of the contractual limit, which was clearly a deliberate attempt to torment Lu Xuefei.

And why was she certain that she could leave? Because of those few photos, it was said so in the video. And Wang Sisi also admitted that it was she who planned for the scenes in these photos to be created.

With so much evidence listed down, the crowd thought carefully and only felt that Wang Sisi was horrible to the extreme. She could simply become the new generation's type of scheming bitch.

Poor Lu Xuefei had been Wang Sisi's backer, but in order not to reveal his sexual orientation, to prevent his crush Xu Haoran from discriminating against him, and for the sake of his mother's safety, he chose to suffer all this in silence.

And while they, the uninformed, clearly did not know the reason for things, and were like scavengers, defending the culprit Wang Sisi while whipping the victim Lu Xuefei, nearly forcing him to yet another dead end with their opinions.

Everyone touched their chests in pain. They nearly killed a genius! A genius who has led the Chinese film industry to international prominence!

The netizens felt ashamed of what they had done and said that they wanted to find a hole in the ground to burrow into. And this shame turned into another kind of power, the power to resent and despise Wang Sisi. They had never loathed a woman as much as they did now.

She had set up her proprietor, who had done for her only good deeds because of a man, so what else was there that she could not do? Is this actually the kind of woman we have admired and defended for so long?

Wang Sisi's fans burst into tears, partly because of their guilt towards Lu Xuefei, and partly because of the shattered image of their idol.

And just after everyone thought that was it, the poster wasn't done yet.

He didn't say anything more, just posted one video after another on the internet. But one by one, these brief videos had more impact than the others, almost like torpedoes thrown into the water, stirring up countless huge swirling splashes.

The videos of Wang Sisi threatening Wei Xinyi with the evidence of their crimes, ordering Wei Xinyi to mess up Zhou Yun, ordering Wei Xinyi to hurt Lu Xuefei, and Wang Sisi backtracking to bring the Wei father and daughter pair down after seeing the video of her own black material, were exposed on the internet.

Caught off guard, the mask of hypocrisy and innocence Wang Sisi hid behind was shattered with a hammer, revealing a sinister face that was so repulsive.

At the end, the crowd completely gave up on Wang Sisi, who had obviously held the evidence in her hands for so long, but never thought of handing it over to the police, choosing instead to threaten Wei Xinyi.

The chivalrous Queen Sisi they had kept in their hearts was no longer there either. It was just a combination of conflict and tit for tat because her interests could not be fulfilled. She was not a heroine, quite the opposite, an accomplice.

This post blew up again, and at the same time, was reprinted by all major media. In just half a day, it was brushed up to the headlines.

Wang Sisi's face was grim with despair when she saw the videos.

The videos where she threatened Wei Xinyi were real, but the first one, where she threatened Lu Xuefei, was a fake! Fake!!!

She didn't even threaten Lu Xuefei in the cafe, she broke into his office! And she didn't say those angry words, she just used a polite tone to ask Lu Xuefei to terminate her contract!

This video is a false accusation. It's a false accusation! She wanted to call the police, and she wanted to sue the poster for slander!

But just as she picked up her phone, she stopped. On the laptop was a chorus of curses against her, curses that were merciless and poked deep into her heart.

"Wang Sisi, you insidious bitch! I wasted my time and defended you so much. You scum, go to hell. "

"Wang Sisi, you bitch. Your employer, Lu Xuefei, treated you so well, but just because of your selfish desires, you almost drove a genius to death. "

Go die and go to hell!"

Below her own Weibo account, everyone told her to go to hell.

These curses were even far worse than the curses caused by Wei Xinyi's slandering in her previous life. Was it still useful for her to call the police now?

Even if she cleared the first video, or the photos, or the series that followed, she would now be standing in front of everyone as if she had been stripped naked, suffering death by whips and cains.

Wang Sisi curled into a ball and hugged herself around her chest, desperate. She didn't even have the courage to call the police now, as if she could already see the sarcastic and contemptuous look in their eyes when they summoned her.

The phone rang, and Wang Sisi looked at it indifferently. The caller ID was none other than Xu Haoran.

Her eyes lit up, and a glow erupted. Yes, she was now bruised and battered by the internet, Haoran must be worried about her. She hastily picked up the phone and said, with a sobbing voice, "Haoran, I'm so scared."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and Xu Haoran's emotionless voice came through, freezing Wang Sisi to the core: "Why did you threaten Xuefei like that, when you know Xuefei values his family and his mother so much? I'm so stupid, Wang Sisi. You used me to hurt Xuefei for so long, but I still don't know anything about it. Did you call me a fool in your heart when I was defending you? I hurt my best friend because of you! I'm really the world's greatest bastard and fool! "

Xu Haoran had enough scolding and simply hung up. Wang Sisi's body was as cold as if she had fallen into the cold of winter. She remained squatting in the corner without even the strength to move.

After a long time, she stood up and took a kitchen knife from the kitchen before walking to the bathtub.

At that moment, the phone rang again, and Wang Sisi swept past it with a little sparkle in her eyes. It was the "good God of death."

Yes, he was so powerful, he could definitely save her.

Wang Sisi threw away the kitchen knife in her hand and picked up the phone: "Please help me."

A somewhat familiar voice came from the other end of the line, "Do you want to die again? If you die this time, you're really dead. If you live, you can still seek revenge on me, but if you die, you won't be able to do anything. "

Wang Sisi screamed, threw away the phone, and jumped up.

It was Lu Xuefei! It was Lu Xuefei's voice!

The good God of Death was actually Lu Xuefei!!!

Wang Sisi was dizzy and felt that the sky was spinning. In this love nest she and Xu Haoran had built together, she felt horrible. Everything was so cold, hollow, and frightening.

Wang Sisi spun around and stared at the ceiling, laughing and crying foolishly, and finally she couldn't stand the mental torture and fainted.