Western fantasy world: Arc 3.1

Qu Yasong took Bai Lixin and rushed to the hospital, and police then arrived and rushed the unconscious men to the hospital. The police were baffled by the fact that the suspect had committed suicide in fear of the crime. The police took Oborai Faile's blood in order to identify him.

After dna data matching and analysis, several criminal records for this man were actually found in the large database. Murder, murder, murder, clearly all murders, far more than the 50 unsolved murders!

The police quickly set up a task force to string all these cases together and notified the various provincial and municipal jurisdictions where the cases were located at the first opportunity.

With the suicide of the suspect, those headless murders that had lasted for more than ten years were finally solved.

On the other hand, the private arts university also set up an investigation team immediately after the award show the night before. This was because someone had reported to the university a series of acts such as Su Ruo's absenteeism from classes, finding someone to take exams for him, and cheating.

The team quickly launched an investigation, and after retrieving multiple surveillance footage and seeing the answer sheets for the credit exams, the team determined Su Ruo's behavior. His behavior on the first day was clearly different from the second and third days.

On the second day, the student number was still the same, but the name was written as "Su Qing."

The university had a very high threshold, very strict discipline, and always advocated fairness and justice. The biggest taboo was cheating, and once violators are found, it's immediate expulsion!

Su Ruo's behavior was so appalling that it was widely publicized in the school, and the day after the matter was investigated, the school issued Su Ruo with a notice of expulsion.

Su Ruo woke up in a hospital room after five days and found no one around him, and his surroundings were silent, as if he had been left behind.

As he looked around, he suddenly noticed the envelope with the school's logo on the table. When he reached for the envelope, he realised that his wrist was wrapped in bandages and his fingers were not very flexible.

Suddenly, remembering how Zhao Yunhai had cut his wrist when he was tangling with him, Su Ruo was shaken and used all his strength to control his fingers, but unfortunately, his fingers still did not work. He was apprehensive, and his heart was uneasy.

He tried to control his fingers to open the envelope, but it was as if his hands were against him, they just wouldn't listen. Su Ruo shook his arm in annoyance and opened the envelope with his teeth, and the letter fell onto the quilt.

As Su Ruo carefully picked up the letter, his eyes suddenly widened.

Forced to withdraw from school?

He was discovered having someone take exams and classes on his behalf, and the school authorities gave him an expulsion!

Su Ruo screamed out in pain and despair.

His future, his painting career….his future was all ruined!

Zhao Yunhai, it was all because of Zhao Yunhai!

If it weren't for Zhao Yunhai, that evil star, how could he have come to such a state?

The door to the room was pushed open and a woman's cold voice came: "Are you Su Ruo?"

Su Ruo lifted his hazy, tearful face and looked at the person who came.

The woman was tall and elegant. She looked down at Su Ruo contemptuously, and her voice contained anger: "It's all because of you that Yunhai is still in the intensive care unit and not out of danger! His lungs are even more affected. If anything happens to him, you'll be buried with my son! "

"Buried with your son?" Su Ruo sneered.

He had nothing left now. How could he be afraid of death?

Su Ruo gave the woman an indifferent glance: "It's better if your scum son dies, so that he doesn't have to live and cause trouble for others."

The woman was so angry that she couldn't breathe. She slapped Su Ru hard and gritted her teeth, "I don't know what kind of ecstasy you gave my son to make him want to die for you, you bitch! You should be the one to die! "

The woman finished her scolding and left in a rage.

Su Ruo covered his burning cheek, his eyes dull, like a soulless doll.


A gust of cheek-reddening moans and ragged gasps came from Qu Yasong's bedroom. Bai Lixin's melodious panting moans rose and fell, interspersed with a sometimes gentle, sometimes wild, husky sexy voice that sent Bai Lixin to the pinnacle of desire.

After a long time, the sounds faded away and Bai Lixin lay panting heavily, lying like a salted fish on the bed, unwilling to move even a finger.

Why were there still two personalities when they had already fused their souls? And why are these two personalities even more perfectly synced when in bed?

The first time they had sex, the two souls would still have a delay in action because they were fighting for the use of the body, and he still had a chance to catch his breath. But now the two personalities, whose souls were 100% fused, actually worked so well together, one stopping and the other immediately taking control, being gentle when it's time to be gentle and wild when it's time to be wild.

He recalled s419m's explanation earlier: [Two souls spiritually fusing to 100% does not mean that the two souls become one, only that they will no longer diverge. Their personalities are very different, but their emotions are completely the same].

Bai Lixin wailed in his heart. With this rhythm, they will fuck him to death.

Having had enough, Qu Yasong carried Bai Lixin to take a warm bath and carried him back to the bed, enveloping him in his arms.

Bai Lixin was nestled in Qu Yasong's arms when he suddenly asked, "Was it you who made the video of Zhao Yunhai at the hotel in S country?"

Qu Yasong raised his eyebrows and scratched Bai Lixin's nose, dotingly saying, "You're very smart. At that time, Joey broke into Zhao Yunhai's hotel while Su Ruo was out, pointed a gun at him and said he had to play a game. "

"The game was simple; there were two ways to go; either have Su Ruo kidnapped and he would get 24 hours to save him, or just kill them both. Zhao Yunhai knew that there were many mafias in Country S, so naturally he didn't dare take it lightly, which is why he chose the first path. It was also the one in Faile's video. "

"Originally, I was planning to use this video to help you vent your anger and create conflict between those two. But I didn't think that Faile would do it for me. "

With Faile's death, things had all passed, and the haze that had been weighing on Qu Yasong's heart had dissipated, so now when he spoke of that madman, he no longer felt any rejection.

After hearing Qu Yasong's words, Bai Lixin nodded in realization: "So that's how it is, you're really a ghost, haha." He reached out and squeezed Qu Yasong's abdominal muscles, smiling narrowly.

Qu Yasong wrapped Bai Lixin into his sturdy chest, kissed his forehead, and said, "For you, I will be shameless."


With the end of the matter, Bai Lixin slowly repaired his foot at a rate that science could explain.

After that, he gave up painting and continued to carry on Su Qing's heartfelt wish and begin his dancing career, while Qu Yasong continued to be his Mr. Chairman of the Board of Trustees, taking care of the school's affairs while busy with the mafia's whitewashing.

The two were married two years later in S country and have been happily married ever since.

Ten years later, Qu Yasong inherited the mafia family, and by then, the mafia under him had long since been completely whitewashed into a business group, a complete and perfect transformation.

As for Su Ruo, due to his expulsion and ruined hands, he spent his days with low self-esteem and resentment, living on his own in the Su house and unwilling to come out. He even suffered from an attack and could not catch his breath after seeing Su Qing in all his glory on TV every time.

Zhao Yunhai came to see Su Ruo from time to time; not only was he often physically ill from that point on due to the shattered ankle bone that Faile had stepped on and the injured lung, but he was also crippled.

Even so, Zhao Yunhai could not forget Su Ruo, but Su Ruo hated Zhao Yunhai so much that whenever he came he would hiss at the door, hurling abuse. The two were entangled in this way for the rest of their lives until they died.

Bai Lixin and Qu Yasong lived happily ever after. They lived a childless life together and passed away in their eighties.


[Congratulations, Lord Host, for obtaining the Lord God Soul Fragment x2, which has been automatically placed in the Lord God's soul box. The mission completion level is rated as SSS, and you will receive 20,000 dimensional points! The points can be freely distributed.]

[Congratulations to Lord Host! The soul attribute level has been raised to B-rank by 99%.]

[Congratulations, Lord Host, a new exchange item has been added to the point exchange window.]

As soon as Bai Lixin's soul broke away from this world and back into the vast void, s419m's system prompts followed. He shook his head and said, [Can I see Dijia's soul fragments?]

This time, s419m didn't hesitate. As soon as Bai Lixin finished speaking, the box of the Lord God that held the soul fragments appeared in the void.

The box opened automatically after sensing Bai Lixin's breath, and the soul, which was a blue flame, flew out again. Bai Lixin found that the flame was obviously larger than the last time he had seen it, and not only that, the colour of the flame had also darkened a bit, so this was the soul that had already fused three soul fragments.

Sensing Bai Lixin, the fire slowly moved closer and stopped in front of Bai Lixin. Bai Lixin tentatively stretched out his hand and gently touched it. He was also in a soul state now, and the moment the two souls came into contact, a warm current passed through Bai Lixin's body, flowing through all his limbs and bones in comfort.

[Ding! Congratulations, Lord Host, the soul attribute level has been raised to 10% of A level!]

s419m beeped excitedly, [Lord host, Lord God has strengthened your soul with the power of his soul!]

Bai Lixin nodded, feeling the difference in his soul, and lowered his head to kiss the blue fire tenderly, "Thank you, my love."

The fire glowed brightly, and it circled around Bai Lixin a few times before once again abruptly flying back into the soul box.

Only when he saw the soul sox disappear did Bai Lixin lick his lips and say, [s419m, enter the next mission world.]

[As ordered, Lord Host! Now open dimensional teleportation!]

[Ding! You have arrived at the mission world. The system will perform soul fusion for the host. Ding! The soul fusion rate has reached 100%. Performing a scan of the fused body attributes.]

[Ding, scan finished. The original mental power attribute of the body was level C. The physical attribute was also level C. The attributes are now both at the host's attribute level A.]

[Warning: the body physique attribute is too low, unable to carry too high a soul attribute for a long time. The physical body is in danger of bursting. Please use your dimensional points to raise the physique attribute as soon as possible.]

As soon as Bai Lixin broke free from the pain of soul fusion, he ordered: [Don't waste time, world memory.]

[As ordered, Lord Host. The world memories are being collected. Ding! The collection of world memories is complete; now begin transmitting world memories to the Host.]

Bai Lixin closed his eyes and endured the squeezing sensation of memory expansion as he accepted the memories of this world.

This was a C-rank fantasy world, one where magic existed, but it was not pure enough, but before the problem of little pure magic, there was the fearful and frightening creature-the dragon.

In this world, dragons are the embodiment of evil, and wherever they go, countries are turned into purgatory, and all life dies.

The daughter of the world is a princess who saved a young silver dragon when she was young and kept it with her for two years, before sending it away when it had fully recovered.

The rescued silver dragon fell madly in love with the princess and took on human form, lurking in the palace and guarding her with all his heart. The Princess, who knew nothing of his true form, fell in love with the Silver Dragon under his unfailing care, and the two were in love beyond measure.

Just before the princess asked the silver dragon to propose to her father, the latter, seeking the blessing of a powerful neighboring country, offered the princess to the king of that country, Ansel Alexander, the man that Bai Lixin transmigrated into.

Ansel Alexander was a fierce and violent man. The Silver Dragon could not bear to see the Princess married off, and even more so to be separated from her, so he sneaked into the neighboring country's underground palace and freed the Black Dragon, who had been imprisoned for hundreds of years.

The Silver and Black Dragons made a covenant that after the Silver Dragon freed the Black Dragon, it would help the Silver Dragon destroy the neighboring country.

The Black Dragon outwardly agreed to the Silver Dragon's request, but broke the pact immediately after the Silver Dragon freed it.

The Black Dragon first razed the country that had imprisoned him to the ground with all its might, and Ansel Alexander perished in the disaster.

After it had vented its resentment, it turned on the Princess' country.

In order to protect the Princess, the Silver Dragon took his original form and defended the country against the flames that spewed from the mouth of the Black Dragon. He then fought the Black Dragon for days to protect the country.

The Black Dragon had been imprisoned in the underground palace for hundreds of years and was already in poor spirits. His strength was already exhausted from destroying their neighbor.

The battle between the two dragons lasted for three days and nights and ended with the defeat of the Black Dragon.

As a result, the Silver Dragon was hailed as a national hero, and the king married the princess to the Silver Dragon, making him his son-in-law to guard the country from invasion.

The Silver Dragon was then united with the princess and they lived happily ever after.

With the blessing of the Silver Dragon, the country quickly rose to power and eventually unified the world, making all the surrounding countries vassal states.

After receiving the memories of this world, Bai Lixin frowned. The current point in time was when the king had just sent a marriage proposal and the princess had become his fiancée.

How would he explain to his lover that he had a fiancée?

Bai Lixin sighed and said, "Forget it, let's find him first."

With this in mind, he said to s419m: [No need to issue a mission. Can you first scan for Dijia's soul fragment? Or is it like the last realm, scanning the whole world to see who has the highest powerful spiritual power?]

[As ordered, Lord Host. Soul scan begins. Ding! The soul scan is over! Your Majesty, after scanning this entire realm, you are the only one with the soul attribute rank at A level. There is no one else besides you.]

Bai Lixin was stunned, [Dijia is not in this realm? What about B? Look for a B level and give it a shot.]

s419m paused and said, [Although there is no human with a higher soul attribute than you, there is a dragon. The black dragon imprisoned in your underground palace has a soul attribute of S and a physical attribute of S!]

Bai Lixin was stunned and glanced down.

A dragon?! A huge dragon?

Bai Lixin gulped and wailed in his heart as he thought of his miserable future sex life.