Western fantasy world: Arc 3.7

Bai Lixin bent slightly, letting his loose clothes hang naturally, and Di Suo, above him, could now see more from the V-neck and only felt his mouth go even drier.

He knew that the man in front of him was his own fattened prey, but his eyes were still fixed on Bai Lixin's body like glue.

After writing with his quill for a while, Bai Lixin seemed tired. He stood up and stretched, his arms crossed above his head.

The comfortably smooth silk shirt slid upwards with his movements, revealing his waist. As he did so, he stretched his waist from side to side, and the silk blouse that was already smooth slipped up to his stomach.

Di Suo's golden pupils wavered, and the lustrous white, tight waist ticked out in a perfect curve, as if in a silent invitation to him. He hooked his lips in a wicked smile and allowed his desire to be spread throughout his body.

When Bai Lixin had had enough of stretching, he was about to move on to the next cowhide roll. But before he could sit down, a strong but measured force pushed him to the table. Then a broad, warm chest covered his back.

Di Suo stuck out a warm tongue to take Bai Lixin's round earlobe and asked in a hoarse voice, "Wasn't Princess Sophia that you met yesterday beautiful?"

Bai Lixin stiffened and nodded slowly, half turning his head, "Not only beautiful, but also lovely."

"Oh," Di Suo's tongue moved down the lobe of his ear, sniffing back and forth along the graceful curve of Bai Lixin's neck," I didn't expect you to like that type of woman. But although you like her, she likes someone else, you know?"

Feeling Bai Lixin's body stiffen, Di Suo felt a sense of vengeful pleasure, a pleasure mixed with a thinly veiled anger. The anger was inexplicable, and even he could not find a reason for it.

Bai Lixin paused and said, "I know, she likes that silver-haired guard by her side."

Di Suo raised an eyebrow, "True to Alexander's bloodline, not only cunning, but also clever, like a poisonous snake indeed."

Bai Lixin furrowed his brow. He pursed his lips and lowered his voice, "Lord Di Suo, I respect you, but who I like and how I like them is not your concern."

Di Suo laughed angrily at his words, "Why shouldn't I care? Don't forget that our pact involves your children and grandchildren, so naturally, I want you to find love as soon as possible. You know she likes the silver-haired man, but do you know the identity of the silver-haired man she is with? "

When Bai Lixin heard Di Suo's question, he snorted disdainfully and said, "He's just a mere retainer, and he's trying to have his way with a noble princess. He's just a toad trying to eat swan meat. "

"You look down on him, but he could easily raze your palace to the ground. " Di Suo brought his mouth back to Bai Lixin's ear, blowing hot air into his ear ambiguously, "He's a dragon just like me."

Bai Lixin's eyes leapt to attention, and his body stood on the spot.

Satisfied with Bai Lixin's reaction, Di Suo moved back slightly to turn Bai Lixin face-to-face and said, "If the Silver Dragon had not discovered my identity yesterday, with his ability, he would not have left your highness alive, much less given you the opportunity to spend time with the princess. Shouldn't you be thanking me? My cunning highness the King. "

A bewildered expression appeared on Bai Lixin's face as he nodded stiffly, "Thank you, Lord Di Suo."

"But, Lord Di Suo, does Sophia know that Hillman is a dragon? Has she fallen in love with him beyond belief? Do I have a chance?"

Di Suo frowned. For some reason, he resented hearing the name "Sophia" come out of the young man's mouth. "Sophia doesn't know, but I spoke to the Silver Dragon alone yesterday and heard the determination to win in his tone."

Bai Lixin's tightly grabbed Di Suo's arm, "What should I do then, Lord Di Suo?"

"I can help you suppress the Silver Dragon," said Di Suo, suddenly curling his lips into a mysterious smile.

Bai Lixin breathed a sigh of relief, "Excellent, thank you Lord Di Suo."

Di Suo continued to smile, "The contract between me and you only exists to help you set the Hall of Priests right. As for the extras, you will have to pay another price."

"We dragons never do anything without benefit, let alone helping a human."

Bai Lixin hesitated for a moment, then bit his lip and said, "Okay, Lord Di Suo. I am willing to pay the appropriate price as long as I can get Sophia. "

Di Suo's smile deepened, "I have been sealed by you for hundreds of years, and by my count, it has been nearly a thousand years since I last mated."

Bai Lixin froze and hurried back, "Lord Di Suo, you have your eye on a woman from the Saron Empire? I will help you invite her over. "

A disgusted expression appeared on Di Suo's face, but his eyes were fixed on Bai Lixin without blinking.

"I am a dragon. How can I look at you humans. If I were to sleep with a human, it would have to be with the one above all men, the emperor. "

Bai Lixin's body stiffened again at his words, and he swallowed his saliva, his face turning white with a swish: "Is it me that Lord Di Suo is talking about?"

Di Suo smiled slightly and couldn't help but scratch Bai Lixin's nose, "You are really smart. I won't help if you don't pay the price. I'll only help you crush the Hall of Priests. Either you can do nothing and watch the Silver Dragon snatch Sophia, or you pay the price and I'll help you keep the Silver Dragon in check. Either way, the outcome is up to you. "

Bai Lixin was still rigid, a struggling, pained expression on his face, a glint in his eyes, as if he was having a difficult thought process.

Only after a long time did he raise his head and look at Di Suo as if he were dying: "Lord Di Suo, I will serve you if I can have Sophia!"

Di Suo had known that Bai Lixin would choose this path. But when he got the answer he wanted, instead of feeling happy, his heart became depressed and irritated.

"Ansel Alexander, you are an emperor, and now you are willing to submit yourself to a male, not of your kind, but a dragon. All for the sake of a woman."

"Do you love Sophia so much that you don't even care about your dignity?"

In his heart he scolded, but on his face he smiled, "In that case, I will help you drive away the silver dragon. Until you marry Sophia, you will be my sexual partner, at my beck and call, at my every whim. "

Without waiting for Bai Lixin's answer, he carried him into the bedroom attached to the study in a princess hug. He carried him to the bed and threw him onto it without saying a word, and then pressed his tall, broad body down.

With one arm propped up to trap Bai Lixin underneath, Di Suo lifted the young king's stiff arm with one hand and said, "Help me undress."

A look of embarrassment and forbearance crossed Bai Lixin's face, and his eyes glowed. The tips of his teeth bit down hard on the corner of his lip, and a bead of blood slowly trickled out along the spot where he had bitten down.

But he did as he was told and stretched out his arm, stiffly reaching for the belt that Di Suo had loosely tied around his waist.

Di Suo saw the look on Bai Lixin's face, and his heart gave a twitch. He swatted the hand away in annoyance and leaned down to stare hard at Bai Lixin's eye-sore of a blood bead.

"An eyesore. It's such an eyesore."

With that thought, he suddenly leaned down and kissed Bai Lixin's lips, licking the blood bead into his mouth with his tongue, rubbing along the teeth that were biting his lip in the process.

Dragons do not open their minds when they are first born, and for the first two hundred years, they are like ordinary animals, acting on instinct alone. They hunt only to satisfy their appetites, and they mate only to satisfy their desires.

It is not until they are 200 years old that their minds are opened, that they develop their own souls, that they think about who they are, that they have a name for themselves, and that they gradually learn language.

Di Suo became enlightened earlier than any other dragon, having developed his own spirit at the age of 150. The dragons of his time were still bestial. As he watched his companion, driven by lust, sink his claws into the female's shoulders to arouse her desire again and again, Di Suo frowned.

Rather than resonating with him, such scenes were repulsive to him.

The dragons were the most powerful clan on this continent, but so what if they were even more powerful? They had ultimately lost to their own desires.

So, ever since Di Suo had had a mind of his own, he had never mated, much less kissed anyone.

But now he was offering his kiss to a human, the child of his enemy, and it was madness.

As soon as Di Sui kissed Bai Lixin's slightly cold lips, he felt a stirring in his chest. His body shuddered, and it was as if his soul trembled a little more.

Di Suo finally kissed him, and Bai Lixin smiled softly in his heart as he felt the hard-earned kiss.

In the memories of the world passed on by s419m, he had learned that the kisses of the dragons were only given to the closest of lovers, and he had tried to kiss Di Suo of his own accord before, but Di Suo had rejected him.

Since ancient times, suitors have had many strange tricks to try to capture their love interests. The ancients were true to their word, and he'd finally made his lover jealous to the extent of claiming him.

Bai Lixin laughed heartily as he sneaked out his tongue and carefully licked Di Suo's warm lips.

The two lips met, and Di Suo shuddered again. No longer wanting to suppress himself, he simply thrust his tongue into Bai Lixin's mouth, wrapping the naughty tongue that had teased him earlier and stirring it around in his mouth.

Bai Lixin was also shaken, and as soon as Di Suo touched his tongue, he went limp and his whole body went soft.

When Di Suo saw Bai Lixin's look, he did not feel repulsed, but rather found it a bit cute.

As his lower abdomen heated up, the movements of his mouth became more fierce and fervent, as if he wanted to eat Bai Lixin's entire body.

After an unknown amount of time, Di Suo reluctantly left Bai Lixin's lips and kissed him on the neck. His hands were not idle either, and with a few quick movements, the two of them met in a frank encounter.

Having done enough foreplay, Di Suo leaned down and looked at the blushing Bai Lixin, smiling slightly, his voice was extremely gentle: "Don't worry nor be afraid. I'll be very careful and gentle."

With that, he pushed forward in a deep and slow motion, and both of them let out a gasp of pleasure almost simultaneously. At this point, Di Suo's earlier words completely flew out of his mind and his movements became extremely fierce.

The two rolled around in the huge, luxurious bed all night, slowly falling asleep in the early morning.

Not long after they had fallen asleep, a magnificent carriage drawn by a giant gold horse slowly entered the gates of the Saron Empire, followed by a small group of hundreds of knights.

When the guards saw the carriage, they knelt on their knees and said, in the most pious language, "Welcome back, His Highness the High Priest from your triumphant journey!"