Western fantasy world: Arc 3.9

Bai Lixin was awakened by a tremor that shook the earth, and he was so confused as he felt his body being shaken around. But it took a few moments for his dull brain to realise that he was not being ploughed but that it was clearly an earthquake!

He rose from the bed with a start, to see the small stones and dust falling from the ceiling and the silverware shaking on the bedside table. Even the velvet bed beneath him shook, as if the floor would not stop shaking until it cracked.

Bai Lixin covered his face, heard the sound of magic clashing outside the window, and asked s419m breathlessly [Is this palace of mine about to collapse? Majestic for only three seconds. Is this the rhythm of my not being able to be emperor for three days?]

[Lord Host, Lord Di Duo, and that High Priest who had just returned had gotten into a fight.] s419m coughed with embarrassment.

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow. [Oh, so it's him who has returned. Let them fight then. Let Di Suo vent his anger from all these years first. We'll go down later.]

With that, Bai Lixin gave a soft smile as he walked naked off the bed, and he saw the clothes neatly arranged on the silver trolley. He then entered the hot spring pool attached to the bedroom to take a hot bath.

The water in the pool rippled with the fierce duel outside, but Bai Lixin didn't care. After washing for a quarter of an hour, he slowly stepped out of the pool and wiped his body and hair clean with a soft towel before walking back to the bedroom. He slowly and deliberately put on the clothes that had been waiting in the corner.

Stroking the soft, smooth silk shirt, the corners of Bai Lixin's mouth curled into a smile. Di Suo had come into his role quickly, and had already learned to prepare his clothes for him thoughtfully.

After spending another quarter of an hour making his clothes as elegant as possible, Bai Lixin picked up the golden lance that lay beside his bed and pushed open the door to his bedroom with a comfortable and elegant step.

The moment he placed his hand on the door, the dark golden door flashed for a moment with a magical formation, but it disappeared as soon as he sensed Bai Lixin's breath.

No wonder the quake was so strong and no guards came in to wake him up. It was because Di Suo had placed a barrier on the door.

Pushing the door open and stepping out of the bedroom, he saw the guards waiting anxiously outside the door, dressed in solid black uniforms. These all belonged to the emperor, listening to him and devoting all their loyalty to him.

The guardsmen were anxiously trying to cut a hole in the wall outside the door to rescue King Alexander, chisel and hammer in hand, and if Bai Lixin had been a step later, the palace would have collapsed for real.

Now that the king had come out unharmed, the hundred of them breathed a sigh of relief, and the leader, General Kapler, went straight to him and said, with tears in his eyes, "Your Majesty, the gods have blessed you, and it is good that you are well.

Bai Lixin looked at the hammer head he was holding in his hand with a dark look on his face and rubbed his temples, "General Kapler, thank you for your concern. With the protection of Lord Black Dragon, I will be fine. "

General Kapler was already over fifty years old, had assisted two generations of emperors, and knew more about the Black Dragon. His eyes widened when he heard Bai Lixin's words, "Lord Black Dragon?"

Bai Lixin nodded with a faint smile and said, "You heard correctly, it is the Black Dragon, who has been imprisoned in the underground palace for hundreds of years. That man in black is none other than the Black Dragon. "

Bai Lixin raised the golden spear in his hand and said, "I have received a divine revelation that the Saron Empire will be in a state of destruction, and only the Black Dragon will be able to save us from it."

"He is no longer a prisoner in the palace but the future hope of the Saron Empire, so you must respect him as you respect me. His name is Di Suo, and from now on you will address him as "Lord Di Suo."

Although there were doubts in his mind, Kapler was absolutely loyal to the emperor, which is also known as "foolish loyalty." So, even though he had doubts in his mind, he still knelt down and said firmly, "As you command, my liege!"

Satisfied with Kapler, Bai Lixin lifted him up with one hand and said, "How did the High Priest get into a fight with Lord Di Suo?"

A small soldier behind Kapler stepped forward and knelt on the ground and replied, "Your Majesty, an hour or so ago, the High Priest came with his staff and tried to break into your chambers in spite of us, under the slogan, "Purge the evil spirits." At that moment, Lord Di Suo appeared, and they didn't say much. They just stared at each other for a while, and then Lord Di Suo turned around and placed a barrier at the door in your chambers then fought with the High Priest directly."

The ground was shaking outside, and they were afraid that the fight between the two would spread to His Majesty's chambers, which is why the chisel and axe were brought out.

Bai Lixin knew the story and nodded, "You guys go and take refuge first, I'll go and settle the matter. If both of them continue like this, this palace of mine will be destroyed. "

Kapler was not willing to let the king go into danger, and naturally, he did not agree—neither to being a deserter, nor to His Majesty going into battle alone.

Bai Lixin shook the lance in his hand and said, "Don't worry, I am the chosen divine messenger of the gods, and with the blessing of the divine weapon, nothing will happen to me. If you guys are really unsure, you can come along. "

Seeing that he could not dissuade the king, General Kapler had no choice but to agree. As he walked behind Bai Lixin, he secretly observed the young emperor.

King Alexander had been in a state of anxiety since he had taken over the Empire two years ago. He had been suppressed by the priests, unable to take full power into his own hands, and had been on the verge of a violent breakdown at times, all of which he had seen but could not do anything about.

Although he had pledged his allegiance to the king, he did not agree with the sometimes tyrannical behavior of King Alexander, and was inevitably disappointed.

But now, having not seen him for a few days, he saw a different aura around King Alexander.

The anxiety and hesitation that had been in his eyes were gone, leaving only determination and calmness. It took a strong heart to be able to do this, and the previous King Alexander had none of these.

General Kapler glanced with a twinkle at the man in black, suspended in mid-air.

Could it be that this black dragon has prompted the transformation? If so, he was a welcome sight.

Before he knew it, he had unknowingly followed Bai Lixin out of the long corridor and into the open space of the square. Bai Lixin stood on the ground and looked up at the two figures in the sky, the size of dragonflies. The two had been fighting for nearly two hours now, and Di Suo was fine. Christian was no match for his inhuman physique and endurance.

For all his strength, Christian did not have enough stamina, and after two hours of constant use of divine energy, he was already out of breath, stopping to pant with his hair in disarray and dripping with sweat.

Di Suo, however, still stood firm, looking at Christian indifferently. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bai Lixin standing on the ground. He surprisingly ignored Christian and flew straight in Bai Lixin's direction.

Christian was still building up his strength, waiting for the next wave of attacks, when he noticed that his opponent had suddenly left without a word. This feeling of being belittled instantly caused his anger to flare up, and he struck a wave of golden divine power directly at Di Suo's back.

The golden light was about to hit Di Suo's back, but he didn't even look back, as if he had eyes on his back, and with a flick of his arm, he gently dissolved the divine power that Christian had struck him with.

Seeing his divine power being easily defused, Christian realized the disparity in their strength.

If they continued to fight, he would be the one to lose!

He had always valued his appearance and dignity, and now that Di Suo's departure had given him room to breath, Christian took it in his stride. He followed him back to the ground, albeit with an unhappy face.

After Di Suo gently landing, Bai Lixin looked at him. He saw Di Suo's soothed expression and he smiled slightly. He stood on his tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "Are you relieved a bit?"

Di Suo was slightly stunned, and his golden eyes lit up. It was only after a moment that he nodded, "I didn't realize it until you said that. My anger does feel a bit relieved. "

Di Suo glanced at the wretched Christian and smothered a laugh, "That was a good beating."

Di Suo laughed coldly, "It was merciful."

The two men's conversation caught Christian's ears, and his anger grew. Not only did these two men not take him seriously, they were even playing him like a monkey!

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

He spat in his heart, but his face had already been fixed, and after fixing his hair, Christian said, with what he thought was his best expression of kindness and innocence, "My respects, King Alexander, it has been a long time."

He said this, but did not salute.

"Your Highness the High Priest, you have worked hard this time to quell the riots, and I would like to pay you the highest respects on behalf of the Saron Empire," Bai Lixin said with even more grace and ease.

With these words, it was clear who was the master and who was the servant of the empire.

Christian's face was dark and sullen, and the fire in his heart was rising. In the past, he would have been able to use his power to press Alexander into the Temple of Sacrifice for trial, but now, he had the Black Dragon that was so powerful that he was no match for him, and the matter of punishing King Alexander had become a difficult one.

But to his surprise, it was Bai Lixin who spoke first, "Your Highness, you may be surprised and even angry that I have released Lord Black Dragon from the underground palace. But before you get angry, please hear me out. "

"Just a few days ago, I received an oracle in my sleep. The great gods told me that if I wanted to save the Saron Empire, I needed to save Lord Black Dragon first. For soon, a young and evil silver dragon will fly in to destroy our centuries-old Saron Empire. "

Christian's attention was completely drawn to Bai Lixin's words, and his eyes widened slightly in surprise as he asked, "A young silver dragon?"

Bai Lixin nodded, "Yes, Your High Priestess, the gods also said that I needed to rescue the Lord Black Dragon and remove the golden lance. Use it as a weapon to seal the silver dragon. "

Christian's mind had been completely overwhelmed with the words "young dragon" and "seal."

What did that mean?

It means he will have fresher blood!