Modern world: Arc 4.2

With a twinkle in his eye, Bai Lixin looked at his Snow feather lying motionless on the ground, and turned to watch the 4×4 battle.

In general battles, healers are the first targets, as having one healer is like carrying countless lives. Though the opponent team had lost one combatant, they had also lost a healer on their own side, so their team was at a disadvantage no matter which way you thought about it.

Bai Lixin twisted his head to look at the young man sitting beside him, concentrating on his keyboard and mouse, his left hand crackling on the keyboard, and his right hand holding the mouse expertly.

Even with the loss of a powerful backup, Bai Lixin noticed that there was no trace of nervousness on the young man's face, but rather a light smile full of ease.

Was this a sure thing?

Bai Lixin raised his eyebrows and turned his eyes back to the screen.

He was slightly surprised when he saw what was on the screen, because in the blink of an eye, the four members of his team had already taken out the assassin from the other team.

Then Bai Lixin heard the voice of Lao Er in his headset, "How dare you bully our healer? We have beat you back! Are you happy, little assassin? "

The assassin who had sneaked around him earlier was now lying on the ground not far from his dead character, on all fours, and in a miserable state.

The boss heard the Lao Er's words and gave a faint chuckle, "Next, I'm going to sneak up on the swordsman. Lao Er and Wu will then use that chance to pressure the healer. When her skill is used up, stun her and turn to attack the swordsman directly. Wu will then take out the archer in one wave. They're a good team, but they're not well matched. So there is not much pressure. "

The boss's swordsman character now had three-quarters of blood left, while Lao Er and his three teammates were basically at full blood. The opponent's three were also at full blood, so it seemed that the two sides were evenly matched.

The archer in the opposing team was stuck 30 feet away, sneakily releasing dark arrows, and Bai Lixin saw the boss' blood slowly dropping bit by bit.

Suddenly, the boss opened a defense skill and stabbed the opponent swordsman directly. The swordsman character was slightly stunned, probably because he did not expect to be attacked, and by the time he reacted to block, he was already knocked to the ground by a sword qi from the boss.

The stunned swordsman got up and used an explosive skill on the boss, but as the boss still had his defence skills, half of the attack was cushioned, and the boss only lost a fifth of his blood when it hit him.

The swordsman saw that he was still full-blooded while the boss was already half-blooded, so he rushed at him.

The boss slowly manipulated the swordsman out of the healer's blood-raising range.

As he watched the boss pull the swordsman 40 feet away, Lao Er shouted in the chat room, "Now is the time!"

Suddenly, one of the three men who had been feigning an attack on the archer went invisible, and the other two turned fire on the healer.

At that moment, because the healer had been adding blood to the archer, his blood-adding skill was in a cool down state. The archer, on the other hand, saw his healer being attacked and released his immobilizing skill with the intention of easing the attack. This skill requires a long load time, and just as it was almost done, it was suddenly interrupted!

At the same time, an assassin figure appeared behind the archer, and Wu trapped the archer so that he could not even move, completely losing his chance to save his teammate.

Lao Er and Lao San showed no mercy and directly stunned the healer into dizziness.

The swordsman realized that something was wrong and immediately turned his angle to save his healer when he realized that he had been pulled far away from the healing range, and that it was too late to rush at that distance.

Gritting his teeth, the swordsman gave up trying to save the healer and turned around to fling a series of attacks at the boss.

With fluent skill, the boss moved to the swordsman's back. The boss, who was like a mouse being chased by a cat just a moment ago, now changed his passive situation and started to counterattack.

At that moment, it dawned on the swordsman that, just as they had been careless, their three person team had slowly been pulled away from safety and were completely falling apart!

With three miserable groans of pain, Bai Lixin saw the three figures on the other side lying on the ground in an ungainly position.

His four men teammates, however, all had about a third of their blood left, and Wu's assassin character still had a fifth of his left.

Seeing the word 'victory' displayed on the screen, Bai Lixin drew a breath and couldn't help but applaud, "You guys are amazing."

They exited the game and then went on to the next round. They had to play at least one more round with this team to decide the winner.

The interval between each of these games was 3 minutes, giving the players enough time to adjust and rest.

Hearing Bai Lixin's words, Lao Er grunted, "This is nothing. We haven't even used half of our strength. You, on the contrary, are not playing this Snow Feather character very well. "

Bai Lixin scratched his head in embarrassment, "My Snow Feather account was hacked before, and all my equipment was lost. I haven't played the game for a while, but then I couldn't help myself and resigned myself as an assassin. It's today when the assassin has just turned full level. I haven't played Snow Feather for a while, and I'm a bit rusty. "

Lao Er was sitting next to Bai Lixin and turned to look at him questioningly. He asked with a frown, "Although it's enough to deal with a few of them, you can't be too watery, little Lu."

Bai Lixin nodded and smiled, "The next hand will be better. Trust me."

The boss's voice rang out at the right time, "Little Lu, didn't you file a complaint to get your account back after it was stolen?"

Bai Lixin didn't expect the boss to care about this. He thought about it and replied, "I did, but the customer service staff said that the equipment had changed hands to several people's accounts, so it can't be tracked anymore."

"Can't be tracked down?" The boss's voice was a little gloomy, "Is that really what they replied to you?"

"En, yes."

"Okay, I see Do you have contact information? Leave one if it's convenient. Maybe I can help you find the equipment. "

Bai Lixin let out an "okay" and hurriedly gave out Bai Lu's phone number.

Not long after, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, Bai Lixin took out the phone and saw a message from an unfamiliar number. There was only one line in it: "Send me your game zone server and ID."

Bai Lu's account had already been hacked and he was penniless, so what else would a man with nothing to lose be afraid of?

Perhaps because of the boss's calm voice, or because of his ability to control the overall situation and his sharp tactics, Bai Lixin could not help but trust his words.

He had just sent his server zone and game id to the boss via SMS when he heard Lao Er yell at his side, "All set, 10 seconds left to enter!"

As soon as he said that, Bai Lixin saw the screen start to enter the teleportation interface.

Putting the phone back into his pocket, he crossed his fingers and propped his palms outwards, and looked at the screen in earnest.

The teleportation interface quickly passed, and the scene had changed into a field of pillars.

This was one of the more famous sparring stages of Chivalry Road—the Plum Blossom Pillars.

The wooden stakes were arranged in a haphazard manner; even the height was uneven. From above the stakes, you can look down at your enemies, but from below, they can jam your perspective.

And some of the player's movements are completely restricted due to the close proximity of the stakes.

Seeing this battle scene, the assassin in the enemy team suddenly typed out a line in the chat channel: [Haha, see how I will kill you this time.]

This scene was suitable for long-range attacks. Due to the limitations of melee attacks, they need to be close to the opponent in order to attack. However, if the long-range attacker stood on top of the stakes and looked down, it was very advantageous.

The boss's side of the battle group, on the other hand, was all melee and did not have a single long-range attacker. The boss was a swordsman. Lao Er and Lao San were both sword guards with higher attack power, and Wu was an assassin.

The opposing battle group had two long-range attackers; an archer who suppressed healing, and a Daoist with a strong attack, so naturally the opposing team was ecstatic.

A group of melee combatants were disadvantaged in this long-range stage setup.

It was reasonable to say that at this stage, the team that stands at the highest point of the plum blossom pile first would win, but since the boss's battle group had no long-range attackers, they would not want to climb the stakes.

Seeing the opponent assassin's words, the second snorted, "This little assassin doesn't know how to behave. I'll turn him into a new man later."

The boss gave a "mmm," "Wrap them up and teach them a good lesson!"

With the boss's words, the battle began. The assassin on the other side also hid himself the moment the battle began.

Bai Lixin looked at the terrain and the alignment of the opponent team and his own battle group, and quickly jumped onto the first of the shorter stakes.

This was a long-range attacker's world, but an assassin's nightmare. Assassins can walk normally in stealth mode, but they cannot jump. If they jumped, they would have revealed themselves.

The assassin who was about to touch Bai Lixin secretly gritted his teeth and withdrew his concealed weapon.

You are lucky, kid. I will let you off this time.

The assassin saw that he had lost his target, so he started to think of his next opponent.

The sword guard had a skill called "Armour," which would form a rebound wall around his body. The assassin looked at the sword guard, who had his armour on, and then at the swordsman, who was standing still. He thought about it and moved towards the swordsman.

He was about to touch the swordsman's side when his teammate suddenly shouted, "That healer has fallen!"

The assassin gave a start and looked back, only to find that Bai Lixin had indeed fallen off the plum blossom pile.

His heart fluttered with joy, and he turned his head to attack Bai Lixin again. But just as he reached Bai Lixin's side, with another leap, Bai Lixin jumped back up onto the plum blossom pile.

At the same time, the opponent team made movements. The archer was very skilled and jumped to the top of the higher pile in a few strokes, while the Daoist was a little worse off, jumping several times before finally standing on the plum blossom pile.

The archer standing on the plum blossom pile saw Bai Lixin at once, and Bai Lixin was still within his range of attack!

The archer was overjoyed and pulled back his bow to use a skill that reduced Bai Lixin's healing effect, but before he could finish, the skill was interrupted, accompanied by the gentle female voice of the system: "Sorry, the opponent is out of attack range."

At the moment of the archer's attack, Bai Lixin quickly jumped and moved to another plum stake to avoid the skill.

The archer spat darkly and put away his bow and arrow.

Kid, count yourself lucky. I'll let you off the hook this time!