Modern world: Arc 4.19

Two days before the semi-finals of the Top 8, Bai Lixin sat in Pei Fuchen's arms, using the keyboard to play with his Battling Swordsman character.

Pei Fuchen gathered Bai Lixin into his arms, looking down from the top of Bai Lixin's head at his sharp operation and couldn't help but rub Bai Lixin's hair, "Not bad."

Bai Lixin's left hand quickly connected four or five skills, making a chain of moves before tilting his head up to gently kiss Pei Fuchen's smooth and sexy chin, "Not as good as you were in your heyday. I've seen videos of you doing a double confrontation. "

Pei Fuchen was slightly stunned and wrapped his arms from behind around Bai Lixin's abdomen, leaning forward to put his head on Bai Lixin's shoulders, "double confrontation?"

"En, you forgot? It seems to be a video from three years ago. It's a video of you manipulating two characters to fight against each other. After watching it at that time, I only thought of one phrase: "handsome and bombing the sky."

"You actually managed to find that video?" Pei Fuchen raised one eyebrow in surprise and said, "I couldn't even find it myself."

Bai Lixin gave a "hmph" and said in disdain, "Who am I? I have special search skills. "

"I think I'm not as good as you. Your two character operation is also very powerful. You played the Demon Sect dungeon with "Killing You Just" and "Dangling Song" without a single mistake, which was too powerful. Although I operated two characters, I have a good idea of what skills the other person's character could play next. It is as if I had rehearsed the competition in my mind countless times, so it's like a replay. I can only count that as a rehearsal."

Bai Lixin put down the mouse and turned to wrap his arms around Pei Fuchen's neck, then pulled him in for a deep kiss.

Between the lips and tongues entangling, Pei Fuchen's hands slid down along Bai Lixin's waist and wrapped around Bai Lixin's ass to lightly lift him up and make him sit face-to-face.

Bai Lixin smiled and deepened the kiss.

Pei Fuchen tightened his hands around Bai Lixin's ass so that his two legs were around his waist, and he stood up to slowly walk towards the bed.

The two had just had dinner, so it was a good time to do some strenuous exercise to digest.

The clothes were gradually scattered on the carpet next to the bed, and the bed began shaking violently.

The moans and groans echoed the violent shaking of the bed incessantly.

The two laptop screens were still glowing faintly. On the computer screen, Dangling Song was lying on the ground, and beside him, Battling Swordsman in the white fluttering clothes was sitting protectively, as if time stood still.

Their relationship was revealed to Pei Fuchen's parents before the finals. Although shocked at their son's sexual orientation, it dawned on them after a second thought.

They had never seen such a splendid brilliance in their son's eyes. That look was familiar. That is the look Father Pei has as he looks at his wife.

Ah, our son truly likes this quiet youth.

Besides, their son's life was already in danger. They were relieved that he could at least die without regrets.

The next morning, Pei Fuchen sat up gently and helped cover Bai Lixin with the silk quilt when he heard the sound of the phone vibrating.

Glancing at Bai Lixin, who was still asleep, Pei Fuchen tiptoed out of bed and went into the bathroom after picking up the phone.

After closing the door of the bathroom, Pei Fuchen put the phone to his ear, "Hello."

Because he had just woken up, Pei Fuchen's hair was slightly messy and sticking up, there were still scratches on his body, and he was permeated with a lazy, seductive beauty.

The original lazy expression after hearing the voice on the phone disappeared. Pei Fuchen narrowed his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror, "Where is that person? Did you find him? "

"I did. As you said, it is indeed the work of an insider. It's Xiao Chen. "

Hearing that the mole was found, Pei Fuchen lightly breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll leave the next matter to you. Xiao Chen has no motive to hack accounts or modify the data. There should be a mastermind behind him. Help me find him in order to eliminate the biggest tumor. "

Pei Fuchen hung up the phone and took a hot shower before walking out of the washroom.

On the bed, the youth was still asleep, the morning sunlight through the window quietly sweeping in, hitting his lower body, making his smooth and slender legs even more milky and delicate.

Pei Fuchen looked at the youth's sleeping face from afar and walked towards the computer desk with a doting smile.

The hidden series of tasks had reached 99%. It was 99%, because one more task had not been completed. It is not how difficult this task is, but the need for points and time.

This task generally requires the pair of dragon and phoenix soul-attracting jade pendants to absorb enough heaven and earth spiritual energy at the same time, in order to open the door to the underworld.

The so-called absorption required them to be inseparable, constantly experiencing the game day and night for 99 days.

Six hours in the game is a day, which meant they needed to stay together for 594 hours.

If the guess is correct, after last night's hangout, the heaven and earth energy for the Dragon and Phoenix Soul Guide Jade Pendant had been absorbed enough.

There were two laptops side by side on the computer desk, both of which were left open yesterday. He wiped the towel on his wet hair before sitting down to look at the screens of the two laptops.

As he expected, the mission had reached 100% progress.

In this way, they could activate the Dragon and Phoenix Soul Guide Jade Pendants and open the River of Forgetfulness, leading to the Underworld.

The mission that had been going on for more than two months could finally be completed.

It can be considered gratifying to be able to finish the "River of Forgetfulness" series of hidden missions before the semi-finals.

Bai Lixin seemed to feel that joy emanating from Pei Fuchen. He opened his eyes with a "mmm" and stretched on the bed.

Bai Lixin opened his eyes, but his mind was still in a dazed state.

Because he was afraid of wasting points when he crossed over, he upgraded his physical attributes only to B level. He originally thought that Pei Fuchen was a virgin who had just fallen in love. Stamina aside, he could certainly not be dominant.

But he never expected that Pei Fuchen, who looked innocent and harmless, would turn into a when he got into bed. He was attacked to the point of losing his mind last night.

He rubbed his dizzy head, but suddenly there was a blackness in front of his eyes, and the wolf's face that he was thinking about just now appeared above him, blocking the sunlight.

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes, and was about to speak, when he suddenly felt his body lighten. Pei Fuchen had lifted him in a princess' carry. He opened his mouth and bit Pei Fuchen's neck: "What are you doing? Rogue! "

Pei Fuchen laughed and flicked Bai Lixin's forehead before walking towards the computer desk.

Pei Fuchen put Bai Lixin on his lap and sat down, hugging him from behind: "You woke up just in time. The task's progress reached 100%. Do you want to take a shower first, eat first, or finish the task first? "

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes. You carried me here. Do I have a choice?

Bai Lixin was still completely naked, so Pei Fuchen untied his bathrobe and wrapped Bai Lixin in it from behind.

Bai Lixin looked at the progress bar that had reached 100% and said excitedly, "Let's quickly activate the jade pendant and open the door to the underworld."

Truthfully, he was actually quite interested in this task.

Tilting the two laptops to a convenient angle, Pei Fuchen and Bai Lixin slowly began to activate the Dragon and Phoenix Soul Guide Jade Pendants. They interlocked their fingers, and only their right hands were operating the laptop's keyboard and mouse.

A soft white light emanated from the two screens, followed by Dangling Song and Battling Swordsman turning into a phoenix and a dragon form after the white light disappeared. And in the sky above, a vortex-shaped door appeared.

"Let's try to fly." Bai Lixin looked in amazement at Dangling Song, who had transformed into a phoenix, and tried to manipulate the walk button. With the movement of the button, the huge red phoenix suddenly unfolded its wings and let out a clear phoenix cry.

Pei Fuchen did not lag behind. The huge golden dragon also issued a deafening dragon roar, and white, auspicious clouds began to rise under their feet.

The two men clasped their left hands together, and the dragon and phoenix simultaneously rose from the ground and shot straight up into the clouds!

After passing through the swirling vortex, they saw darkness and light in front of them, and the landscape had changed dramatically.

Under their feet is a scarlet sea of flowers on either side. At the end of the sea of flowers, an endless river separates the sea of flowers from a solemn city.

The two had resumed their human forms, and not long after they appeared, the figure of old man Tianji, reappeared in front of the two.

Old Man Tianji: "Brave young man, I was indeed not wrong. Thank you for making the long journey and sending me to the River of Forgetfulness. I have one last ungrateful request: could you please give me one last ride and take me to the Three Life Stones, which are not far away, so that I can see my old friend? "

[Do you accept the hidden quest "Three Lives" Yes or No. ]

For some reason, seeing the name of this mission sent Pei Fechun's heart shaking violently, and his hand clutched Bai Lixin's hand tightly. Bai Lixin's heart also trembled, and he pressed the "yes" option.

Old man Tianji: "Thank you two young heroes for your help."

Manipulating the two characters, Pei Fuchen and Bai Lixin slowly walked in the sea of flowers on the other side of the shore, according to the guidance of the three life stones.

Immediately after, a cut scene appeared on the screen. It was the three lives of entanglement between old man Tianji and the patriarch of the Demon Sect.

They got entangled with each other for three lives, and in the end, it didn't end well.

Along with the past lives being shown, a low, raspy narration slowly sounded:

[What is fate? What is love? What is hate?

Karma has cause and effect; love and hate are entwined.

Karma begins, but does not end.

Love nourishes hate, and will never be destroyed.

Even if it is a sin, I do not regret it.]

The plot was three minutes long, and after the plot, old man Tianji appeared again.

Old man Tianji: "Thank you two heroes, I have no regrets in this life. That dragon and phoenix soul-attracting jade pendant have recognized the two of you as masters. Those two pieces can attract the dragon and phoenix soul into the body, transforming it into a dragon and phoenix. This is infinite power, so I hope you two young friends treat this pendant well. Goodbye!

After saying these words, the old man slowly walked into the river of forgetfulness.

There was no bridge on the river, but the old man did not sink to the bottom of the river. He slowly walked from this side of the river to the other side. Lotus flowers grew under his feet as he slowly walked. And on the other side of the river, the sharp eyes of Bai Lixin and Pei Fuchen saw that someone had been waiting there for a long time.

With the rendezvous of the old man Tianji and that person, the two were also ejected from the underworld.