Ancient World: Arc 5.2

Bai Lixin stretched out his arms, and the soft silk sleeves slipped down his bare arms onto the bed, exposing his white jade-like skin.

He gently took hold of Su Miejun's neck and raised himself halfway with a slight tag. Leaning into Su Miejun's ear and gently nipping his earlobe, Bai Lixin said in a seductive voice, "I want your medicine. Will you give it to me?"

A tingling sensation like an electric shock immediately spread throughout Su Miejun's body along his earlobe, and his breath hitched as he pulled Bai Lixin off his neck and threw him onto the bed with a gentle force.

Standing up from the bed, his face was expressionless. His calm eyes narrowed slightly as panic flashed within.

Pursing his lips slightly, he glanced at the sultry man whose clothes were in disarray and was almost naked. The man was currently holding his hand in a fist against his temple, his soft, boneless body stretched out on the bed like a water snake, like a seductive demon.

Su Miejun's throat rolled and he said, in a low, hoarse voice of disgust, "Slutty!"

Bai Lixin laughed at his words and slowly sat up from the bed before starting to straighten his scattered black silk robes, "Oh, pretending to be serious, take a look down."

Su Miejun grimaced but still glanced down at the slightly raised hem and said, "It's just a normal reaction for a man."

Bai Lixin snorted and stood up, circling around Su Miejun, "Then you must hold back and never have thoughts about me."

His lover's body was truly good, not to mention the speed that could cut through time and space just now, but he could feel the strong sense of power bursting out from his body as he stood there.

His angular face was handsome and beautiful, and his body was filled with a cold and handsome air of abstinence and aloofness. His nightclothes were without a wrinkle, and the lapels clung to him neatly, even after the fight.

His unsmiling face was now frowning slightly at Bai Lixin's words, adding a touch of human emotion to this cold, frosty face.

Bai Lixin licked his lips. His lover surprisingly transformed into an ascetic, cold-faced male god this time.

Seeing Bai Lixin's pink tongue gently licking over his sexy and beautiful thin lips, Su Miejun rolled his throat unnoticeably again and asked coldly, with his head turned to the other side, "What do you want?"

Bai Lixin shrugged, "I should be asking you, what do you want? If you don't want to do it, then get lost. "

Su Miejun: "..."

Why did he suddenly have the sense of powerlessness and frustration of a scholar meeting a rogue?

Seeing the torn expression on his face, Bai Lixin leaned close to Su Miejun's face. He was so close that their faces were almost touching, "Oh, seems you don't want to. Then you go. "

"You're letting me go?" Su Miejun's expression moved slightly, gazing in puzzlement at the upturned, slender, charming eyes that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Those thin, alluring lips so close to him opened and closed, exhaling like an orchid, "Of course, but let me get some interest before you leave."


Before Su Miejun could react, he saw the beautiful face that had been pressed close to him again. The warm touch on his lips was soft and moist, with an enticing fragrance.

Su Miejun's heart beat violently, and he only felt the swelling between his legs increasing.

But the touch only lingered on his lips for a brief moment before quickly withdrawing again, leaving him with a sense of loss as he was still relishing it.

Bai Lixin's kiss was superficial, touching Su Miejun's lips only lightly before quickly withdrawing.

Seeing the slightly lost expression on his lover's face, Bai Lixin hooked his lips into a wicked smile and stretched out his white slender index finger to place it on Su Miejun's lips to trace their shape, "You go."

Su Miejun thought for a moment before saying, "I will visit again another day."

There had been many firsts tonight. For the first time in his life, he met someone who was faster than him; he kissed someone; and, for the first time in his life, he actually began to look forward to the next time they met.

As he had said, Bai Lixin went back to bed and lay down on his side after saying that he would let Su Miejun go, and really did not care about him anymore.

Su Miejun was a few metres away, and he watched the treacherous man for a while before his body shifted and disappeared into the night sky like a ghost.

Only after Su Miejun left did Bai Lixin say: [s419m, first help me strengthen my physical attributes to S rank].

[As ordered, Lord Host! Ding! Using 1500 points to enhance the host's body attributes to S-rank. The process will be accompanied by severe pain. Please bear with it, Lord host.]

No matter how many times he went through it, this pain from body enhancement always made Bai Lixin feel like just dying.

His face was pale, and he curled up on the bed, forcing himself to endure the pain, his body trembling in violent shivers.

It was at this moment that a warm touch was suddenly added to his face.

Bai Lixin was startled and abruptly opened his eyes wide to look at the person who came.

Su Miejun, who had left just now, had somehow turned back again. Bai Lixin let out a hard laugh and said, with difficulty, "Why are you back again? Have you changed your mind? "

Su Miejun frowned tightly, a look of concern in his eyes, "You're still talking like this at such a time."

Ning's face looked hot, but it was cold to the touch.

Seeing his pained expression, Su Miejun's heart inexplicably throbbed with pain. He sat on the edge of the bed and carefully held Bai Lixin tight in his arms, holding his hand as he slowly began to channel internal energy into it.

Strangely enough, Bai Lixin, who was still in pain from the body enhancement, felt the pain alleviated a lot as soon as Su Miejun channelled his own internal energy. Although his body was still hurting immensely, it was now bearable.

Bai Lixin's body was so sore and relieved that he could not help but yawn as Su Miejun's warm and smooth internal energy flowed in his body, and he quietly fell asleep.

Seeing that Ning Xuan was asleep, the coldness on Su Miejun's face slowly melted away and was gradually replaced by warmth. He adjusted the latter's body so that his head was resting on his legs and his body was lying flat on the bed, not forgetting to hold his hand tightly and channel internal energy toward him during the process.

He stopped only when he saw the sky gradually reveal the white of a fish's belly after about two hours of channelling internal energy.

When he touched Ning's forehead again, his body temperature was already normal, and it was only then that he breathed a sigh of relief, his tightly furrowed brow smoothed, and he left with relief.

Not long after Su Miejun had gone, Bai Lixin awoke from his deep sleep.

Rubbing his slightly swollen head, Bai Lixin clenched his fist and felt the endless power within his body to make sure that the body enhancement was complete.

He felt a little loss in his heart after glancing around and noticing that there was no one else in this empty bedchamber other than himself.

[s419m, when did Su Miejun leave after I fainted last night?][Correction

Lord Host, you did not faint last night; you were simply overly tired and fell asleep.]

Bai Lixin coughed, [… Do you have to be stubborn with me? Believe it or not, I can cut off the connection with the dimensional system now.]

s419M hurriedly replied in a kind manner. [Lord host! After you fainted last night, Su Miejun channeled internal energy until a quarter past dawn before hurrying away].

Hearing s419m's words, Bai Lixin's sense of loss from earlier was instantly swept away.

He curled his lips into a smile.

[Lord host, I have something to tell you.] s419m paused and said: [In the last world, you consumed a total of 22,000 realm points in order to heal the Lord God. In addition, another 500 points for body strengthening. You consumed a total of 22,500 points in your last world, but only gained 10,000 realm points. In other words, even though you have completed the mission, the number of points has decreased by 12,000 points.]

Bai Lixin frowned gently, [I know your concern. I've just crossed over and already consumed 3,100 dimensional points this time.]

[A word of caution, Lord host. The fact that Su Miejun is so powerful and his martial arts skills are unparalleled in the world is also inextricably linked to his medicine like physique. If you were to extract all the toxins from his body, his martial arts might be nullified. In fact, even if he is not detoxified, it will not have any effect on your private life. I have transformed your body into one that is invulnerable to all poisons, no toxin can have any effect on your body, and I have also taken out Khoujun's worms as well.]

Bai Lixin's heart fluttered: [And where is the worm?]

[This is it.]As s419m's words fell, a dark crack suddenly appeared in the air and a four-sided glass box flew out from within the crack. In the box, a golden worm, only the size of a fingernail and shaped like a silkworm, was slowly wriggling.

Bai Lixin took the glass box into his hand and carefully examined the worm, [This is the child worm? What does the mother worm look like?]

[Lord Host, the mother worm is similar in appearance, but is purple and twice the size of the daughter worm].

Bai Lixin put the box back into the void, [Oh, so although Konghu was happy about this, he was apprehensive and made it Su Miejun had to take an antidote once every three days or he would die a violent death. So how can this be resolved?][

Khonghu has refined many medicine bodies, but only Su Miejun has achieved this. Some could not bear the torture of poison, while others died because the reaction of the poisons in their bodies was too violent. Su Miejun's physique was already incredibly strong, and having neutralised all the poisons introduced to his body, it was raised to surpass human limits.]Bai Lixin continued:

[So this made Khonghu Jun happy but quite worried, so he gave Su Miejun another chronic poison that needed him to take the antidote every three days or he would burst and die. As a way to control him?]

[You are basically right, lord-host. But what he is taking is not the antidote, but still this poison. His body became dependent on this poison, and once he started taking it, he could only keep on taking it. But taking this poison for a long time can be said to be drinking poison to quench thirst, and he will eventually die prematurely.]

[You mean that the other toxins don't actually affect him, nor do they affect his life expectancy or health? Only the chronic poison that Konghu laid on him in the end in fear that Su Miejun would become a threat. Then why can't I use my dimensional points to draw this chronic poison away?]

[It is a bit complicated, Lord Host! There are so many toxins in Su Miejun's body, I don't know which one poses a real threat!]

[So you said all this because you can't identify the truly harmful toxins at all?] Bai Lixin finally understood the meaning of s419m's seven inflections, [Then how can I distinguish this toxin?]

[As long as the Lord host can get his hands on that chronic poison pill, I can analyse the ingredients and then remove the toxin from Su Miejun's body!]

Bai Lixin nodded, [Understood, I will definitely get my hands on the poison pill when I go to Medicine Valley, don't worry.]

He sat up from the bed and looked at the two luxurious robes, one black and one red, hanging on the clothes rack. He then glanced far away at his own seductive self in the mirror, before he brushed his hand across the scarlet robe.

Red is seductive, black is ascetic, so red is the natural choice.

Just as he was about to take the red robe off the rack, he heard an anxious voice at the door reporting. Bai Lixin frowned slightly, put down the scarlet robe in his hand, and shouted majestically, "Come in!"

No sooner had he said this than a man entered the inner sanctum in a hurry and knelt by Bai Lixin's bed, cowering, "Sect Master, something is wrong!"

Bai Lixin looked at the man's back and sneered in his heart. He could not even hide his murderous aura, but he dared to show it off in front of him, "What's wrong?"

The man still bowed his head and said, "The Head of the Martial Alliance, Qian Kun, intends to hold a Martial Assembly, inviting all famous sects to discuss the matter of crushing our Demon Sect."

Bai Lixin smiled and said absentmindedly, "Oh, I know, you can go back."

The man, probably anxious, hurriedly raised his head and said, "Sect Leader, aren't we going to fight back?"

Bai Lixin glanced at the man and casually waved his hand, "Stay put for the time being, I know what to do. You may go first. "

The man clenched his fist at his words and said respectfully, "Yes, Sect Leader."

After speaking, he made a move to walk out, but when he got behind Bai Lixin, he suddenly had a fierce light in his eyes and stabbed Bai Lixin with a dagger in his hand.

Bai Lixin secretly said, "finally," and without looking back, he just rolled the hem of his sleeve and flipped the man to the ground, and the dagger fell.

With his head held high, Bai Lixin looked at the assassin with the same gaze as looking at an ant: "Now even a dog or a cat dares to assassinate this Lord. What favours did Ren Qiankun give you that you dare turn against me? "

The man spat on the floor and snarled, "Ning Xuan Bing, why ask so many questions? If I fail today, someone will be able to kill you some day!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Bai Lixin walked over to the bed and flicked the mechanism above the bed, "That is someone else's business, so you need not worry. Little Green, eat him!"

A few pieces of the marble floor moved to the sides as the mechanism was turned, and a huge four-sided hole, roughly ten feet wide, appeared. A long green figure suddenly sprang out of the black hole.

When the man looked at it, he noticed it was a giant green snake that was more than ten feet long and had a diameter of eight feet.

Its eyes were as big as lanterns, and its scarlet tongue was as thick as sisal rope. And right now, the green snake was pointed upright and staring intently at him!

The man was so frightened by the huge green snake that he wet himself. His eyes rolled over and he actually fainted.

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes and took off his black satin inner robe, changing into a white one before putting on the beautiful red outer robe. He pulled his hair up with a white jade hairpin and took out a wooden box containing a year-old ginseng from a secret compartment before walking up to Little Green, patting its cold body and saying, "Take me to the Medicine King Valley for a trip."

This green snake was raised by Ning Xuan Bing since childhood, and he didn't know what species it was. But the more he raised it, the bigger it got, and finally it grew into this huge model.

However, this green snake was quite picky about what it ate. Ning Xuan Bing originally thought that it might like to eat human flesh, so he threw a man into its cave, expecting a bunch of human bones the next day.

But when he opened the hole of the snake cave, although stunned, the man who had been thrown in there was still lying there intact.

Ning Xuan Bing later tried many times, and eventually found that the little green loved to eat things from the river; fish, shrimp, crab, and even crocodiles were eaten, and he had no clue how the thick crocodile skin was digested.

The snake was very humane and even more loyal to Ning Xuan Bing.

Hearing Bai Lixin's words, Little Green put away its tongue and spread its whole body to the ground, with its head also resting on the ground.

Bai Lixin rewardingly patted Little Green's head and said, "Let's go!"

Little Green hissed out its tongue before twisting its huge dark green torso and sliding out of the bedchamber.

When he reached the main hall, Bai Lixin paused and said to the dumbfounded great Protector, "Great Protector, there is a traitor in this sect who intends to assassinate this Lord, so deal with him according to the sect rules."

The great Protector Yang nodded as if dumbfounded, "Yes, Sect Master."

"Also, I have to go to Medicine King Valley. My return date is uncertain, so you can temporarily take over the affairs of the sect. If any of those so-called righteous people come to cause trouble, directly throw them down from the back mountain. "

Only then did the great Protector come to his senses and hurriedly say, "Master, nowadays, the Martial Alliance and demon sect are in conflict with each other, so it's not safe for you to go out alone right now."

Bai Lixin waved his hand and said, "It's no matter, I have Little Green to protect me."

Great Protector:".."

Looking at his master's disappearing back, the great protector groaned inwardly: "It is because of it that you are in more danger, okay?" "Master, you wake up! Such a big guy is an obvious target!

Bai Lixin sat cross-legged on Little Green's head. Although its body twisted forward, the forehead has been in a state of immobility from the beginning. Bai Lixin once again patted the head with satisfaction, and got a hiss in exchange.

The Martial Alliance and the Demon Sect have always been at odds with each other, so they were divided into states and ruled, respectively, occupying territory each.

The Demon Sect region was located in the south, with many waters, holding most of the maritime chassis of this martial world. The Martial Alliance, on the other hand, was located in the North, with many high mountains.

The only exception in the martial world that did not belong to either of the sects was the mysterious and unpredictable Medicine King Valley.

Rumour had it that the Medicine King Valley had existed for thousands of years, with a deep foundation that no one could shake, and its strength was not to be underestimated.

People often say, "If the Medicine King Valley stomps, the whole martial arts forest trembles thrice" to describe the status of the Medicine King Valley. Despite its status, no one was afraid that it would encroach on either side.

Since its opening a few thousand years ago, Medicine King Valley set down the rules for the valley where they were to only save people and not seek things.

Thus, the Medicine King Valley was in an absolutely neutral state. With the exception of those who are murderous or treacherous, the Medicine King Valley would save those from the Martial Alliance, as well as the Demon Sect as long as they could afford to pay.

Due to its location in the middle of the two territories, some people would seek refuge in the Medicine King Valley in order to avoid the enemies.

Generally, in this case, the Medicine King Valley would also receive them. They would accept these people as medicine or errand boys. Therefore, its reputation in the entire martial arts world was quite high. It was like a paradise in the martial arts world.

Martial artists are always fighting and killing, so there were always those with serious injuries or hiding from enemies, so everyone yearned for this paradise. And everyone had a tacit agreement to protect this paradise by not letting anyone destroy it.

So, an enemy of the Medicine King Valley is the enemy of the entire martial arts world.

Bai Lixin chose to take the water route out of the demon sect territory.

Little Green was a good swimmer, and while the head against the surface of the water was immobile, the body in the water was swimming several times faster than a boat. So, in less than a day, Bai Lixin arrived at the border of the Medicine King Valley.

Entering the border, Bai Lixin patted Little Green's head and whispered: "You go back first, or find a safe place to hide. There are a lot of fish, shrimp, and crabs in this river, so you can leave after having a good meal.

"Green snake hissed towards Bai Lixin and lowered its head intimately onto Bai Lixin's cheek before slowly sinking to the bottom of the river.

Bai Lixin set foot in the Medicine King Valley after sending away Little Green.

The Medicine King Valley is overcrowded with patients who came here due to its fame and reputation.

And at this time, the one selecting patients at the door was the second leader of the Medicine King Valley, Chi Yuanxian.

She was a young woman in her thirties, but her appearance was still as beautiful as a young girl.

As soon as she saw Ning Xuan Bing's figure from afar, she danced and waved like an uninitiated girl in front of the door, shouting happily, "Master Ning, Master Ning, what brings you here?