Ancient World: Arc 5.5

In the room, Su Miejun covered Bai Lixin's mouth and leaned over to his ear from behind to whisper, "Don't make a sound."

He said this, but his crotch gave another push.

Bai Lixin's eyes opened wide, and anger rose in the phoenix eyes, as if he wanted to swallow Su Miejun alive.

But Su Meijun pretended not to see it, and kept moving, continuing to plough.

After a long time, Su Meijun let out a long sigh of relief before he got up from the bed and brought in the long-cooled meal.

On the bed, Bai Lixin's beautiful body was half-covered under the silk quilt. His body was covered with red marks, and his face was in a state of ecstasy, seemingly content.

A soft spot melted as Su Miejun looked at Bai Lixin's bewitching appearance.

Reheating the meal in his hands with his inner strength, Su Miejun walked over to Bai Lixin, took him into his arms, and asked in a soft voice, "Do you want to eat?"

Bai Lixin sighed and hooked his hand feebly, "I'm so tired, you feed me."

With a smile in his eyes, Su Miejun nodded and leaned Bai Lixin back on the pillow.

Lifting the food and coming back to Bai Lixin, Su Miejun used a soup spoon to serve a spoonful of porridge and said, "Come, open your mouth."

Bai Lixin's mouth still had the aftertaste of a kind of sticky liquid hanging in it, so when he heard Su Miejun's words, he obediently opened it.

The sweet and greasy congee instantly diluted the sticky taste in his mouth, and Bai Lixin then snapped out of it, pointing at Su Miejun and saying, "Take me to wash up first."

It was only then that Su Miejun came back to his senses, and after a helpless smile, he picked up Bai Lixin with both hands and walked towards the back garden.

The front of the garden was empty, but the back of the garden was secluded and bright.

There was a clear spring in the middle of the green bamboo.

Bai Lixin put his hand on Si Miejun's neck weakly, his body soft.

Su Miejun directly stepped into the clear spring.

The water was clear but not cold, it had been in the sun all day and was still warm. When the spring water touched his body, Bai Lix8n let out a soft hum of happiness, and his body leaned all over Su Miejun's body, "So comfortable!"

Su Miejun's strong arms were wrapped around Bai Lixin and leaned against the spring pool, but he didn't know what to say at this point.

What could he say?

Say that he had slept with the leader of the Demon sect? To say that he was sorry, that he didn't mean it? Or should he just say that he likes him?

Even though he had a thousand words to say, he felt he could not say a single one of them at this moment.

It was Bai Lixin who opened his mouth first.

He reached out and picked at the red nipple on Su Miejun's chest and sneered, "You're so prudish. Where's that well-dressed look from yesterday? Today, before dawn, you are doing this and that to others. How humiliating."

Su Miejun: "..."

Bai Lixin picked at another red nipple, "What, you don't dare to talk anymore, pretending to be serious!"

After being provoked like this, Su Miejun felt his lower abdomen start to swell up again.

Bai Lixin was currently sitting in Su Miejun's arms, and he directly felt the changes in his body.

Bai Lixin exclaimed in surprise, "Beast Master, you are a living beast man. I'm at least your disciple now, and you actually have bad intentions towards your own disciple twice and thrice! Fortunately, you have no other disciples besides me, otherwise your reputation would have been tarnished long ago. But don't worry, my mouth is tight and I will help you keep your secret. "

Su Miejun gave him a look and said, "We're called a couple. Besides, aren't you the one who asked me to be your medicine? "

When it came to this, Su Miejun remembered what Bai Lixin had said about the "Nanchi Cold Poison."

He pulled Bai Lixin into his arms and asked with a frown, "I've lived for nearly thirty years, but I've never heard of such a poison as Nanchi Cold Poison. How on earth did you get poisoned by it? Is there really such a poison in this world? And why have I not detected any signs of poisoning in your body? "

When it came to business, Bai Lixin also looked astonished and said, "Four years ago I was seriously injured, and it was Lord Khonghu who saved me from the arms of death. At that time, I was so grateful to him that I even decided to protect Medicine King Valley. But when I returned to the Demon Sect, something unexpected happened. I was always sleepwalking, and not only that, the things I did when I was sleepwalking were even more different from what I myself would normally do. I would even sometimes kill people when sleepwalking, and this made the disciples of the Demon Sect fearful of me for a while. "

"I just assumed at the time that it was a complication that accompanied my injuries and didn't take it to heart. But it was only the following year, after I learned that I had been sleepwalking for two whole days, and that I had even gone out of my religion to kill several famous families during those two days, that I suddenly began to have suspicions."

" I secretly investigated, and I did find some clues. I discovered Khonghu's conspiracy. I had believed in Khonghu since four years ago, but after discovering his true nature two years ago, I couldn't accept it for a while, only thinking that I had made a mistake in my investigation. I re-investigated, but this time, not only did I uncover the true nature of Khonghu, but I discovered an even greater conspiracy. "

Bai Lixin shivered, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this look on his face, Su Miejun tightened his arm again and said, "Khonghu Jun likes to use gu worms to control others, and in this valley, apart from the three of us who are in charge, everyone else has a worm from Khonghu Jun. He used the mother worm to control the child worm to keep the people in Pill King Valley under his control, and as a result, Khonghu Jun arrogantly thought that he controlled all the corners of Medicine King Valley and did not bother to arrange for measures against eavesdropping. So now you are quite safe with me. The most dangerous place is the safest place."

Bai Lixin nodded, his eyes becoming firm again, "A year ago, I had a strange encounter. I saved a white-haired old man who was dying. After I rescued him, he only took one look at my face and told me that I had a gu worm and that there were two ways to detoxify; either to manipulate the mother worm so that the offspring would crawl out of my ear by itself, or to fight poison with poison."

"I am Ning Xuan Bing, I am the Lord of the Demon Sect, leader of the underworld, I am the guide above all others, and now I am being led by someone else through a needle and a thread. It was impossible to let the mother worm manipulate the daughter worm to crawl out, so I chose the second method. "

"Then that old man gave me a porcelain vase." Bai Lixin looked up at the slowly sinking sun and fell into a memory, "He said it was the god of poisons, the most overwhelmingly cold poison in the world—the Nanchi Poison. As soon as you ingest it, your body's blood will be instantly attacked by the cold, and that cold will go straight to your brain, freezing the worm in an instant. At that time, when I took the medicine, the old man injected internal energy into my body to protect me, and I survived. However, the Nanchi cold poison was so powerful that it did not die with the worms and some of it remained in my body. Every now and then, I'd get cold and suffer greatly. But it is also due to this cold poison that I have that so-called "all-poison invulnerable body."

After listening to Bai Lixin's light-hearted words, a distressed look appeared in Su Miejun's eyes. "To be able to endure what others cannot is to be able to achieve great things."

Su Miejun glanced over and found that the person who had just been talking so eloquently, had now closed his eyes and was asleep.

He smiled softly and gently brushed his hands over Bai Lixin's entire body, cleaning him before wrapping him in his profane clothes again and carrying him back into the room.

Fearing that Bai Lixin might catch a cold, Su Miejun carefully dried Bai Lixin's body with a towel before gently placing him back on the bed and wrapping him in the blanket.

The water droplets on his own body evaporated with a slight flick of his internal energy.

Lying on the bed, Su Miejun pulled Bai Lixin into his arms and held him tightly as he gradually fell into sleep.

It was the first time he slept without having nightmares since he was born. In this dream, there was no Khonghu Jun, no killings, no poison, just the charming Ning Xuan Bing.

Surrounded by a dark void, Bai Lixin's body floated lightly in the darkness and called out in surprise: [s419m?]

[It is I, Lord Host.]A hollow voice came from all sides.

[Why am I here?] Bai Lixin manipulated his soul body to float in the endless darkness. Just now, he was talking with Su Miejun when he suddenly froze, and his soul was drawn away into this dark void.

[I am very sorry to have disturbed your bath with Lord Su Miejun. But this is the only way I can communicate with you now.]

[Why?] Bai Lixin asked in confusion.

[One of the twelve false sub-gods is here.] s419m's voice was a little chagrined, [I should have thought of it. With Khonghu's weird approach, who else has this unique hobby but the God of Lust!]

It was the first time Bai Lixin had heard one of the names of the twelve false-gods, and he asked in surprise, [The god of Lust?]

[Yes, Lord Host, I sensed the aura just as you approached Medicine King Valley. Fearing that he would discover something, I had to shield the outside world and force the system into hibernation while I myself hid in the deepest part of your consciousness to observe everything in the outside world. [Lord host, it's a good thing we changed your body early; otherwise, those pills Khonghu gave you would have caused you to burst into flames and die hours ago!]

Bai Lixin waved his hand impatiently, [Are you saying that Khonghu Jun is one of the twelve false gods, the god of lust? What is the fighting strength of these twelve false Gods?

[No, no!] s419m denied, [The god of lust is not Khonghu, but another. It is Chi Yuanxian! The twelve false sub-gods have varying combat powers, and the god of Lust, as the name implies, likes to seek pleasure. She is the least powerful of the twelve false gods, but she likes to play with people's hearts and keeps everything in the palm of her hand.]

[She also likes to scour for beautiful men, and because everything is done on the spur of the moment, she acts without any rules, based on preference or a whim. So she is an unpredictable sub-false-god, despite her average power. And the worlds under her control are all in chaos and without order.]