Ancient World: Arc 5.9

Ning Xuan Bing, this little white face, had a foxy face, and Yuan'er had always been defenceless against beautiful men, how could she stand the test?

Ren Qiankun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as he thought about how to torture this guy.

Suddenly, a flash of light came to his mind and he walked towards Ning Xuan Bing with a righteous smile on his face, "Sect Master Ning, long time no see."

Bai Lixin glanced at Ren Qiankun, "Sect Master Ren, came for treatment?"

Bai Lixin's question was so abrupt that Ren Qiankun could only reply, "Yes, I was a little poisoned."

"Oh, is it the poison of lustful lovesickness? You're an old man. You're almost forty and you're still playing at cheating? Do you deserve your wife and son? "

Ren Qiankun: "..."

Where is my paralyzing nine-ringed sword? Let me chop him to death!

Ren Qiankun's anger and blood surged up, and a red haze appeared in his eyes.

He and Chi Yuanxian met at the age of eighteen and have been in love ever since. The relationship between them was pure and flawless, and could not be insulted by such vulgar words as "cheating".

After taking two deep breaths and suppressing his anger, Ren Qiankun said with a smile on his face, "I guess Master Ning has taken refuge in the Medicine King's Valley these days, so he is not worried about food and clothing and has no distractions, so he is very comfortable, right? I'm afraid you don't know anything about what's going on outside the Medicine King Valley, do you?"

Bai Lixin shook his sleeve, "I'm not concerned about the outside world now that I've taken refuge. I don't hear anything outside the window now, I only read books on medicine refining. "

"Oh, then you must not care what happens to the hundred-year foundation of the Demon Sect."

"Protector Yang is a responsible person, and before I left, I entrusted the Demon Sect to him."

"I don't know if Protector Yang is a responsible person, but I only know that there is no more Demon Sect in this world." Ren Qiankun laughed, an evil aura unconsciously appearing in the corners of his eyes, "How long does Patriarch Ning plan to stay here to avoid the world? A year? A lifetime? I'm afraid that by the time Sect Master Ning leaves, the outside world will have changed and become a new place, where would be your home?"

Seeing Ning Xing's dumbfounded expression, Ren Qiankun threw back his head and let out a loud laugh as he quickly left.

With a glance at Ren Qiankun's departing back, Bai Lixin straightened his sleeve and came to Chi Yuanxian's side, "Is what Ren Qiankun said true? The Devil Sect no longer exists?"

Chi Yuanxian looked at him and said with a smile, "Soon after you left, Ren Qiankun joined forces with all the sects following the White Dao and attacked the main altar of the Demon Sect. Even though your Demon Sect was very powerful, it was outnumbered and was defeated by the White Dao Alliance. Not a single one is left. "

Bai Lixin said in shock, "No one was left behind?!"

Again, Chi Yuanxian said without thinking, "No, there were still some left. Before the White Dao Alliance attacked the main altar, Protector Yang left quietly with some of his men. Protector Yang is your close friend, so he should be hiding in a place that you also know so that you can meet each other later, right? "

When he heard Chi Yuanxian's words, Bai Lixin suddenly leaned over and pressed her between the wall and him, his hand pinching the chin to turn her towards him, "I came to Medicine King's Valley to hide, if it wasn't for the Medicine King Valley's people who went out to report the news, how would the White Dao Alliance have timed their attack on the Devil Sect's main altar in my absence?"

"Little Fairy, what is Su Miejun doing? What has he been up to these days? Why did he leave so close to the time of the attack on my sect? Or is he planning something? What exactly is the plan of your Medicine King Valley?"

The handsome, flawless face was almost close to her own, and Chi Yuanxian's breath hitched as her eyes gazed greedily at Bai Lixin's face without blinking. With tears in her eyes, she said, "I don't know. Those are all matters between my brother and Su Miejun, I'm just a woman, how can I know, don't bully me."

Bai Lixin abruptly withdrew his hand at her words, but his face changed and he hugged Chi Yuanxian and said in a low sad voice, "I'm sorry, I know it's none of your business."

Chi Yuanxian's heartbeat accelerated and her face blushed red when she was hugged. Holding Bai Lixin, she said, "If it is really the work of Khonghu and Su Miejun, I will not help the White Dao Alliance. I will help you. Trust me."

Bai Lixin tightened his arm again, his voice slightly choked, "I created the Demon Sect, it is like my child. If these so-called White Dao kill my child, I will make them pay back tenfold! "

"En, en," Chi Yuanxian was apoplectic and reached out to pat Bai Lixin's back, "Don't worry, I will help you."

The two of them hugged for a while longer before Bai Lixin let go of Chi Yuanxian and said, "Fairy, I really don't feel like studying medicine today, so I'll leave now."

Leaving Bai Lixin's embrace, Chi Yuanxian nodded with a disappointed expression, "Okay, you can go back first."

As she watched his departing back, a tingle ran through Chi Yuanxian's heart. She didn't let him go because he had no desire to study, it was because she was now itching all over her body and had no desire to nurture people either.

After scanning a circle of medicine boys who had already sat down, Chi Yuanxian casually pointed her finger, "You, you, you, and you, follow me into the room, the others retreat, I won't teach for today."


Bai Lixin returned to the ruined garden, his face haggard.

After an indifferent smile, Bai Lixin walked into the garden. After Su Miejun left, he was the only one left in the whole garden and except for sneaking out at night to deal with affairs of the Demon Sect, Bai Lixin had nothing to do so he begun building the garden according to the idea he had that day.

The garden was large and quiet, and no one came to disturb him due to Su Miejun's reputation..

He used his internal energy to cut a small ditch from the back of the mountain to surround the whole house, and drew water from the spring in the back garden to water it.

He also built a wooden bridge over the ditch and painted it a dark red.

He went straight into the main house and came out with a hoe and spade over his shoulder and two peach saplings in his hand.

He had said that he would plant a few peach trees in the front garden and dig a small river, but now that the river had been built, all that was left was the saplings.

When autumn comes, on the eighth day of September, a hundred flowers blossom. Although it is not the right time to plant trees now, the saplings were ready for survival and will grow leaves and flowers next spring and bear peaches in another two years.

Bai Lixin's whole body relaxed thinking of such leisurely things.

It was ridiculous that the Medicine King Vally was the only clean slate amidst the stormy clouds that were all caused by Khonghu.

Bai Lixin bent down and dug a hole with his shovel, without using his inner strength.

He was digging vigorously when his body suddenly became lighter and he was carried away by a force. When he came back to his senses, he was overjoyed and hugged the figure with his backhand, "Master, you've finally returned."

Su Meijun was dressed in black. His face was cold, but his eyes carried a light, gentle smile. He was holding Bai Lixin in his arms, but his body was still as light as floating hair, and he floated gently to the bedroom, "Long time no see."

Bai Lixin replied in the most direct way possible, he directly turned around and hugged Su Miejun and pressed him against the wall, kissing him quickly and precisely on the lips.

With a smile in his eyes, Su Miejun opened his mouth to receive his lover's warm welcome.

Tasting the tantalising juices in Bai Lixin's mouth, Su Miejun sighed in contentment and intensified the kiss.

Only after a long time did the two part reluctantly.

Bai Lixin looked at Su Miejun and asked, "Have you eaten yet? Dinner. "

Su Miejun shook his head, "No."

"Hehe." Bai Lixin laughed, "I won't be able to make it for you, don't think too much about it. I'm just asking."

Su Miejun smiled and flicked Bai Lixin's head, "My meal is already in sight, what else is there to prepare?"

Bai Lixin: "... "

Is this the rhythm of digging your own pit and jumping into it?

Although it was a joke, Su Meijun let go of Bai Lixin and frowned, "I went out for over a month and brought back one good news and one bad news for you."

"Don't say anything yet, let me guess, is the bad news that the Demon Sect has been destroyed, and is the good news that some of the people in the Demon Sect have survived?"

An expression of surprise appeared in Su Miejun's eyes, "Why do you know?""

Do you think you dug that hole in the ground for nothing? I naturally have my own way of dealing with matters of the Demon Sect. "

Su Miejun's dark pupils fixedly stared at him and suddenly smiled, "So everything is in your grasp."

Bai Lixin hooked his lips and smiled lightly, giving Su Miejun a deep look, but did not reply, instead asking, "I haven't seen you for over a month, did you miss me?"

"This disciple of mine is really strange. I haven't appeared for over a month, and instead of asking me where I've been for the past month or so, you ask if I missed you." Su Miejun set Bai Lixin's legs around his waist and wrapped his hands around his upturned ass, even kneading hard a few times.

Bai Lixin's body was long and slender, and his ass was particularly tight, so Su Miejun rubbed it, and he couldn't get enough of it, so he rubbed it several more times.

Bai Lixin's body was so hot from the kneading that he had to put his arms around Su Miejun's neck and bite his earlobe, "I don't care what you were doing, but did you miss me or not? If you don't tell me, my cold poison will come back. "

Su Miejun laughed and moved towards the bed with Bai Lixin in his arms, "I've been out for the past month or so and came back to find that I too have an incurable disease."

Bai Lixin rested his head against his neck and stuck out his tongue to lick Su Miejun's chin, smothering a laugh, "Let me guess again, is it the disease of lustful longing?"

Su Meijun held Bai Lixin's ass in one hand, while the other hand slid along a leg that was tightly clamped around his waist, "How do you know everything?"

"I am a half immortal with an iron mouth, I don't know anything." Bai Lixin reached out and pinched his lover's waist and licked his earlobe, "Where are your hands going, don't you know I'm suffering from impotence?"

"I can't let go," Su Miejun's hand had slid up to Bai Lixin's waist, "I'm the cure for your impotence, you're the cure my pain of lustful longing, you and I are each other's antidote, it should be the will of this heaven and earth, so how can I let go."

Bai Lixin grunted, "Hmph, pretentious!"

"I'm talking about a cure for a disease, and you're calling me a prude," Su Meijun jerked Bai Lixin's belt away, "Thoughts are born from the heart, I'm afraid you're thinking of the same thing too, aren't you?"