Ancient World: Arc 5.14

Khonghu urged the medicine boy to walk into the mist, but not long after he walked in, the medicine boy was thrown out by a huge force.

The medicine boy's eyes went white and he immediately fainted.

But the medicine boy did not faint in vain. A surprised expression appeared on Khonghu Jun's face, and a subtle change appeared in his eyes as he watched the mother worm's movements.

It was the giant ringed snake!

This kind of snake was born on the lake and river when it was young and was the size of an ordinary green python, but as time went on, the snake began to change.

Its skin is harder than metal, and its body is thicker than a hundred-year-old tree.

It has no toxins, but it prefers to eat crocodiles. Because its saliva can corrode even metal and stone, crocodile skin is no exception.

Its inner walls are also extremely hard in that even crocodile skin, which is as hard as steel armour, cannot harm its stomach.

It's a once-in-a-century thing, and any part of it could be cut off for him to explore!

This giant ringed snake was a natural born killer, and if he could control it with the gu worm compulsion, the world would be even more interesting.

Khonghu Jun was so surprised that his hands were trembling slightly.

He put the mother worm back into the chamber and walked out to pick up his weapon, a konghou from the side of his bed.

**a konghou is a kind of Chinese harp**

It would be a waste to let those medicine boys catch the giant ringed snake. He couldn't let them hurt such a rare treasure.

Khonghu Jun does not make moves easily, but when he does, he is sure to succeed.

He also does not go out of his garden easily, but when he does, something big will happen.

Not long after he left, a ghostly figure flashed into his garden, and in a few moments, the ghostly figure flew out again.

Medicine King Valley was in the shape of a perfect circle, with the outer circle bustling with activity, while the inner circle was silent. The lights in the three gardens were dimmed, and in the darkness of the inner courtyard, all that could be heard was the cold wind rustling through the leaves, which was particularly eerie and frightening.

As soon as he entered the mist, he held the konghou between his chest and his arm with one hand and began to play a melody with the other.

The music leads to the sound, and the sound is the movement.

The sound is deadly, but there are no traces of it.

His hand played powerfully on the strings, the sound penetrating the mist and spreading out in all directions.

Hearing the sound reflected, Konghu Jun adjusted his position and began to play the instrument in the direction of Little Green.

"Huh?!" As the move was completed, Konghu Jun exclaimed in confusion, "He can dodge?"

Unsuccessful in that one move, Khonghu Jun sat down cross-legged, placed the konghou on the ground, and switched to both hands to fluctuate rapidly on the strings.

The sound of the khonghou was delicate and beautiful, yet full of power.

But the giant ringed snake seemed to be able to see the sound and dodged every time.

Khonghu Jun was a little impatient. He played a meditation song, and those who were struck by the sound would immediately fall asleep, and he sometimes used this song to heal others.

Khonghu Jun could not see anything through the mist, so he could only identify the direction of the giant ringed snake by the echo of the music.

After several attacks and the huge snake dodging them time and again, Khonghu Jun became a bit impatient and began to be ruthless.

Little fellow, since I cannot gently solve the problem, I have to use a strict and cruel method to take you down.

The sound of Khonghu's music changed, and the sound that had been crisp and pleasing to the ear changed to a swift and powerful sound, like a thousand horses galloping, or a flying dragon entering the sea.

The giant ringed snake was lying on the ground and moving rapidly, and the khonghou attack was getting faster and denser.

Suddenly, an object was flung from the giant ringed snake. With a stern look in his eyes, Khonghu Jun flicked his finger and an internal qi was sent out along with the sound of the song, directly splitting the incoming object in half.

The object flew in the air, its contents instantly scattering, and there was one that landed steadily right in front of his eyes.

When Khonghu Jun saw the clothes belonging to Chi Yuanxian, he was shocked and his hand stopped playing.

In a duel of great skill, there must not be the slightest mistake or hesitation.

It was during this moment of hesitation that Little Green abruptly rushed out of the mist and left the Medicine King Valley.

The expressionless medicine boys looked toward Khonghu Jun as if waiting for his next order.

Khonghu Jun suppressed his anger and the gush of coldness in his heart and shouted, "Go to the Red Cloud garden! See if Chi Yuanxian is still there! "

Hearing Khonghu Jun's order, the medicine boy once again used his lightness to fly towards the Chi Yuanxian's Garden.

Khonghu Jun listened to the miasma and mist that had returned to silence and screamed in his heart.

If Chi Yuanxian wanted to leave, she would have had ways of doing so without alerting him, but she had staged such a stunt.

For what purpose?

To draw him out!

This was a ploy to attack the East and invade the West.

Khonghu Jun clutched the khonghou in his hand, the mother worm!

With a look of horror in his eyes, he rose from the ground and flew towards his garden.

With a flutter of his sleeve, he lit all the lights in the house, and he went into the chamber, only to emerge again in a moment.

Khonghu Jun's face was blue, and his eyes were filled with scarlet blood.

What a bunch of bastards to turn against me!

How dare they steal the soul-sucking mother worm!

Gritting his teeth, Khonghu Jun stepped out of the room and saw some of the medicine boys lying on the floor, while others were scurrying back and forth like headless flies.

Without the mother worm, its children had lost control.

Looking at the wrecked Medicine King Valley, Konghu Jun threw back his head in anger and let out a roar.

After roaring, Khonghu Jun's eyes were fierce, and he let out a murderous aura.

Sounding out the east and striking out the west was not something that could be done by one person.

Chi Yuanxian must have had an accomplice, but who was her accomplice?

Was it Ren Qiankun or Ning Xuan Bing? Or was it Su Miejun? Or were they all involved?

A medicine boy stumbled uncontrollably and came towards Khonghu Jun, whose eyes narrowed and his hand grabbed the medicine boy's neck. He twisted it with a "click" and the man fell to the ground.

After killing another medicine boy who was in the way and did not obey his orders, Khonghu Jun flew towards the Chi Yuanxian's garden.

In the garden, the lights were all out, and there was no one there.

With a sneer, he went to Su Miejun and Ning Xuan Bing's ruined garden.

Likewise, the lights were out and no one was there.

Suddenly, Konghu Jun realised that he had underestimated Chi Yuanxian.

She had used her body and love poison to control countless men, which was far more terrifying than his gu worm compulsions.

Once a parasite is separated from its mother, it is as if it has lost its main backbone.

But Chi Yuanxian transformed herself into a mother worm to control those martial artists.

What was she trying to do by taking his mother worm?

To reveal his plot to the martial world? To leave him in disgrace forever?

Little did he expect that Chi Yuanxian was the biggest threat!

He thought that Su Miejun was the wolf he had to watch at all times, but he never thought that this bitch, Chi Yuanxian, would be the one!

Since you've given me no peace, I'll give you a bad death too!

Khonghu Jun's originally handsome and compassionate face looked hideous, revealing a terrifying expression, and a frightening killing intent shot out of his eyes.*

There was a sound of light footsteps, and Chi Yuanxian suddenly woke up from her sleep and looked warily towards the entrance of the cave.

When she saw who was coming, an expression of surprise appeared in her eyes. She stood up and rushed over to the two handsome men who were supporting each other and said excitedly, "Ning dear, this is great! I knew you would get out. "

Hearing the "dear," the man holding Bai Lixin suddenly stumbled and almost threw Bai Lixin, who was on top of him, to the ground.

Seeing this, Chi Yuanxian hurriedly walked forward to support Bai Lixin, asking, "Why is Su Miejun also here? Are you alright, Ning? "

More than a month ago, she had hinted to Su Miejun that Khonghu Jun would be vulnerable on that day due to problems with his inner qi.

In other words, that day was a good time to kill Konghu Jun.

Therefore, when Su Miejun went to take Ning Xuan Bing's head, he intended to fight back. However, according to the original plot, Khonghu Jun would swallow an elixir that could instantly increase his internal power by several times, making his skills skyrocket in a short time, and they would both die together.

The snipe and the clam fought against each other, allowing her to reap the benefits.

It was just that the plot of this world seemed to have changed a little because her soul took over Chi Yuanxian's body.

Instead of being killed, Ning Xuan Bing threw himself into the Medicine King Valley.

"Thanks to Master Su Miejun," Bai Lixin's face was pale as he gave a weak, miserable laugh, "our escape plan had long been detected by Khonghu Jun, and he planned to kill us using the miasma mist. After you left, Khonghu wanted to kill me in a fit of rage, but Su Miejun was able to repel Khonghu Jun in the nick of time. The two of us then joined forces to force Khonghu Jun back, and only then did we have the chance to escape. "

Ning Xuan Bing spoke lightly, but when she looked at the blood and torn clothes on their bodies, she could imagine how fierce the battle they just had was.

Helping the two of them to sit down, Chi Yuanxian scanned them and looked at Su Miejun, "Why would you go to such lengths for us? Aren't you under the control of Lord Khonghu? What about the antidote and your life in that case? "

It wasn't that she doubted Su Miejun, but she couldn't figure it out. She knew that he hated Khonghu to the core, but she wondered why Su Miejun would choose this path that would not be worth the loss.

Su Miejun hesitated to speak, only glancing at Bai Lixin, and remained silent.

Chi Yuanxian looked at the two people who were close to each other, giving each other strength and support, and her eyes suddenly settled on Su Miejun's hand, which was gripping Ning Xuan Bing's hand.

She thought of the expression on Su Miejun's face and then looked at how he looked like he was truly protecting Ning Xuan Bing.

A bold and frightening suspicion came to Chi Yuanxian's mind.

Does Su Miejun actually like her dear Ning?