Ancient World: Arc 5.22

Only if he could control more of his power. Khonghu Jun was completely desperate. How on earth did this Ning Xuan Bing guy manage to do this?

His body was already in extreme pain internally, his lungs had already started to explode, yet Khonghu Jun could only watch as his body walked forward as if nothing was wrong.

Suddenly, Ren Qiankun shouted and abruptly jumped up, aiming the tip of his nine-ringed great sword at Khonghu Jun as his body spun and flew towards him.

In the shadow of the sword, Ren Qiankun rushed forward like a fierce wolf.

Khonghu Jun saw the move with his eyes, a move he could dodge, but his body was firmly fixed in place and he could not move.

He glared at Bai Lixin with reluctance and hatred, but Ren Qiankun had already pierced straight through his abdomen.

As soon as the battle was over, Ren Qiankun collapsed to the ground with no strength left.

The crowd watched and took note of it.

Fortunately, with Khonghu Jun's death, the crowd gradually regained their strength and immediately ran to Ren Qiankun and joined forces to channel his internal energy.

Surrounded by the crowd, Ren Qiankun used his last bit of strength to take a deep look at Bai Lixin, who was smiling slightly before passing out.

When he woke up again, Ren Qiankun was back in his room.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, and the first thing he said was, "Where is Master Ning Xuan Bing?"

His wife, Huang Shi, wiped her tears in surprise and broke into laughter, "You have finally woken up! Husband, you have been in a coma for a month. But how did you know that Sect Master Ning had come on waking up? "

Ren Qiankun was shocked; he had been in a coma for over a month. He braced himself with difficulty and said anxiously, "Quickly invite Sect Master Ning inside. I have important matters to discuss with him."

Seeing Ren Qiankun's anxious appearance, the Lady of the Alliance hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay, I will invite him in now."

Within a few moments, Bai Lixin stepped into Ren Qiankun's room in the company of Su Miejun.

Ren Qiankun was slightly stunned to see Su Miejun beside him, but he heard Ning Xuan Bing say, "My person."

Ren Qiankun swallowed his saliva and nodded before saying to Huang Shi, "Madam, I have put a copy of the Tao Te Ching in the drawer of my study. Can you help me find it? "

***Tao TE Ching is a religious text***

As soon as Ren Qiankun said that she understood what he meant, these people were going to have a secret talk.

After nodding, she withdrew from the room and thoughtfully closed the door behind her. She did not forget to say to the disciples on either side of the door, "There is no need for anyone here, go to the front yard and see what needs to be tidied up."

It was just the three of them left in the room, and Ren Qiankun gave Bai Lixin a complicated look and said, "Sect Master Ning, in Medicine King Valley, thank you so much."

Bai Lixin looked at Ren Qiankun with a light smile and said, "No need to thank me."

"But why did Sect Master Ning help me so much? If you had struck out on your own, your reputation in the martial world would surely be as high as the heavens. " Ren Qiankun did not understand and asked the question in his mind.

Bai Lixin shook his head, "I don't care about those things."

He and Su Meijun looked at each other, and he said, "I have always regarded fame and fortune as nothing, and I have already planned to live in seclusion and no longer care about the trivial matters of the underworld. You should be the Martial Lord than for anyone else. An opponent who appreciates me is better than an enemy who hates me. By helping you, I am also helping myself. "

"Living in seclusion?" Ren Qiankun looked at Bai Lixin and then at Su Miejun, who was standing beside him as if he were a guardian.

Surprisingly, he seemed to understand something.

"But there is one thing I want you to remember," Bai Lixin said after a pause, "I helped increase your reputation, and if I can help increase it, I can also pull you down. I hope you will set an example and not ruin this rare peace in the martial world. "

If someone else had said this, Ren Qiankun would have snorted in anger, but when it came from Ning Xuan Bing's mouth, he dared not disbelieve.

Ning Xuan Bing had been controlling the pace of the whole thing that day in the Medicine King Valley, and he even felt that all of them, including Khonghu Jun and Chi Yuanxian, seemed to be within his calculations.

It was as if everything was under his control. Khonghu was terrifying, but in his opinion, Ning Xuan Bing was ten times more terrifying.

Just like today, he had been in a coma for so many days, but Ning Xuan Bing had seized the opportunity to come here today as if he was expecting him to wake up.

Ren Qiankun was shocked in his heart. Could it be that this Ning Xuan Bing was like a god?

Nodding heavily, Ren Qiankun gritted his teeth and said, "I understand. Thank you for your guidance, Sect Master Ning."

Bai Lixin came here today to instruct Ren Qiankun and seeing his purpose achieved, he did not stay any longer.

After seeing them leave, Ren Qiankun went over all the things that had happened before and was once again shocked.

For such a big game of chess, Ning Xuan Bing had calculated everything correctly. It was better not to mess with such people.

Because of Ren Qiankun's heroics, everyone in the martial arts world was convinced of him. He also became the longest-serving martial arts leader in the history of the martial arts world.

During the years of his reign, there was unprecedented harmony between the Black and White Dao, each working in their way and collaborating with the other.

On his deathbed, Ren Qiankun called his descendants to his bedside and instructed them, "Be careful when you walk in the world. If you meet a man named Ning Xuan Bing, be modest and courteous and do not get into any conflict with him. "


When Bai Lixin and Su Miejun left Ren Qiankun's residence, Bai Lixin jumped and straddled Su Miejun's back.

With Bai Lixin on his back, Su Miejun asked, "Where are we going next?"

"The world is big. Where can we not go? I'll go wherever you go! " Bai Lixin laughed and replied, "How about we go back to the Medicine King Valley?"

After thinking about it, Su Miejun shook his head and said, "No, we're not going back there. Although there are memories of us there, it is also stained with too much blood. I will take you to a quiet place with mountains and water, plant peach blossoms, dig a ditch, and build a wooden bridge over it. How about that? "

As Su Miejun carried him towards the deserted country road, Bai Lixin listened to Miejun's words and rested his head on his shoulder, nibbling on Su Miejun's neck, "Okay, that's great. I told you that you're a prude. When I first asked you to accompany me to plant trees and dig pits in Medicine King Valley, you were not happy, and now you are rushing to do so. "

Su Miejun laughed lightly, "Don't laugh at me anymore."

Su Miejun didn't fly or use his lightness, he carried Bai Lixin on his back and walked slowly. The two of them walked further away, and their voices gradually dissipated into the air.

Afterwards, they did not choose a quiet place in the middle of nowhere, but went to Jiangan town, south of the river, and bought a large mansion by the river. Because, according to Bai Lixin, "A small hidden place is hidden in the forest, a big hidden place is hidden in the city" since they were living in seclusion, they could simply live in seclusion among people.

Su Miejun naturally had no objection, and the two of them stayed in the water village of Jiangnan.

They didn't even find servants, and they planted a patch of peach blossoms in the front yard themselves. Spring and autumn came and went, and they bloomed the following year.

A chessboard was set up under the peach tree and two soft cushions were laid on it so the two of them could play some games in their spare time.

The mother worm of the soul-sucking worms was destroyed after Bai Lixin finished controlling Khonghu Jun.

There is no such thing as a gu worm fearing salt and being forced out; it is only the mother worm that can do that.

On that day, he used the mother worm to force out all the gu worms from the martial artists, and the worms died when they were exposed to light.

After Khonghu Jun was kicked to the ground, he took advantage of the chaos to put a gu worm into Khonghu Jun's ear without a trace, and only then did the parasite slowly burrow into Khonghu Jun's head.

Chi Yuanxian's pregnancy was even more nonsense.

It was only because of the gu worm, which he had forced out of his own body and transformed using the system to make it treat him as its mother. As soon as he thought of an order in his mind, the worm obediently obeyed it.

So, while the two of them were in contact, Bai Lixin placed this worm inside Chi Yuanxian. The worm pressed against her pulse, creating a false slippery pulse of pregnancy.

He planned all this little by little from the moment he entered the Medicine King's valley, as Khonghu Jun and Chi Yuanxian each had their own thoughts and wanted to control others.

Since they wanted to control others so much, he also let them enjoy the feeling of being under control.

With the death of the mother worm, such evil creatures as the soul-sucking worms no longer existed.

Not long after that, a bolt of lightning struck the Medicine King's Valley, and the fire spread.

The fire lasted three days and three nights before it was put out by rain, but since then, the Medicine King's Valley had been reduced to rubble, never to exist again.

The greatest contribution the Medicine King's Valley made was to spread the art of healing.

The doctors and medicine boys who had previously been under compulsion were restored to their respective states of mind. Even though they had been controlled, Chi Yuanxian and Khonghu Jun had taught them medical skills.

Everyone had been worried about where they should go to seek medical help if they had any injuries, and they found themselves suddenly surrounded by so many divine healers.

But happily, thanks to the unprecedented harmony in the martial world, fewer people have suffered injuries over the years.

Bai Lixin and Su Miejun lived in seclusion for over fifty years before Su Miejun left with a smile on his face.

After burying Su Miejun in the mountains, Bai Lixin then said: [S419M, detach from the dimensional world].

[As ordered, Lord Host. Ding! Detachment from the world has begun. Ding, congratulations, Lord Host, you have successfully detached from the dimensional world.]

[Ding! Congratulations, Lord Host, you have obtained the Lord God Soul Fragment X1, which has been automatically placed in the Lord God's Box. The mission completion level is rated as SSS, and you have obtained 30,000-dimensional points! The points can be freely distributed.]

[Ding! Congratulations to Lord Host! For successfully killing one of the twelve false gods, you will receive an additional 50,000 reward points!]

[Ding! Congratulations to Lord Host for upgrading the dimensional system to SS level, and gaining 100,000 upgrade reward points!]

[Congratulations, Lord Host, for raising the soul attribute level to A-rank by 22%.]

[The system absorbed the lust goddess's ability and transformed it into an item in the exchange window. Please check the exchange window.]

A window interface glowing fluorescent blue soon appeared in the pitch-black darkness.

Seeing the exchange item that glowed gold, Bai Lixin asked, [Is this it?]

[Yes, yes! Lord Host, this is it!]

Bai Lixin's soul body floated over to that place and pressed his finger to that item, frowning slightly as he read: [An ancient famous weapon, the Heavy Range? What is this?]

No sooner had he said that than he heard S419M's excitement: [Ding! Congratulations to the host! You have used 2000 points to successfully redeem the ancient weapon, the Heavy Range! May you enjoy the beautiful and blissful sex life ahead!]

Bai Lixin : [...]