Western fantasy world: Arc 6.7

The graceful sea-swallow arrived in front of Yaphisor in no time at all, holding him by the chin and pinning him to the tree.

"Kittens are so cute when they're angry," Curtisno grinned, leaning down and sniffing Yaphisor's neck, "My kitten smells good too."

Curtisno was pushed several steps away as Yaphisor threw out an advanced light spell, and with a helpless chuckle, Curtisno continued, unafraid, "My kitten is not only cute but also a little scary."

Giving him a glare filled with daggers, Yaphisor put the hood of his cloak on his head, his face instantly hidden. "So much nonsense. Why don't we just go?"

"Heh, so shy." Running his hand along the outer edge of the hood and patting Yaphisor's cheek, Curtisno snapped his fingers and a spatial rift appeared in front of them.

Opening the door to the space, Curtisno's hand reached out and cupped Yaphisor's chin to lift his head to meet his own, "Are you coming with me into the territory of the Blood clan? It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out. "

Yaphisor cursed his hypocrisy and said with a purse, "If I say I don't want to, will you let me go?"

Curtisno laughed at that and said, "Of course not."

"Then what the hell are you talking about." Rolling his eyes, Yaphisor took the lead and stepped into the world of vampires.

Curtisno, who had followed, put his hand on his chin and rubbed it while saying, "Brave boy," before following suit.

The Bloods love the night, and most of the vampire territory is dark as the night. The entrance was guarded by a team of 13th generations.

As soon as Curtisno and Yaphisor crossed into the territory, they were spotted and questioned by the guards.

The guards were only a group of lowly civilians of the thirteenth generation, and the tenth generation vampires could already take their breath away, not to mention the pure and strong second-generation vampires.

Several of the guards felt the powerful aura emanating from Curtisno and half-kneeled to the ground in unison and said respectfully, "Greetings, my lord."

The leader of the guards, a 10th generation, boldly asked, "I wonder which family you are, my lord. I don't seem to have seen you before."

In a low voice, Curtisno said, "I am Count Curtisno, a 6th generation Blood of the fallen noble house of Vander in the western belt. I have been living in the human world, so, normally, you have not seen me before. "

A string of memories flooded into the minds of the group of guards, and the leader of the guards hurriedly said, "O, I remember, there is indeed a slightly forlorn castle in the west belonging to the Vander family. Please don't take offence if I have offended much, Count. "

Curtisno smiled slightly and said, "No matter, you are also doing your job impartially. May I go then?"

The guards hurriedly rose to make way for the two men and said, "Please take your time, my lord count."

When they left the guard's visible range, the surroundings were still dark.

Seeing the unfamiliar landscape around him, Yaphisor asked Curtisno, "How do we go about this? Did you bring me to the Bloods because Prince Wales is in Blood territory?"

Curtisno looked around and shook his head, "He may or may not be there. Come on, first accompany me back to my home."

Yaphisor raised an eyebrow, "You weren't just lying to the guards? Is it true that your castle is in the West? "

Hearing Yaphisor's question, Curtisno laughed and couldn't help but tap Yaphisor's nose. "How can you say I lied? I am at least the head of the Vander family – Duke Curtisno. "

You're a sixth-generation Blood, Duke Curtisno, so what am I? Your food? " Yaphisor asked, snapping away Curtisno's restless fingers and turning to him.

Curtisno looked at Yaphisor and said, "Do you have any small vessel for liquids there? A small bottle. "

Yaphisor was unsure, but took a small glass bottle from his magic pouch and handed it to Curtisno.

Curtisno took the bottle and, with a flick of his finger on his wrist, a stream of blood gurgled out. He half-filled the bottle before handing it back to Yaphisor, "Put it on, this is your identity. From now on, you are the seventh generation vampire of the Vander family-Marquis Yaphisor. "

Yaphisor did not immediately take the bottle but looked at Curtisno's still dripping blood with a slight twitch in his heart. He lifted his hood and was about to heal him with his customary light spell, but then suddenly remembered that he was a vampire, and the light in his hand glowed brightly before he withdrew it and drew a bandage from his magic pouch instead.

Taking a step forward, Yaphisor neatly wrapped the bandage around Curtisno's wound, complaining as he did so, "It's a small bottle, just bite your finger, why cut your wrist?"

"It's just a few drops of blood, it's not enough to kill anyone." Curtisno laughed and ran his other hand, holding the bottle, through Yaphisor's hair.

Yaphisor stormed, "What do you mean it's just a few drops of blood? They are all my blood! It's my blood you drank, and it's my blood that's coming out now! "

Seeing the normally indifferent Yaphisor's worried expression, Curtisno's eyes were gentle, his clear blue eyes smiling at the youngster, "Okay, my arm is fine, don't worry."

Yaphisor tied the bandage and grabbed the bottle in Curtisno's hand before stepping back.

He clutched the bottle in one hand and the cross around his neck in the other, frowning angrily, "Who's worried about you? How can I be worried about you, cunning vampire? My people and your clan have been at odds with each other since time immemorial!"

"You're worried," Curtisno muttered in a whisper but physically held up both hands with a helpless soft smile, "Fine, fine, no worries, let's keep going. Be careful with the glass bottle, it's your blood in there. "

Yaphisor froze, and with a dry cough and a slight blush, he tied the glass bottle of blood around his neck.

After lowering his hand, Yaphisor regained his usual indifferent expression and put his hood back on his head. Yaphisor said naturally, "Aren't you a second-generation Blood? And even if you can do mental attacks to deal with them, why give me the blood? It's unnecessary, right? "

"You think a mental attack is the only way to fool them?" Curtisno laughed lightly, "You're still too young. You are not under my influence to be able to perceive it. But I'll tell you, I don't only control living creatures. "

"Come here," Curtisno beckoned to Yaphisor, pointing to the stone in front of him when Yaphisor approached, "you are now a rabbit."

Yaphisor's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the stone. The ordinary stoned been lying quietly on the ground a moment ago, now jumped up without warning, and ran off into the distance with a hop like a rabbit.

Yaphisor:"… "

Curtisno folded his hands and looked at Yaphisor, "Now can you rest easy with the blood?"

Yaphisor:"… "

Rest easy? Yes, I am too reassured. If Curtisno suddenly got a bit hot-headed and pointed at a pile of furniture and shouted, "You're a rabbit," "You're a giraffe," "You're a mouse," wouldn't our house be a disaster?


Huh! Why did he think "our"?

Yaphisor's heart was as turbulent as a vast ocean, but his face was expressionless and calm: "... let's continue on our way."

Seeing that Yaphisor was unmoved, Curtisno had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and say, "Fine, let's go."

Deep in Yaphisor's memory, Curtisno also saw the internal pattern and geographical distribution of the Vampire Clan. Although he didn't understand how Yaphisor, who had never been in Blood clan territory, knew this, in his mind, it felt like this was how Yaphisor should be.

Mysterious, unknown, seductive.

Were there any more secrets in this young man's possession?

The Blood territory was not always dark; it also had daylight. The sun was hidden beneath a thick cloud, and the surroundings were filled with fog, so the whole day was like a cloudy day.

After about an hour of running through the meadows, like two sleek panthers in the darkness, Curtisno stopped at the top of a desolate hill.

It was so deserted and foggy that one couldn't see anything beyond a metre.

There was no place more desolate than this on the way up.

There was a dead tree next to them, and on its branch, a crow rested on a dead vine and cawed twice, adding a little more terror to the surroundings.

Yaphisor looked at the empty hilltop and said, "This is not where your castle is, is it?"

Curtisno nodded and smiled, "Congratulations, baby. You are right. "

Yaphisor followed behind Curtisno, only to see Curtisno put his hands in the air and shout from the top of the blank hill, with a blank face, "Show yourself, my castle!"

At his words, the thick layer of fog dissipated without a breeze, and a magnificent and solemn castle appeared at the top of the hill.

The huge metal gate of the castle was inlaid with a sign, the writing on which was ancient, but Yaphisor recognised the words "Vander".

The raven seemed startled by the sudden appearance of the castle, and after a couple of caws, it fluttered its wings and flew into the castle.

"This is your castle?" Yaphisor asked, pointing at the castle.

Strangely enough, the hilltop, which had been desolate and terrifying just a moment before, was suddenly transformed after the fog cleared.

The wild grass on the ground was gone, the gates were shiny and bright, not at all rusted. Inside, the castle was actually lit up, and it looked extraordinarily welcoming.

Standing outside the gates, Yaphisor felt like he was coming home.