Western fantasy world: Arc 6.11

The Blood King's mental attack accidentally wounded the powerful consciousness inside Orvis' body.

In an attempt to protect itself, this force automatically went dormant and sealed itself inside Orvis, but its power was transferred to Orvis.

Cusi looked at Orvis with a complicated expression. He had secretly loved Orvis, as he thought he was human, but it turned out he was a Blood.

But Orvis was different from the other Bloods, who would rush at him and show their fangs. But Orvis would only open his arms wide and give warmth to him.

Cusi thought back to the time he had known Orvis, to the time he had betrayed the Bloods for him, and an unexplained emotion rose in his heart.

Cusi hugged Orvis tightly and silently conveyed his feelings.


Curtisno glanced at Yaphisor and whispered, "Will you save your friend?"

Yaphisor said solemnly, "Wait a little longer and see what Orvis does."

Orvis bit his lip. He had lived for thousands of years and Cusi was the only human he had ever been tempted by in his life. The Bloods lived a long life, but how could these long years not be torture?

From the moment he was born, his heart had been cold.

It was only when he met Cusi that his heart warmed up.

He had waited thousands of years to meet such a heart-warming person.

If Cusi were to become a Blood, would he still be able to maintain his innocence?

But if he disobeys the orders of the Blood King, he will become a traitor to the Bloods from that point on.

What was the choice?

Seeing Orvis' hesitation, the Blood King snorted, "If you don't want to do it, I can help you. A fourth-generation Blood sounds better than a fifth-generation Blood. "

After the three third-generation Bloods had become princes, they had only created twenty offspring. The Blood King created only one, Prince Kurisjo. He was supposed to be the heir, but because he was sickly and frail, he was thrown into the palace as an abandoned son. He never even attended any of these centennial banquets.

The Blood King's desire to promote Orvis to the throne was too obvious, but it was not what he wanted. He could gamble on the Blood King's favour.

Gritting his teeth, Orvis rose to his feet and pulled Cusi to him, "Your Grace, I will give the boy his sireship myself without your help."

Cusi's eyes were wide and frightened. A bright light shone in his eyes, and Orvis' heart ached as he pulled Cusi to him and bit him on the neck.

Cusi's eyes closed in despair, and a line of tears streaked across them.

With Orvis' puncture, excited shouts of joy erupted from the Bloods.

Curtisno narrowed his eyes and pulled Yaphisor who was making a move, "Don't worry, I've just secretly changed Orvis's mind and he will save Cusi."

Yaphisor smiled at that, and this time stood firmly beside Curtisno as if one of the melon eaters.

Orvis took two mouthfuls of Cusi's blood and then snapped his head up. A red light flashed from his hand towards the Blood King while he led Cusi backwards towards the gates.

The guards at the Blood King's side rushed to block the red light, but the Blood King leaned back on the bench, not moving, not even blinking. He had read Orvis's thoughts before and left him a benefit of the doubt. But the boy had let him down. He had gone against him, who had "pampered" him for a thousand years, for a mere human?

The Blood King's eyes were red, but his lips curled in a smile, "Child, I know you're just joking with me, so come on over."

He planned to use Orvis's body and identity in the future, so, even if he was angry, he could not condemn Orvis.

If he did, it would be him losing out on a body to take over a year later.

But just because he would not condemn Orvis openly, does not mean that he would not condemn him secretly.

With his words, the Blood King had already activated his mental power and was eroding into Orvis' mind.

Don't you want to protect this child? Then I will let make you kill him yourself while your consciousness is awake.

Let him die directly, without even the chance of being a Blood!

The Blood King was smiling, but his face was terrifying…

Orvis took two steps back with Cusi in his arms, his mind starting to wrestle.

He had already decided to turn Cusi into a Blood, to keep him by his side forever. Why had he suddenly changed his mind and saved Cusi?

A thought that "Cusi is the best thing for mankind" had appeared in his mind and had completely controlled his actions.

It was as if his mind was being controlled.

Orvis stiffened and looked at Curtisno with wide eyes.

He saw Curtisno smiling slightly, his lips moving a few times, and then a voice in his head rang out, "Disobey the Blood King!"

Orvis' eyes changed and he looked coldly at the Blood King, "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

As he said these words, the Blood King's mental power had already eroded into Orvis' mind.

The Blood King hesitated for a moment and wondered, "Why could he refute me when I had already eroded his mind?"

As the Blood King hesitated, an extremely lethal mental energy was suddenly directed at the Blood King's physical body.

The Blood King, who had put his mental energy into Orvis' body, was shocked and tried to pull back to block the force before it was too late.

From the top of the dais, the Blood King suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

When the guards saw this, they hurriedly surrounded the Blood Emperor in a protective formation. One of the fourth generation elders drew his sword and pointed in Orvis and Cusi's direction, shouting, "It's them. They've hurt the Blood King. Take them down now! "

Orvis' mind buzzed. He gritted his teeth, picked up Cusi and fled the city.

The Blood King was unconscious and the party was in chaos.

The Blood King favoured Orvis so much that he attracted the jealousy of some of the other Bloods. In addition, he was arrogant by nature and looked down on them because of this favour.

Now that the Blood King was unconscious and Orvis had fled, a feeling of pleasure suddenly rose in the hearts of these Bloods.

It was a great feeling to have a man who was once above them rightfully under their feet.

Orvis ran through the woods with Cusi in his arms, seemingly as fast as he could, but in fact, he was already a little weak.

Only when he had escaped the vampire territory did Orvis stop and hide in a cave.

Cusi was nestled in Orvis's arms, numb with fear.

The wound on his neck had long since stopped, and the tears in his eyes were flowing uncontrollably from the shock.

Orvis' brow furrowed slightly at the sight of his delicate and fragile appearance.

He was an elder in the Hawk faction who was now a step away from becoming Blood King. Even if he liked Cusi, he would not go to such lengths for him.

He felt that he had forgotten something important; he had forgotten why he had gone out of his way to save Cusi.

Suddenly, his mind jolted, and a stirring voice rang through his head.

"Orvis, my body is dead." The thunderous voice of the Blood King rang out in his mind, "Give me your body to use!"

As soon as Orvis' was startled, a force began to forcefully squeeze his consciousness, trying to push it down.

Orvis clenched his teeth and let out a low growl as he said, "Sire, is that you? Have you entered my mind?"

"My good boy," came the voice of the Blood King again, "I had intended to take your body in a year after I had passed the throne to you, but now I have entered your body a year earlier than I should have, as fate would have it."

"What are you talking about, Your Majesty the Blood King?" Orvis was horrified and shook his head desperately to shake the consciousness out of his body.

"You are my most favoured vessel, and you are my most suitable skin." The Blood King snickered, "I want your body so go to sleep obediently and give it to me."

An even more powerful mental pressure hit him, and Orvis cried out reluctantly, finally losing consciousness.

The Blood King had used a sixth of his mental power to crush Orvis' mind into the abyss, and his mental powers were now weak due to the constant drain.

Lowering his head to look at his new arm, the Blood King stroked the strong bones and veins of his arm with relief.

He was finally free of that old, sickly body and had been reborn!

Cusi was dumbfounded but not unconscious, and hearing Orvis's low growl, yell, and then laugh, Cusi just assumed Orvis was injured.

Carefully holding Orvis's arm, his bloodshot eyes looked terrifying in the darkness of the night.

"Orvis, are you hurt?"

At the sound of the voice, the Blood King suddenly remembered that Orvis had a little guy with him. Many years ago, he had lost his sense of smell due to his crippled body, and that's why he never drank virgin blood at the feast; what was the point of drinking it if it had no taste?

Now that he had got a new body, his nostrils were instantly filled with the addictive aroma. He took a deep breath and shivers of excitement ran through his body.

You are a tonic from Orvis, little man, and now that you have come to me, I shall enjoy you.

The Blood King laughed as he went to suck Cusi's blood.

Cusi did not get a response and became even more worried, the worry in his heart overshadowed the fear and he hugged Orvis violently, "Orvis, nothing can happen to you, don't leave me, please respond to me. If you die, I will bring the Pope to crush the vampires. "

The Blood King snapped to a halt and his fangs retracted as he pulled Cusi back and stared into his eyes, "I'm okay, Cusi."

The Church, the Pope!

That's right, the boy was a priest. He will be of better use alive!

"Cusi, I have betrayed the Bloods." The Blood King took Cusi's hand and said, with a trembling voice, "The world is so big that I will have to hide like a street rat from now on."

Cusi looked pale. Although he resented the fact that Orvis was a vampire, Orvis had never harmed him. He had even made a blatant enemy of the Blood King for his own sake.

He heard the other vampires call him Elder Orvis, which is the title of a fourth-generation Blood.

A fourth-generation Blood gave up his great power to save a human! How could he forget such a kindness?

"No, you will not hide. Didn't you have a good disguise in the human world? The Alchemists' League and the Church are places that the vampires fear, and as long as you are hiding in these two places, they will not dare do anything to you. "

The Blood King chuckled lowly, "You don't hate me for lying to you?"

Cusi bit his lip, "No, although it was all your fault because you lied to me before, you still saved me afterwards, so I can't thank you enough."

The Blood King smiled, a flash of light flickering in his scarlet eyes.

"Cusi, I like you. It is because I like you that I am willing to openly fight against the Blood King for you, even abandoning my status as an Elder. " The Blood King looked at Cusi, the red in his eyes deepening.

A shiver ran through Cusi's body and a strange wave of heat rose in his heart.

He looked at Orvis with a flushed face and bit his lip as he whispered, "I like you too."

The Blood King's eyes glowed red, and he lowered his head to take Cusi's lips with his fangs.

Cusi went limp and hugged Orvis in response.

The Blood King snickered in his mind and woke Orvis in the depths of his mind, saying, "Orvis, is he not your pure angel? I will show you how your lovely angel has gone down the path of irreversible degradation."

Orvis roared, but the Blood King laughed and gently pinned Cusi to the ground, and the two of them spent the night together.

The next day, as sunlight poured into the cave, Cusi opened his eyes to find that Orvis had changed into the clothes of a High Alchemist. The red in his eyes had changed to a normal flaxen colour, and his fangs had retracted.

Seeing Cusi awake, "Orvis" smiled gently, "Well rested?"

Cusi blushed red, "Yes."

"Then let us depart for the royal capital. Prince Wales is not in the Blood territory. "

Cusi nodded, "Okay."

Blondur City, in the Blood King's castle

The Blood King's body was already cold, and his abandoned son, Kurisjo, had tears of sadness in his eyes that kept spilling onto the luxurious carpet, "my dear father had high hopes for Orvis but was were killed by that wolf. In the end, it was this unworthy child who buried you. Don't worry, Father, I will avenge your death! Wherever Orvis goes, I will catch him, bring him to your tomb, and kill him with my own hands in front of you! "

Aside from his frailty and illness, Kurisjo was not well-liked by the Blood King because he was a very clear-cut conservative.

He liked humans, and his daily consumption of blood substitutes disgusted the Blood King.

After placing the Blood King's cold body in a crystal coffin, Kurisjo, accompanied by the three princes, took the coffin deep into the castle and sealed it.

Having done so, Prince Kurisjo returned to his castle in a sombre mood.

As soon as he entered the palace, he was startled by the sudden appearance of two men, and his body tensed up as he looked at them angrily, "Who are you?"

Curtisno and Yaphisor bowed to Prince Kurisjo before Yaphisor said, "Your Highness Kurisjo, I am the priest of the human race. A few days ago, our nation's Grand Prince Wales disappeared, and every priest and alchemist in the country was dispatched to search for the prince. "

Kurisjo's was dazed for a moment, and he replied, "I have not heard of this, let alone know of Prince Wales."

Yaphisor nodded, "Oh, in that case, I am sorry to interrupt. Prince Wales is the future king of our country, and his disappearance is not only related to the royal family, but also the lifeblood of the entire nation. All the clues point to the Bloods, and if we do not find the whereabouts of Prince Wales, the humans will soon be attacking the Bloods. Your clan may be strong, but humanity is not so far behind, and if they go to war, the land will be devastated. "

Kurisjo's heart tightened at these words.

He looked at the backs of the two men leaving and said anxiously, "Wait a minute!"

Yaphisor immediately stopped and looked back at Kurisjo with a smile.

He bit his lip with his tiny fangs and pointed to the stairs leading up to the first floor, "Come with me, I know where he is."

The humans had always resisted the Bloods, let alone the heavily armed Royal Family.

There were several layers of barriers outside the royal family to prevent Bloods from entering, but it was unlikely that a strong Blood would be able to infiltrate the royal family without causing a dispute. Except, of course, for the perverted second-generation Blood beside him.

It was hard enough to infiltrate the palace, let alone take a prince without a word and any sign of battle.

There was only one reason for this, and that is that Prince Wales left on his own.

At the time of the burial, Yaphisor had Curtisno scour the memories of Kurisjo and unexpectedly found the location of the Prince.

Yaphisor shook his head in amusement. They say that humans and Bloods are bitter enemies, but why do they always fall in love?

It turns out that Prince Kurisjo and Prince Wales were in love.

Looking at Kurisjo's small figure leading the way, Yaphisor nodded. The size of his body suggested that if he was with Prince Wales, he was indeed the recipient.

Kurisjo walked unhurriedly, and feeling a little bored, he took the initiative to ask, "What do you two call yourselves, please?"

"I'm a junior priest of the human race, Yaphisor. Beside me is..." Yaphisor stopped and glanced at Curtisno.

Curtisno patted Yaphisor's shoulder wordlessly, "I am a sixth-generation Blood under Lord Alsina, Duke Curtisno."

Kurisjo nodded and said, "Oh," "You can call me Joey."

Curtisno and Yaphisor said in unison, "Okay, Your Highness Kurisjo."

Joey: "..."

The three of them talked for a short while before they walked up to the top floor, which was also the fifth floor.

They knocked on a room whose door was firmly shut, but received no answer.

Joey knocked a few more times, but there was still no response.

Curtisno and Yaphisor looked at each other, then stepped forward and pushed the door open. "Prince Joey, the door is unlocked. Why are you knocking?"

Joey laughed, "He usually keeps it locked, but come on in."

Joey laughed as he stepped into the room first, and the moment he did so, his body disappeared in front of the two men.

A moment after his disappearance, a lightning strike fell from the sky, striking them both hard.

Without hesitation, Curtisno's body acted on its own.

He lifted his cloak and shielded Yaphisor. The lightning struck the cloak, and Curtisno threw it back with a flip of his cloak.

A thunderclap rumbled from the roof, followed by the sudden appearance of a shimmering magical array on the floor.

As it glowed bright blue, a fierce, iron-faced, fanged demon suddenly emerged from it and charged straight at Curtisno.

Curtisno snorted disdainfully and held the demon's gaze for a couple of seconds. The fierce demon stopped dead in its tracks and sat down on its butt, licking its front paws like a kitten.

A surprised "huh" sounded, and Yaphisor dropped the cloak that had been shielding him and saw two figures slowly emerge in mid-air.

One was Prince Jo, who had just suddenly disappeared, and the other was Prince Wales, whom the humans were going to great lengths to find.

Yaphisor looked at the well-behaved demon beside Curtisno and sneered, " I could tear this demon to pieces."

Curtisno rubbed Yaphisor's hair and said soothingly, "I know, I know, but you'll be exposing yourself with a light spell when you do it. Just be a good boy and the next time a demon appears, I'll let you deal with it. "

Yaphisor pursed his lips and looked toward the two men floating in the air.

"Prince Wales, there is a limit to your capriciousness!" Yaphisor scowled, tugging Curtisno into the room and slamming the door shut from the inside.

"Do you know what the human race has lost because of your disappearance?" Glaring at Prince Wales, Yaphisor continued, "No matter how much love you two have for each other….and can you come down from the sky, don't make me drag you down, otherwise, it won't be pretty."