Western fantasy world: Arc 6.15

In the middle of the square, a circular clearing had been vacated, beyond which numerous priests had gathered.

In the middle of the clearing, two priests confronted each other.

One was dressed in the most ordinary robes of a junior priest, the other in the robes of an intermediate priest.

Yaphisor could have recited the light incantation silently, but he chose to do so in order not to draw too much attention to himself.

The power of the same light spell differs according to the power of faith and spirituality in the hearts of the castors, and they both chose an initial light spell at the beginning.

The use of the same spell is the criteria for judging the priest's basic strength. The flexibility of the light spell is a true judge of a priest's ability to wield it.

Cusi already knew the primary light spell so well that he could now perform it without reciting it.

Cusi smiled as he saw Yaphisor on the other side still chanting, and the pressure in his mind dissipated.

With a calm face, he threw a white light at Yaphisor and waited for him to be knocked to the ground.

Just as the white light was about to come into contact with Yaphisor, who was mumbling the incantation, Yaphisor's hand glowed brightly, and a dazzling obsidian gold light shot out from his hand, clashing with the light coming from Cusi.

The golden light collided with the white light, and there was an unexpected clash. The golden light was like a sharp bolt of lightning, splitting the white light in half without mercy and then flying straight at Cusi without even slowing down.

Cusi was so shocked that he hurriedly threw out a shield of light.

The golden light hit the shield and stopped it for a moment, but Cusi was not relieved, but even more frightened.

He heard the sound of the shield cracking!

As the shield was about to disappear, Cusi did not hesitate and quickly dodged to the side, jumping out of the way of the golden light.

The moment he jumped away, the golden light shot through the shield wall and towards the spot where Cusi was previously standing at a rapid speed.

At once, dust flew up and obscured the view of the crowd.

As the dust cleared, Cusi looked at where he had been standing, and a drop of cold sweat dripped down his face.

A hole two metres deep had appeared in the flat square, caused by the golden light that had hit the ground.

The crowd gasped and looked at Yaphisor, who had not even moved his feet.

Yaphisor looked at the embarrassed Cusi and said, "I'll tell you a story. A long time ago, there was an old man who sold oil and could pour it into a bottle through the eye of a needle, but it would not splash onto the needle. People asked the old man, "Do you use some strange spell? The old man laughed and said, "No, it's just that practice makes perfect. My ability to understand spells is very low, but I have never been discouraged. If someone can do a spell once, I will do it five times. When someone learns the next spell, I consolidate the previous spell. "

"It is not the number of spells, it is the ability to kill the enemy. Priest Cusi, you have learnt so many spells. Is there a single one that is as powerful as my first light spell? Do you still doubt my ability? "

Cusi blushed red, but he could see that Yaphisor was trying to give him leeway.

If the contest continued, he would lose quite badly.

Swallowing, Cusi stood up, patting the dust from his body, and said, "I have never seen any interpretation of a first-level light spell-like priest Yaphisor's. I was reckless before. I love this church so much that I was concerned and made such remarks. Please take no offence, priest Yaphisor. "

The Pope sat in his chair, a look of shock in his kind eyes, a golden light!

Only the purest of souls can make a spell of light with a golden glow!

It is written in the letters of previous popes that there was a divine pope who was so devoted to God and so powerful that he used a light spell that was not the usual white colour, but a pale gold that tended toward gold.

This pope once said that the colour of his light spell was pale gold because of the purity of the soul.

Even his light spells were just pure white, but this young man, who was only a junior priest, was able to use a golden light spell!

God, this young man must be a gift from you to my church!

The Pope beckoned to Yaphisor and called him to his side.

"Now that your doubts have been dispelled, I would like to ask you about the medicine you spoke of earlier. Do you swear by the true God to tell us honestly whether this medicine exists, or whether you made it up in your haste? "

Cusi's hair stood up, and he bit his lip in a dilemma.

If he said it was real, then Orvis would be in danger.

If he said it was false, then he would be punished by the true God.

How could he choose?

He suddenly remembered that Orvis was willing to break ties with the Blood King for him, willing to give up his position. If he could go that far for him, why couldn't he do the same?

Determined, Cusi gritted his teeth and held out his hand, tucking his thumb and little finger together and the other three fingers tightly together, and said, "By the gods, I confess that I have just made up a drug that does not exist. Every sentence is true, and if it is half false, I would like to suffer from heart-burning pain. "

As soon as the words left his mouth, his heart felt like it was on fire.

He held back the pain, and half-kneeled on the ground, not moving.

The Pope nodded, "Since what Priest Cusi said was false, there is no need to worry too much, for his intention was good, but he did it in the wrong way. Well, in that case, let us all go back. "

Yaphisor followed the Pope and Archbishop Calmeron into the temple before the quiet crowd began to talk to each other.

They pointed at Cusi's back, and Cusi fought back the burning pain in his heart.

"His move was so great that it almost made us believe him."

"A mere intermediate priest dares to provoke the decision of the Pope and the Archbishop."

"Hey, let's go, let's go, let's not even talk about him."


Amidst the accusations of the priests, Cusi jerked to his feet and ran away in shame.


"Orvis, my heart hurts." Cusi's face had a pained expression as he nestled into "Orvis's" arms, hoping to use his strength to ease the pain.

"What's wrong? Baby." The Blood King, expressionless, looked down at Cusi, who was lying in his arms.

Cusi told him what had happened this morning as he fought the pain.

At this, the Blood King asked in surprise, "You mean Yaphisor didn't become a Blood?"

He had smelled Yaphisor and his sire, Curtisno, at the ceremony, and it was true that they were Bloods. Did Yaphisor take medicine too?

But no, the reason he could use alchemy when his body became human was because alchemy was a dark art, compatible with the nature of the Bloods.

But light spells are different. If a Blood recites a light spell, his body will be reduced to ashes by the power of the light.

In this case, Yaphisor is indeed human.

Then why did he smell like a Seventh generation Blood?

The Blood King narrowed his eyes and continued, "Was it only Yaphisor who brought Prince Wales back?"

The burning sensation continued, and instead of caring about him, Orvis was now asking questions about Yaphisor.

Cusi gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, "No, it seems there were two others, but I do not know who they are, only that they are now guests in the palace."

At this, the Blood King suddenly took Cusi in his arms and squeezed him under his body, saying softly, "Poor Cusi, I'm sorry you faced such a grievance. Weren't you and Yaphisor friends? Nothing can untie the knot between friends. Go and apologize to Yaphisor tomorrow and ask him how he disguised his identity. Will you? "

A voice pierced through his eardrums, and Cusi nodded blankly, "Yes, Orvis."

The Blood King smiled gently and kissed Cusi's clean forehead and delicate skin, "You're a good child. Come here, let me reward you so it doesn't hurt anymore."

With that, he leaned over to Cusi's ear, his voice compelling him, "You will feel no pain from any wound that appears on your body."

The words echoed in Cusi's mind like a mantra, and in a matter of moments, his heart, which had been burning with pain just moments before, no longer felt pained.

Cusi looked at Orvis in amazement and covered his chest in disbelief, "It's different, Orvis. How did you do that?"

The Blood King hooted in laughter, "It's the power of love, baby."

It was early the next morning when Cusi returned from Orvis' place. He remembered how Orvis had behaved over the past few days and thought about the Orvis he had known before and felt a sense of inconsistency.

Was the current Orvis too gentle? Why did he feel like he wasn't Orvis at times when he was still Orvis?

Cusi was puzzled and finally blamed it on the change in their relationship.

Perhaps it was because before they were friends and now they were lovers.

He walked back to the church, his feet a little weak.

Last night, Orvis had been so hungry that he had taken a lot of his blood. Afraid to be noticed, Cusi didn't dare let him bite on his neck, but let him bite on his clavicle.

There were no major arteries in the clavicle, so it was very difficult to draw blood from it. After sucking for a while, "Orvis" pinned Cusi to the ground and bit down on his neck, feasting on it.

He was losing blood, but strangely enough, he felt no pain.

It was only when he felt his head start to spin that he struggled to get up.

When Orvis saw that Cusi was about to be sucked dry, he stopped and let go of Cusi.

Cusi still had two small wounds on his neck, and he tightened the scarf around his neck to cover them up firmly.

As he walked, he unconsciously came to where Yaphisor lived.

Like him, Yaphisor was an orphan who had been found by the church and had grown up and lived in the church; it was their home.

When he saw the small house where Yaphisor lived, Cusi stopped in his tracks.

He was about to turn and leave when a voice suddenly sounded in his head: "make peace with Yaphisor and ask about the others."

Cusi's eyes rolled up, revealing the whites of his eyes, and then rolled back.

Gritting his teeth, Cusi turned back to Yaphisor's door and knocked on it.

After knocking rapidly for about five minutes, and still hearing no response from inside, Cusi stood outside the door in despair, smiling bitterly.

Yes, Yaphisor was already the adopted son of Archbishop Calmeron. How could he live in a place like this?

He was probably already living in a magnificent temple by now, wasn't he?

Cusi's hand was already red and swollen from knocking but painless. With a few words of mockery, he turned to head to his place.

He had just taken two steps away when he heard the door behind him open.

Cusi turned around in a hurry, "Yaphisor, what happened yesterday was not right... who are you?"

The door was opened by a tall, handsome blond man, his sea-blue eyes now staring impatiently at Cusi, "I should be asking, who are you? Don't you know it's rude to disturb someone's sleep?"

Cusi froze and raised his finger to point to the rising sun, "But it's already dawn."

Who was this man? He looked familiar. Who was he?

Cusi searched his mind and suddenly slapped his palm, "I remember, you're the vampire noble who was with Yaphisor in the Blood realm."

Curtisno raised an eyebrow and turned his head towards the house, "Shall we let him in?"

"Come in, priest Cusi." Through the doorway, Cusi heard a voice coming from inside.

Curtisno again looked impatient but took two steps back to make room for Cusi.

Yaphisor lived in the most unpleasant place of all the priests because of his cowardly nature.

As soon as Cusi entered the small room, he was suddenly enlightened.

What looked like an unremarkable house on the outside was indeed something inside.

The walls were white, the table and chairs were pure white, and the beige bookshelves were simple and not luxurious.

Yaphisor was now sitting at his desk, flipping through a scroll, and when Cusi looked at it, he could faintly see the words "The Great Light Spell" on the scroll's handle.

The Great Light Spell!

The Pope had given Yaphisor the scroll of the Great Light Spell! But how could he, a lowly priest, be able to use it?

Curtisno saw Yaphisor was buried in his studies, shrugged his shoulders, pointed to a chair, and said, "Have a seat."

Cusi nodded, sat down, and then looked up at Curtisno, "You still haven't answered me. Are you a Blood?"

Curtisno sneered, "Is there a rule that says I have to answer you when you ask a question? Aren't you too presumptuous? "

Without looking at Cusi again, he turned to walk behind Yaphisor.

Curtisno hugged Yaphisor from behind, and gave him a peck on the cheek, asking in a low voice, "What would you like to eat, baby?"

Without looking up, Yaphisor said, "Whatever you want, just make it. I'll eat it."

"How about I make you an omelette on bread?"

Yaphisor's eyes went to one line and then to the next, "Okay."

Cusi, who had just been dismissed by Curtisno, sat awkwardly on the chair, watching the interaction in amazement.

Curtisno got his answer from Yaphisor and shuffled off to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Seeing Curtisno preparing breakfast, Cusi realized that he had indeed visited so early. It was a daytime visit, but there was no reason to come to someone's house when they were still having breakfast.

Cusi coughed awkwardly and apologized, "Yaphisor, I am sorry to have disturbed you so early."

Yaphisor paused and looked back at Cusi, "There's water on the table, make yourself comfortable. I'll be right over when I've finished. "

Cusi nodded, rushing to pour a glass of water to ease the awkwardness.

The interaction between the blond man and Yaphisor was so intimate, so intimate that he felt that no one could insert themselves into their world.

He was simply an extra person sitting in this room.

The sweet smell of bread and fried eggs came from the busy Curtisno, and Cusi stared at his back, gulping and his stomach growling in an untimely manner.

Yaphisor raised his head again and turned to Curtisno, "Curtisno, add some for one more person. Priest Cusi seems to be hungry."

Cusi smiled awkwardly but was touched by Yaphisor's thoughtfulness.

Curtisno cooked without an apron, fiddling with the spatula in his hands and making three eggs with ease. The eggs and six slices of bacon were fried, and the bread was just about ready.

The blond man's hands were dancing as he was making breakfast.

After elegantly bringing the two plates to the round table, Curtisno took the milk out of the cupboard.

Only when he had done so did Curtisno look at Yaphisor: "Baby, come and eat. You'll continue later."

"Yes, yes, I am coming." Yaphisor looked at the scroll of the Great Light spell once more before he carefully rolled it up and placed it on the bookcase before coming to the table.

He took a deep breath and sniffed the food on the table with a look of enjoyment on his face and said, "I didn't think you were any good at cooking."

Curtisno laughed, "Yes, there are many things about me that you haven't discovered. You'll be surprised by what you see in me in the future."

Yaphisor smiled at Curtisno as he sat down next to him.

As the two interacted, Cusi was embarrassed and didn't know where to put his hands. He smiled apologetically at Yaphisor and said, "Yaphisor, I'm sorry about yesterday."

Only then did Yaphisor move his eyes from Curtisno's face. He frowned at Cusi's pale cheeks and lips and wondered, "Have you been anaemic lately? Why do you look so pale? You're hungry, aren't you? Eat something first and we'll talk about it later. "

Cusi saw the plate pushed in front of him, which already contained two slices of bacon, a fried egg, and two slices of bread.

Yaphisor pushed the fork back to Cusi before picking up the milk and pouring it into a glass, "Seeing as you've been preparing the meal all morning, leave the task of pouring milk to me!"

Curtisno smiled gently and took a sip of the milk from Yaphisor, "Yes, the milk that the baby poured is really good."

Cusi took the milk from Yaphisor and said "thank you" before taking a sip too.

The milk tasted like ordinary milk, and the bread was ordinary. But after yesterday's rebuke from the priests, Cusi suddenly burst into tears as he ate.

What had he done?

He had hurt his best friend and even provoked the Pope's authority in front of a crowd.

After doing that wrong, all the priests were blaming him, but Yaphisor, who was the victim, was still tolerant, not driving away his unwanted guest, and even asking him about his health and preparing breakfast for him.

He had hurt Yaphisor, but Yaphisor had returned the favour with kindness, and he was ashamed of himself.

As tears fell onto the table, Yaphisor sighed softly and whispered, "I don't blame you. Just eat your meal."

Cusi nodded vigorously and ate his breakfast in tears.

After breakfast, Yaphisor and Curtisno cleaned up the dishes together, the half-open kitchen allowing Cusi to watch them in action.

The two laughed and smiled as they washed the dishes, and although there were no fancy words, the love shared was too much for Cusi to ignore.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Cusi thought of himself and Orvis.

What was his relationship with Orvis?

When he thinks of his relationship with Orvis, a darker colour comes to his mind, depression and despair mixed with the madness of blood.

But when he looked at the two of them together, all he could think of was a bright pink colour around them, natural, warm, and unpretentious.

This was the life he wanted, so why did his life turn out to be so grey?

The love between men had no place in the world, and Orvis was an alchemist in his human form.

Alchemists and priests have always been incompatible, so he and Orvis have to be even more secretive when they meet.

On top of that, Orvis is a Blood, a Blood who has a grudge against humans!

This means that when he meets with Orvis, not only does he have to prevent others from finding out, but he also has to prevent others from finding out that Orvis is a Blood.

Why does he have to violate so many of the world's rules to have a relationship?

Why did he have to suffer so much?