Western fantasy world: Arc 6.21

From the moment a vampire was discovered lurking in the Imperial City, more and more vampires started moving towards the Imperial City, and in just a few days, countless vampires had gathered outside the Imperial City, including many elite Bloods of the fourth and fifth generations! In a panic, the inhabitants of the Imperial City fled for refuge to the boundary zones set up by the Church, the Royal Family, and the Alchemy League.

They gathered their forces as quickly as they could to protect the Imperial City, but the Bloods remained cooped up outside the Imperial City, not attacking, as if waiting for something to happen.

The Blood King frowned as he watched the changing circumstances over the next few days.

That night, when he went out for food, he thought he was pouncing on an ordinary teenager, only for it to turn out that he was gnawing on old bones and it was his wasteful son.

What was he doing here? An attempt to catch him?

No, he was here to catch Orvis, not him.

On the night of the feast, when he died physically, and Orvis was the only person who had come into conflict with him before his death, it was only natural that he would be labelled the "murderer."

The death of the Blood King could not end so easily.

Without a leader, the Blood clan would be in turmoil over the Blood King's throne.

The Blood King was so perceptive that a bold guess emerged after only a moment's thought.

They wanted to trade Orvis' life for the majestic throne of the Blood King! That was the reason Joey and a large number of Bloods had gathered here!

It must be said that the Blood King's suspicions were already correct, but he was wrong about the purpose. Joey had not only come to kill him to get the throne but to also "avenge" his father.

The Blood King was still in thought when Cusi pushed his way in.

Seeing this, the Blood King straightened himself up and leaned back in his chair and asked, "Did you find out anything?"

Cusi's eyes drifted for a moment, and he nodded, "I heard a piece of news, Orvis. You and the two Bloods named Joey and Curtisno are not the only ones in the Imperial City, and as your trail has been found, more and more Bloods will be approaching the Imperial City. "

"Why are they approaching?" Though the answer was in his mind, the Blood King asked once more for insurance purposes.

"For you," Cusi said, with a panicked look on his face as he ran to the Blood King and threw his arms around him, "Orvis, get out of here. The Bloods want to use you as leverage. Whichever faction's representative kills you will be the next Blood King! "

Sure enough!

The Blood King's eyes lit up and a smile bloomed on his face.

Orvis' identity was no longer usable, and before long, he would not be able to hide the fact that he was disguised as a human to mix with the Alchemists' League.

He had come here intending to manipulate the Church through Cusi, but he had been thwarted by the appearance of Yaphisor and Wales.

The suppression of the Church was important, but the throne of the Blood King was even more important!

There was nothing more attractive than it, so why would he want to suppress the church? It was just to make a contribution and be allowed back into the Blood clan. But now that a new opportunity has come along, suppressing the church is no longer important!

They want to kill "Orvis", and as long as he breaks away from this body and occupies the murderer's body the moment they kill "Orvis," won't he become the Blood King once again?

His mood became brighter, and he couldn't wait for a faction representative to catch him.

The Blood Emperor laughed for a long time before he put away the smile on his face and continued to ask excitedly. Do you know who the representatives of the factions are?

Cusi tried to recall and nodded, "Yes, the conservative faction is represented by Kurisjo, the neutral faction and the Hawk faction have two representatives each. Their names are Colin..." Cusi said three more names, and the Blood King's decision was already clear.

Of these five, Joey was the weakest, while Colin of the Hawk faction was the most capable. Although not as capable as Orvis, he would work for now.

The Blood King looked outside the quiet house and then at the innocent-looking Cusi in front of him with a calculating smile as he slowly rose to his feet.

"Cusi, it's been hard on you for so long." The Blood King walked up to Cusi and laughed in a low voice, "Today you will help me with one last thing."

A bewildered expression appeared on Cusi's face, "What is it?"

"Help me get out of the city!"


The pale, aged Pope, clad in his magnificent golden robes, walked to the top of the city wall, holding a sceptre embedded with huge gems, and looked with a stony face at the army of Bloods on the opposite side.

Colin, the Hawks representative, roared in anger and flew into the air, pointing at the Pope and cursing, "Ugly human, hand over our traitor Orvis and I will spare you, for now, otherwise, I will slaughter your little imperial city today!"

The Hawks had always been ruthless and regarded humans as inferior, and Colin, an elite Hawk, was even more so.

He had long wanted to slaughter humans, but with the restrictions of the clan rules, he did not dare do so openly. He now had the opportunity, with Orvis as his excuse, to lead his army to the human race and carry out the slaughter he had planned for a thousand years!

Colin's eyes turned red with excitement, but just as he was about to give the order to invade the Imperial City, one of the representatives of the neutral faction stood up and said to the Pope in a very polite tone, "Dear human Pope, please disregard this man's brutal words and actions. We have no intention of offending you this time. We just want you to give us the rebel Orvis. "

The Alchemist League leader standing next to the Pope stepped forward and said, "There is indeed one named Orvis in this Imperial City, but he is not a Blood, he is a human, and a High Alchemist at that. Cunning Bloods, I advise you to hurry back; the demons in the Alchemists' League are not something you can afford to consume!"

When Colin heard the words of the Alchemist League's leader, he shouted, "If there is such a man, then why don't you let him come out and confront us? Why are you hiding him and not letting him out? There is a conspiracy! "

"It's not that we won't let Orvis come out, it's just that we can't find him either! " The Alliance leader frowned and pressed his hand on the ground.

A magical formation appeared out of thin air, and then a hellish demon came out, "There is no one you are looking for here. I advise you to leave now, otherwise, the consequences are beyond your imagination."

The two leaders of the humans and Bloods were clashing, and the situation was getting worse.

The Pope spoke up at the right time and asked a key question, "Why do you want Orvis? If the reason is right, we might help you find him. "

Colin and the representative of the neutral faction looked at each other, and the representative of the neutral faction snorted decisively, "It must be because he has done something outrageous to God and man that so many Bloods are besieging him. Believe me, keeping him in your human world will only be a scourge. "

"Haha, how can you want someone and not dare to say why?" The Alchemist League leader laughed and then sneered.

"Of course they won't dare say it because once they do, it would let us know their weakness, which would put them at a disadvantage."

The voice that just spoke was somewhat familiar, and the Pope slowly turned back to see Yaphisor and his friend, named Curtisno, walking over, accompanied by Calmeron.

The Pope waved gently at the sight of the familiar two, "Yaphisor, what do you mean?"

Bai Lixin spoke as he walked, " That traitor, Orvis, killed the Blood King! Now that the Blood clan is without a leader, it is the right time for us humans to go and besiege it! "

As soon as he said that, Calmeron followed with an expressionless face, "But we humans are not like these brazen vampires. It was never killing that we sought, but peace, peace between the two races. "

The Pope listened to the father-son pair, smiled and nodded in relief, "Well said."

Bai Lixin smiled back subconsciously, but his smile immediately disappeared. He looked aghast and thrust his hands into the air, forming a small blue protective wall to envelope all of them, including the Pope. And just after his protective wall was built, a blaze of fire came up.

If Bai Lixin hadn't reacted quickly, this fire mass would have hit them, and although they wouldn't have been seriously injured, they would have been hurt quite badly.

Removing the protective wall, Bai Lixin sneered and looked at Colin, who was still floating in the air, and sneered, "Where is the dog that just urinated? Although it was painless, the fishy stench is unbearable. One just can't stand it. "

Colin was furious and once again built up a fireball in his hand, "A human as filthy as a mole. I'll burn your mouth off."

At that moment, Curtisno, who had been standing behind Bai Lixin, took a few steps forward, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Bai Lixin unnoticed and shielded him.

Curtisno looked at Colin with icy eyes as if he was looking at a dead fish. His voice was even more choppy as if he was speaking to a stone, "You are not worthy to look or speak to us. Kneel!"

No sooner had Curtisno's words left his lips than Collin found himself, to his horror, falling uncontrollably straight to the ground, and afterwards, falling even more uncontrollably to his knees, unable to stand up in any way."

You are not worthy of breathing, and I deprive you of the right to breathe. You are not worthy to speak; I deprive you of the right to speak; you are not worthy to look this way; I deprive you of the right to see. "

Curtisno's aura exploded as he flung down the words in quick succession.

And as Curtisno's voice fell, Colin felt the depths of hell for the first time in his life.

He found he couldn't breathe. His nose couldn't take in air anymore, and when he opened his mouth to gasp for air, he couldn't even breathe into his lungs through his throat!

He was going to suffocate!

He was about to scream, but Curtisno had just finished his second sentence, and Colin's throat rolled, and he found that he could no longer make a sound!

Then, with a blinding flash, the world, which had been so brightly coloured, was suddenly tainted by darkness, and there was no other colour but darkness!