Western fantasy world: Arc 6.23

The Blood King sneered when he saw the person in front of him and pressed his hand to the ground to manifest a magic formation, summoning two demons.

The two hell demons came out and were first puzzled for a moment, then immediately showed their sharp fangs to the opposite side.

The Blood King patted the back of the demon beside him and pointed at the man, saying in a cold voice, "Eat him."

The two demons moved like rabbits, their bodies turning into shadows and instantly scurrying over. The interceptor was not afraid either, as he flew straight at the two demons with a strong stomp of his feet.

In a flash, the two fierce demons were easily grabbed by the neck.

With a single force of the man's wrist, the two demons were reduced to dust and scattered in the air.

The Blood King, as the summoner, also received some backlash. With difficulty, he propped himself up on the ground with one hand, a look of shock on his face.

"Joey? What's with this power of yours?!"

The one blocking the Blood King was none other than Prince Kurisjo, whose power had reached full throttle!

Dressed in a pure white tuxedo with his blonde hair flying, Joey angrily looked down at the Blood King, but did not answer his question, "Orvis, when you killed my father, you should have thought of the price you would have to pay." He said as he raised the longsword in his hand and slashed at the Blood King.

The Blood King was stunned and got up from the ground in a carp roll to avoid the sword.

Father? Joey, you idiot, I am your father!

The Blood King swore, but his heart kept churning.

Although Joey was his son, he never thought of him as his own.

How could powerless trash be worthy of being his son? He was a stain.

But why had Joey's power suddenly skyrocketed to such a level now?

He used to be a fourth-generation loser who couldn't even win against an eighth-generation Blood! But now he could defeat Orvis, a powerful fourth generation!

The Blood King dodged one move, but not Joey's impervious second move.

He only felt a whistling sound of wind in his ears and his body being lifted, before falling to the ground hard with a loud "boom" as the ground was smashed into a large crater with his body.

While these two Bloods were tangled up, Cusi stood far away from the circle of the two powerful Bloods' attacks, not forgetting to put up a protective wall for himself.

Seeing Orvis fall, the fanboy, Cusi, had a surprised look on his face as he took a few steps forward, nervously saying, "Orvis, let me help you!" With that, he flung forward an intermediate-level light spell.

The Blood King had just climbed out of the huge pit when he suddenly felt a hint of danger come over his back. He didn't even have a chance to turn around before he was slammed to the ground with a loud bang by a wave of force.

The Blood King roared, "Cusi, what are you doing?!"

Cusi hurriedly waved his hands nervously, "Sorry, I'm sorry, the light spell was off. You are two Bloods, so I lost some accuracy earlier. I'll get it this time! "

He then shot out countless pure white arrows of light, which, without exception, shot at the Blood King in unison.




One after the other smashed craters of varying sizes into the ground with loud bangs.

And in the middle of the damage, the Blood King was panting, his face covered in blood.

He struggled to his feet and was just about to raise his head when he was greeted by several more mid-level light spells.

It would be foolish of him not to have noticed by now!

With a wave of his hand, he pushed away from the attacks, and the Blood King's face was black as he roared, "Cusi! Where the hell are you attacking? "

Only then did Cusi stop his attack and retreat into the protective circle. He shrugged, "I was attacking you, of course."

The Blood King's heart trembled, and he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

He had been the one to always play tricks on others, but never the one to be played on.

Under the attack of one open enemy and one hidden enemy, the Blood King was in a state of disarray.

The son, whom he thought to be a waste, was no longer a waste, and Cusi, whom he thought to be a puppet, was not a puppet.

This was no coincidence, otherwise, how would he have run into Joey right here? Cusi led the way, so he must be acquainted with Joey.

Heh, how dare they treat this king like a monkey?

With a few breaths, the aura around the Blood King slowly changed.

The reason he could be completely abused by Joey and Cusi earlier was that they had taken him by surprise, and he had no way of defending himself.

He did not even use a mental attack because he looked down on Joey. Vampire powers and alchemy are not his trump cards; mental attacks are.

Joey also sensed the change in the Blood King and his brow tightened. He opened his arms to place a barrier around himself.

The Blood King sneered.

How could a barrier stop his mental power? It was simply a decoration.

With that thought, the Blood King looked at Joey and shot his mental power at him.

He pretended to be weak and crouched on the ground, but his mental power had already shot out at Joey secretly.

And when his mental power met the barrier that he thought was there for the taking, it didn't pass through as easily as he thought it would. The barrier emitted a light golden glow and bounced his attack right back.

Because of the tremendous impact of his attack, the Blood King was pushed back by the force by several meters.

But Cusi and Joey hadn't made a move, so this backward flight out of the blue was extraordinarily comical.

Joey frowned in confusion and slowly approached the Blood King while attaching the barrier to his body.

The Blood King, who was currently immobile from the mental attack, lay on his back on the ground and watched as Joey raised the chilling longsword at him with the sun at his back.

"Orvis, do you know how hard it is for father to favour a man? "

"It took everything I had to get a single look from him. But you have always had father's favour and yet you failed him! "

"In my father's eyes, I was a waste. But I am not a cold-blooded and heartless man. With his death, I will fight with all my might to reclaim his dignity and avenge his death. "

"Orvis, atone for your sins against my father!"

"Stop! I am the Blood King! " The Blood King roared in his heart, wanting to shout out this truth, but as he opened his mouth, he found himself unable to do so.

As soon as he tried to say that he was the Blood King, his throat felt like it was stuck with goo, and his voice would not come out.

The huge sword reflecting the sunlight came closer, and the Blood King gritted his teeth, pulling his consciousness out at the last moment just as the longsword struck his neck.

The Blood King's soul floated in mid-air, looking at Orvis, whose head was already separated from his body, and a flash of disgust passed through his heart.

What had gone wrong with the future that had been so well planned? How had he gotten to this point?

Undeterred, he tried to enter Joey's mind again, only to find that the barrier around Joey could still bounce him off.

Somewhat helpless, the Blood King cast his eyes on Cusi.

A human? A frail human body?

The Blood King tossed his head in disgust.

How could a lowly human be worthy of carrying his soul?

The Blood King's eyes once again fell upon Joey.

Joey, who had fallen to his knees after cutting Orvis's head off, threw the longsword away and made a series of gestures to the ground, saying mournfully, "Father, I have avenged you."

A subtle expression appeared on the Blood King's face. He had discarded Joey and yet he still knelt for him...

The feeling was impossible to describe with words.

Knowing that occupying Joey's body was hopeless, the Blood King was no longer obsessed with it.

Although his soul will not dissipate for now, as time goes on, it will gradually dissipate between this heaven and earth because there is no physical body to attach to.

Then he would be truly dead.

There was a large army of Bloods outside the gates of the Imperial City, and as long as he could find them, he would be able to come back to life again.

The Blood King's purpose was very clear, and he manipulated his soul to fly straight toward the Imperial City.

But he had barely flown a distance when he suddenly stopped.

A greedy look appeared in the Blood King's eyes, his transparent tongue licking his transparent lips as he looked at the two people who came before him.

Yaphisor and Curtisno!

Curtisno was the Blood who had practised mental attacks but still had a strong body.

He had guessed earlier that Curtisno's powers were above his own, and if it were in the past, he would have chosen to avoid Curtisno in a perfectly sensible manner. But he had been the Blood King for tens of thousands of years and had been the strongest of the Bloods. He lived to hear nothing but admiration and had turned into an irrational egotist.

Seeing Curtisno, the egotistical and arrogant Blood king, forgot his earlier judgement and flew straight into Curtisno's mind!

The very moment he flew in, a force like chains locked his soul-spirit, and he was unable to move!

"Oh, Lord Blood King, I have been waiting for a long time." A low voice echoed in his mind, and the Blood King's heart became even heavier.

"Waiting for a long time? Who the hell are you? " The Blood King asked him back.

"I am one who slipped through the cracks of the second generation of Bloods that you killed. Also, I am your teacher, the founder of the mental attack! "

"!!! You are a Second Generation Blood? " The Blood King's heart was now cold, and he let out a long sigh, "No wonder! No wonder I couldn't invade Joey's body, no wonder Cusi could release my control. It was all your doing. No, not only that, but that mental attack on me at the Blood Feast came from you as well."

Curtisno's voice rang out, "You are a very clever Blood."

The Blood King strung everything together in his mind. "You let Joey kill me to give me a taste of what it would be like to be killed by my offspring. You have come to avenge the second generation of Bloods!"

"No, that hadn't occurred to me. I just think that your role was over at the moment of death, and having been his hero until his death, let him keep that heroic image. There's no need for Joey to find out how nasty and dirty you are. Your death is a knot in his heart; you did not help him in life, so your death can help set his soul free and send him to a higher place. He will be a very good king and will lead the Bloods on the right path, a future you cannot imagine. "

"Bastard! How dare you play…."

"So, you might as well die."

The Blood King was about to say something else but suddenly found that countless forces were squeezing his soul as if it was being torn apart by countless giant hands.

Without even a chance to scream, the Blood King's soul disappeared completely.