Interstellar World: Arc 7.11

"Spiritual attunement?" Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow and trailed off, "Oh, for the future of the interstellar and the empire, huh?" Bullshit, you're doing it for the vast tadpoles inside you, right?

Bai Lixin squirmed in Lei Yao's arms and said, "But I'm too tired and need to rest. It's better to forget about a laborious thing as spiritual attunement."

Lei Yao smiled, "Since Xiao Ye needs to rest, then let's forget about it for today. Anyway, since you're having a rest day, are you interested in visiting the base environment?"

[Lord host!] S419M suddenly interjected, [Go, Lord host. I have detected a very powerful spiritual force in this base, but I can't determine to who this spiritual force belongs. I would like to explore it]


Bai Lixin looked at Lei Yao, "Can I really do that?"

Lei Yao nodded and smiled, "Of course, you can. As long as it's somewhere Xiao Ye wants to go, I guarantee that you'll be entering a deserted place."

Bai Lixin then nodded, "Okay, give me fifteen minutes, I'll go and take a quick shower."

He was about to get up when he realized that his legs were somewhat immobile. Looking down his waist, he found that his legs were entangled in Lei Yao's two legs, locking him in place so that he couldn't move.

He glared at Lei Yao, wordlessly complaining about letting go of his legs.

Lei Yao shrugged and naturally let go of his legs, "You don't sleep honestly at night. I wrapped you up like this so you don't fall off."

You are the one who sleeps dishonestly, your whole family sleeps dishonestly!

Half an hour later, Bai Lixin and Lei Yao were all packed and ready to go.

They were about to leave the room when there was a knock at the door first.

Lei Yao and Bai Lixin, who were about to go out, looked at each other and Lei Yao said helplessly, "It seems that we have guests."

Bai Lixin let out an "mmm" and stretched out his hand, which had stopped in mid-air, and pulled the door open.

At the door were two men standing next to each other. As soon as the door opened, the taller man took a step forward and entered, nervously holding Bai Lixin's hand and looking it up and down, "Brother Mo Ye, are you okay?"

Bai Lixin looked at Lei Yao, who had a wry smile, and coughed twice in embarrassment. He withdrew his hand without a trace, "I came back to rest after I left the gravity room to train, there was nothing wrong."

Mo Shaojun continued, "I looked for you after I came back yesterday, but you were already resting at that time, so I didn't bother you. Brother Mo Ye, if you can't stand it anymore, I'll send you back to the Mo family."

Why does this child always think of sending him back to the Mo family?

Lei Qi was unhappy, but his face still had to put on a caring expression.

Seeing Mo Shaojun's consideration towards Mo Ye, Lei Qi gritted his teeth and simply raised his head to scan the dormitory.

This dormitory was quite bad, the whole dormitory was not as big as the study room that came with their first classroom. Lei Qi should have been very proud of himself as he had overpowering Lei Yao.

But no matter which way his head turned, Lei Qi always caught sight of Mo Shaojun caring for Mo Ye out of the corner of his eye. Stamping his foot, Lei Qi looked at Lei Yao, who also had a sullen look on his face, "Is elder brother planning to go out?"

Lei Yao nodded and swept a glance at Mo Shaojun, "I plan to show Little Ye around the training base."

Lei Qi let out a "Huh", "Isn't this the first time that big brother has come here?"

"I once came here five years ago," Lei Yao said, "so I'm quite familiar with this base."

"Oh, that's right!" Lei Qi's eyes lit up and he hurriedly dragged Mo Shaojun to his side, "Since your brother wants to visit the base, then we won't bother you much. You two have a good visit, we'll go and do our spiritual bonding exercises first."

Lei Yao smiled. For the first time, he felt that this younger brother of his was quite cute, "Okay, take care, don't see us off."

After sending the two away, Lei Yao turned to Bai Lixin with a very subtle smile and said in a shady tone, "The brotherhood between Little Ye and his brother is something I envy."

"Ahem!" Bai Lixin covered his forehead. This kind of leftover history needed to be resolved slowly.

He took Lei Yao's arm and said, "Didn't you say we are going to visit the base? Let's go, it's getting late."

Lei Yao glanced at the arm that was holding his own and shook his head with a light smile, "Let's go, my esteemed sentinel."

There was a total of over three hundred training grounds at this base, and Bai Lixin's class was only one of the district grounds. In the absence of war, all the teams that previously trained here would use it as their base for consolidation training.

"The cosmic zerg are very cunning, they have tried to invade the Diyang Star using multiple methods. But they were all blocked by the Imperial army. It's just that each time, they only send out worker bugs. So as long as the mother zerg is not destroyed, this war will never end."

Lei Yao led Bai Lixin out of the towering gate and found a flying capsule docked outside. As he led Bai Lixin up to the pod, Lei Yao navigated the flight and continued.

"The mother zerg has a very powerful reproductive capacity, she can lay five thousand eggs in a single day. In every battle, she hides far away in the shadows and protects herself so well that we don't have a chance of hurting her." Lei Yao paused for a moment and looked at Bai Lixin, "Only once did two great soldiers from our army fly an aircraft deep into the camp and managed to find the mother zerg and had tried to kill her."

"Only, the magnetic wall outside the mother worm's body was a hundred times greater than that of a normal zerg, and these two great soldiers died."

"They were your parents, little Ye." Lei Yao frowned, his voice a little lower, "Little Ye, on behalf of the imperial family only, I give you my most sincere thanks."

Bai Lixin was startled, the memories of this world were not complete, and many of the things appeared in his mind in the form of words.

He only knew that Mo Ye's parents had died on the battlefield, but he did not know that they had done such a thing.

"You had a great pair of parents, Little Ye. They may not have called themselves good parents, but they were the best warriors, and the Empire is proud and honoured to have such warriors."

Bai Lixin shook his head, "No, they were a pair of competent parents who gave birth to me and gave me the best attributes, only I didn't fight for them later. They were not only my parents, they were my idols."

"Before your parents died, they transmitted a copy of the mother zerg's data back to the headquarters. After years of analysis and research, the headquarters unlocked the secrets of this string of data and can now pinpoint the location of the mother zerg."

"Little Ye, they are not only your idols but also the benefactors of the entire empire. They are the ones who have made this battle see the end. It is their efforts that have made it possible to end this battle years earlier. As long as we lock on to the location of the mother zerg, we will turn our passivity into an initiative. We shall take the initiative and kill the mother zerg once and for all."

The atmosphere was somewhat heavy, and Bai Lixin took two deep breaths to suppress the touch in his heart.

War is always cruel, and he lowered his head, slowly sinking into contemplation.

In the deepest recesses of his memory, there was always a place that he wanted to touch but dared not. But no matter how many worlds he had travelled through, no matter what kind of person he had become, deep in his heart he was still the prince of the Snow Kingdom, built on a snow-capped peak.

Once a peaceful and calm land, the Snow kingdom had been turned into scorched earth overnight for the ambitions of the Calvary Kingdom and some people. The pure white snow was drenched in scarlet blood, and the clean sky was swollen with wind and sand. There were shouts and screaming everywhere.

Young and ignorant children were easily pierced through the chest as they begged and cried to their stabbers. Parents dying beside them, children staring blankly ahead, no longer having a light in their eyes.

Look how many good things have been destroyed by the war.

The sounds of laughter were no longer there, only voices of fear and despair were everywhere.

Bai Lixin hated war so much that, in many previous aspects, he would have twisted history to make the world whole, that way, the world is for everyone, not for any one country, any one organization, or any one person. There can only be called leaders, but not masters of the world.

So who are they to create war after war for their ambitions?

Lei Yao gathered Bai Lixin into his arms and gently patted Bai Lixin's back soothingly, "I don't like war and I have wished countless times that I could find the mother zerg and kill it with just one person. The battlefield is the cruellest place, and even for the victor, death is inevitable. I have seen too many people die, and too many people cry tears of despair. The world was not meant to be like this."

Bai Lixin held Lei Yao's waist and looked up with glowing eyes at Lei Yao, saying earnestly, word by word, "The world will return to its original form, and the mother zerg will be ended by us."

He had invaded Mo Ye's body and taken over his future. He had read the memories of this world, but until then, he had only thought of the memories as a text, a text that was distant and distorted.

But today, when Lei Yao spoke of Mo Ye's parents risking death to kill the mother zerg, his heart was irrepressibly touched.

Yes, he was Mo Ye now, and he had come here not only to realize Mo Ye's ideals. It was also to put an end to a war that had been fought for centuries.

Mo Ye was not a special case, too many people had already died tragically in this senseless war, they could be the parents or the children of a family. How many families have been broken by the war, how many people have lost their former smiles because of it?

"Mo Ye, I will not only fulfil your ideals, but I will also fulfil your parent's unfinished mission."Bai Lixin solemnly promised in his heart.