Interstellar World: Arc 7.14

Strangely enough, since Chi Chuan had given such a heartfelt lesson, the Guides were able to efficiently do the soul-fit training afterwards with half the effort.

In the blink of an eye, the six months of training would soon be over.

On this day, principal Li Sidan called the group together, saying, "Every year, after six months of training, the students will have to go through a practical exercise. As I'm sure you noticed when you arrived, there is a large, dense bush not far from the base, and that is where you will be practising. You will graduate only if you get out of this jungle within three days. Those who are unable to graduate will train here until they pass the test. The test will be the day after tomorrow, and I wish you all a good result. "

"Passing the test is secondary to coming back alive. I don't want to see any missing trainees."

The assembling area was still the same open space they had walked down six months ago, but after these months, each of them was different from six months ago.

Their eyes were more determined, their physiques were stronger, and their chests stood tall, silently telling of their growth.

Li Sidan nodded appreciatively, "Well, go back and prepare well."

Six months into his training, Bai Lixin was still physically unable to do a beast transformation. When no one was around, he would go to the super-gravity room to train, practising strength control and how to exert his strength to its limits over and over again.

The strength tester in the middle had failed long ago. It had exploded right off the meter during one of his punches three months earlier, and now it helplessly stood to one side, losing its only value.

The crowd went back to rest for the remaining two days and gathered on the third.

Yang Fei and Chi Chuan brought their class into the aircraft and flew to the very heart of the jungle. Chi Chuan instructed, "Due to the special radium in the crust, the creatures on planet R18 are particularly fierce and tough. Some of them are even stronger than the zerg. So when you enter, if you can act in groups, try to do so. There are 102 of you now, and hopefully, you will still be that number when you return. And, " Chi Chuan paused and glanced at Lei Yao. "Sentinels, protect your guides well. Do you hear me? "

The sentinels lifted their chests and saluted, "I hear you! Instructor! "

Yang Fei nodded, "Alright, I'll be waiting for you outside in three days."

He operated the aircraft and slowly descended downwards. When it reached ten meters above the ground, Yang Fei stopped and said, "Hold your guides and jump from here. The second you step into the jungle, the test officially begins. "

Bai Lixin was happy as soon as Yang Fei said this.

Without saying a word, he picked up Lei Yao in a princess hug and said, with a serious look on his face, "Don't worry, guide Lei Yao, I will protect you."

Lei Yao laughed, and surprisingly hooked his backhand around Bai Lixin's neck, "Then thank you, Lord Sentinel."

From afar, Yang Fei and Chi Chuan saw it and covered their eyes with their hands, but they couldn't help opening their fingers again.

The image was too beautiful to look at.

Yang Fei smiled heatedly and ambled over to Chi Chuan's ear and whispered, "For the sake of the interstellar and the future of the empire."

Chi Chuan glared at him and whispered back, "That's the general's mantra."

"So I practised it well."

The two men wanted to look but didn't dare to watch as Bai Lixin carried Lei Yao, leaping smartly, landing with his feet firmly planted on the ground.

When they reached the ground, Lei Yao still didn't let go. He circled Bai Lixin's neck and said with a straight face, "Sentinel Mo Ye, may I ask which direction we should go?"

Bai Lixin almost stumbled on his feet and said, "That question should be asked of you, right? You use your mental powers to find out where the exit is."

"Okay," Lei Yao nodded. "Then you hold me first. I can't focus my mental energy when I'm walking by myself."

Bai Lixin: "Hahaha!"

The sentinels landed around them, waiting for the last one to drop before the hatch of the craft slowly closed and flew off without a backward glance.

The group was left without a leader, and the monitor, Lei Qi, cleared his throat, "Since Instructor Yang Fei instructed us to do so, let's all form a group and keep pace, so no one falls out."

As soon as Lie Qi's words left his mouth, Lei Yao interrupted. "Oh, Lei Qi, I don't think we can all march in a group."

Looking at this Lei Yao, who was still in someone's arms, Lao Qi swallowed his saliva and said, "What do you mean? Are you guys going to go alone? "

"It's not that we want to, it's that we have to." Lei Yao shook his head and said, "I just heard some discordant sounds when my mental power went out, and countless beasts are coming from all directions."

"How is that possible? I didn't… see anything," Lei Qi had just reached the middle of his sentence when he suddenly froze. His expression suddenly changed and a light flashed in his eyes: "It is a herd of beasts!"

Lei Yao tightened his arms around Bai Lixin's neck and said, "So right now protect your guide. It doesn't matter if your teammates are scattered. You must not get separated from your partner. "

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes, giving no comment to this blatantly thick-skinned Lei Yao.

Although Lei Qi was the squad leader, the crowd believed in Lei Yao. As soon as the words left his mouth, the group once again took the guides, who had just been placed on the ground, back into their arms.

The ground began to shake violently, accompanied by the sounds of stampeding and roaring from far and near.

Lei Qu held onto Mo Shaojun's neck, his face as red as a tomato. He held out his finger in one direction and said, with strong composure, "Everyone go this way; the herd is right behind us."

The crowd did not dare relax and ran forward furiously, clutching their guides. However, even though they were fast, the herd was even faster. The sentinels stayed together at first, but then ran wildly in all directions in the onslaught of the herd, and the group scattered in just a moment.

The stampeding beasts ran for a long time, some even running out of the herd with three or two monsters to deliberately break up the still-assembled group.

It was only when all the ranks had broken up that the figures of the beasts gradually turned translucent and slowly disappeared into the jungle.

In the central control room of the training base, an officer's fingers tapped on the translucent projection keyboard, closing the phantom of the simulated beasts.

"Colonel Li, it's ready, they have all dispersed."

Li Sidan nodded, "Good, thanks for the hard work. The test has only just begun, but I can feel that this year's test is going to be exciting. "

Long after the herd had come crashing through, Bai Lixin carried Lei Yao onto a path behind the bushes. Hearing the herd fading away behind him, Bai Lixin gave a narrow smile and said, "The herd? Oh, I can laugh about this one for a year. So may I ask weak guide Lei Yao, are you planning to stay on me for the rest of your life? "

Lei Yao thought seriously, "Why not?" I am not planning to stay on you for the rest of my life; I am planning to stay in your body for the rest of my life. "

But sentinel Mo Ye should retain his strength. I may be a weak guide, but I don't lack any of the muscles I should have. " Lei Yao ruffled Bai Lixin's hair before slowly getting out of Bai Lixin's arms, "How did you know the beasts were fake?"

"No item in the world is exactly the same. These beasts are realistic, but every once in a while, the same one appears, so how would I believe it is real?" After a long time of practice, Bai Lixin could already strengthen any part of his body with ease. Although the beasts were running extremely fast just now, they were no faster than the eyes of the strengthened Bai Lixin.

Lei Yao shook his head with a smile and said, "Everyone else just strengthened their legs. Do you have nothing better to do than strengthen your eyes?"

Bai Lixin plucked away the bushes as he helplessly, "It's useless to put more strength there anyway. What can I do about it? " At the centre of the jungle, there was lush green vegetation on all sides, and at first glance, it seemed like being plunged into a sea of green. The trees towered into the sky, blocking out the dim sun overhead.

Only the sky above the base was covered with a simulated sunlight system. This jungle outside the base had the sunlit environment expected on R18. It was still daytime when they came out of the base, but it was immediately dark when they came to the jungle.

"Is this planet's rotation cycle the same as Diyang's?" Bai Lixin asked as he looked at the darkening sky.

Lei Yao shook his head with a glint in his eyes, "No, a day here is two hours faster than on Diyang."

Bai Lixin trailed behind, following Lei Yao for some time when he suddenly heard the sound of water gurgling, "There is the sound of water."

Lei Yao stopped and took out the water bag slung around his waist, "Great, let's go and fetch some water."

Bai Lixin nodded, and naturally took Lei Yao's arm as they went towards the sound of water. They walked for about another twenty minutes or so, poking through the last of the vegetation before they saw the water source.

It was a small stream, with the water gently flowing down from the upper reaches and ending deeper into the jungle. Vegetation was abundant around the stream, but there were no trees. Two people had found it long before Bai Lixin and Lai Yao.

The two people looked familiar, and it took a moment for Bai Lixin to remember that they were a pair of partners from the eighth squad.

The sentinel was a man with a tiger- back, while the guide was a woman who looked as soft as a rabbit. The guide had probably used her mental powers to detect the presence of someone. So when Bai Lixin and Lei Yao plucked away the bushes, they found the sentinel was already swinging a round steel ball with a wary look on his face.

Only when he realized it was a human and not an animal did the sentinel breathe a sigh of relief and drop the steel ball.

The rabbit-like guide realized that she had made a mistake and hurriedly stood up and bowed at the sentinel, apologizing, "Sorry, sorry, I made another mistake."

"Never mind," the sentinel sighed helplessly, "how many times have I told you, no need to bow and perform such a large salute every time. Am I dead?"

What was supposed to be a joke turned out to be even more overwhelming for the rabbit-like guide, who pressed her head even lower straight away, "Sorry, I'm really sorry. I'll be sure to pay attention next time."

The sentinel gave another helpless look and pushed a water bag to the guide, "No, drink first."