Interstellar World: Arc 7.18

Li Sidan wasn't rest assured and wanted to go with Lei Yao but he was fiercely stopped. The central control centre could not be left without a leader; otherwise, if something went wrong, the consequences would be unthinkable.

Although Li Sidan was worried, he reluctantly agreed to remain.

Lei Yao went to the battlefield as fast as he could and arrived when the war was in full swing.

Fifty thousand worker zerg were neither a lot nor a little, not to mention the old Queen's personal guards. The male's greatest duty was to breed the female, and its physical body alone showed that it had no offensive power.

As soon as the battle began, the male that had come out to negotiate retreated to the ship.

Lei Yao slowly landed the pod behind the human camp and fought back the headache as soon as the hatch opened.

Rushing out of the flight pod, the first person he spotted was Mo Ye.

In the crowd of beastly fighting sentinels, Mo Ye stood out.

He was holding a silver dagger that he always carried with him. Lei Yao noticed that he was nimble enough to get close to the zerg, easily pierce their protective walls with his dagger, and directly slice them in half from head to tail.

Chi Chuan had long seen Lei Yao's arrival. As soon as he stepped off the flight pod, Chi Chuan greeted him, "General, what brings you here? You should be resting in the rear. "

Lei Yao gave Chi Chuan a look and said coldly, "So, I should let my sentinel fight to the death in the front as I hide in the rear to enjoy myself."

Chi Chuan was speechless. "I am very sorry for bringing your sentinel into battle, General."

"You need not apologize for that," Lei Yao said as his eyes followed Mo Ye's figure. "It is his wish and I am willing to fulfil it for him."

The two men walked as they spoke and soon came to the camp of the guides at the rear.

Chi Chuan knew of Lei Yao's second identity aside from that of the prince, but the others did not.

The guides were still full of energy at the moment, but a quarter of them were nervous as it was their first time participating in such a battle.

As Lei Yao scanned the ranks of the guides, he was surprised to see something.

Li Xin and Hu Xiong, the pair who had travelled with them at the beginning, looked different.

Li Xin had changed from her usual timid self. She had a glint in her eyes and a serious expression.

And as her sentinel, Hu Xiong now took on the form of a mammoth, sweeping the zerg to a halt with a flick of his trunk.

Before the zerg that had fallen to the ground could stand up, they were struck once more by a fierce and incomparable lightning bolt. Their protective walls broke down, and the lightning bolt went straight through their hard skin, burning them to a speck of black dust.

As for the fish that slipped through the net, they were then silently cut down from behind by Bai Lixin, who was much smaller in comparison to the beast.

Lei Yao was surprised by how well these three worked together but felt that it made sense.

In the middle of the battlefield, a worker zerg swiftly passed through the crowd and headed straight for the guide at the back.

The zerg had become smarter over the past hundred years, and they knew that by killing the guide, they were cutting off the source of the sentinel's power.

They'd rush as hard as they could through the heavy blockage of sentinels to the rear, where the guides were to attack the vulnerable guides.

Seeing that the worker zerg was only one step away from the foremost guide, a figure trailing a silvery shadow of light swooped down and cut the zerg down.

Bai Lixin cut the zerg off at the waist, and just as he looked up, he met a pair of dark blue eyes.

Bai Lixin's eyes lit up with joy, and he said, "Lei Yao, you're here!"

Lei Yao smiled and used his sleeve to wipe away the black liquid that had spilled on Bai Lixin's cheek, saying gently, "You've worked hard, my sentinel."

Bai Lixin laughed and said, "Lei Yao is just in time. I have just warmed up, so enjoy my dazzling stance. "

Seeing Bai Lixin's red-faced smile, Lei Yao breathed a sigh of relief, "You're great, Little Ye."

Bai Lixin was about to say something when he was interrupted.

He saw Chi Chuan walk up with a happy face, his mouth still talking into the intercom now and then, "Is it true what you said? It's true? That's great! I'll report it to the General. "

Chi Chuan hurried to Lei Yao's side, handed the intercom to him, and said joyfully, "General, it's Li Sidan's call. It's good news."

Lei Yao froze, looked at the intercom, glared at Chi Chuan, and glanced at Bai Lixin out of the corner of his eye.

Because Lei Yao's identity was a top-secret, the Empire had stipulated that no one was allowed to reveal Lei Yao's identity. Anyone who violated the rules would be severely sanctioned, and likewise, anyone who learned of Lei Yao's identity would also be sanctioned, and in serious cases, killed.

Therefore, Lei Yao had never told Bai Lixin his identity. He glanced at Bai Lixin and laughed awkwardly, "It seems that Commander Chi Chuan has oversupplied his spiritual power and burnt his head."

Still in a state of joy, Chi Chuan excitedly handed his intercom over once more, "General Lei Yao, what are you talking about? It's a call from Colonel Li Sidan. It's good news about the mother zerg. "

Lei Yao: "... "

I'm not afraid of a tiger-like opponent but of a pig teammate! Where's the IQ? May I ask where your IQ went Chi Chuan?

Bai Lixin raised his eyes and smiled narrowly. He looked at the sky and rolled his eyes. He turned his body around and made a motion of flinging the dagger in his hand as if he was shaking off the zerg's blood.

Lei Yao: "..."

Baby, what do you mean by this being invisible attitude? You don't question me? You don't doubt me?

Chi Chuan pushed the intercom forward again. Lei Yao sighed and picked up the intercom, "Colonel Li Sidan, Chi Chuan is the one in charge of this battle. I am just an ordinary guide." He deliberately emphasized "an ordinary guide."

On the other end of the intercom, Li Sidan excitedly looked at the results of the zerg aircraft's scans and exclaimed, "General, a major discovery, a major discovery! The Mother Zerg's vital signs are dropping, and it's detected to be at only S-rank! If someone can get in there and stab her, they can easily kill her! "

Li Sidan was monitoring the battle from the central control room. The laser had run out of power and was now just at 10% recharge. He gritted his teeth as he looked at the slow progress of the recharge.

The laser was essential when necessary. At first, they thought there was only a worker zerg inside, but they hadn't expected a zerg queen to be inside!

This was, after all, a zerg that once had a 4S level of ability, and God only knew what a 4S level zerg was capable of.

And just as he was recharging the laser, he suddenly noticed from the scanner that the female bug's life signs were beginning to fade and its abilities were beginning to decline.

No matter what was happening to the mother zerg, this was the best time for them to strike!

Li Sidan did not dare delay for a moment and hurriedly passed this news to Chi Chuan at the front line.

When Lei Yao heard the news, he frowned and asked, "Are the results you detected reliable? Do you know why the mother zerg's vital signs suddenly dropped? "

Li Sidan thought about it and said, "Probably because it was injured too badly by the new queen even though it managed to escape."

"Probably?" Lei Yao repeated those two words, "Just a guess?" Lei Yao's heart was like a small hammer knocking over. He had a feeling that things were not that simple.

"General! With all due respect, although it is only a guess, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill the mother zerg, " Colonel Li Sidan said excitedly on the other end of the intercom, "Our battle with the Old Queen has been going on for centuries, and it is time to end it. Please send someone to infiltrate the ship and kill the mother zerg! I only detect signs of life from the female and male in the ship, which means there is only one female and one male in the ship!"

Lei Yao was silent. What Li Sidan said was true, but his sixth sense told him that there must be a twist in this matter. And his sixth sense was always accurate and had never deceived him.

Bai Lixin silently listened to the conversation between Lei Yao and Li Sidan and asked S419M, [What is the mother zerg doing in there? Why have the vital signs suddenly lowered?]

[Lord host, the mother zerg is laying eggs].

[Laying eggs?] Bai Lixin understood, [So that's why. What is the combat power of the mother zerg when it lays eggs?]

[Lord host, fighting the mother zerg would be like fighting five scumbags.]

Bai Lixin nodded and turned to look at Lei Yao, "Let me go. I'm only 1.75 meters tall, so I'm the most inconspicuous here. I can silently sneak into the ship. "

Lei Yao shook his head without hesitation, "No, you can't go in."

Bai Lixin's eyes were fixed on Lei Yao's, "Trust me, it's fine. I am fast, and if anything goes wrong, I will escape as fast as I can. I'm sure of killing the mother zerg because I know what it's doing now. It's laying eggs! A mother zerg at egg-laying time has almost zero combat power. "

Lei Yao once again fell into silence as he let his eyes look out onto the battlefield.

Countless sentinels were lying motionless with severe injuries on the ground. They had transformed back into human form, and blood was gurgling out from the huge bloody hole that had been penetrated through their chests.

The guides of these sentinels were lying on the ground, crying silently.

And the sentinels that had not fallen were also covered with wounds of all sizes.

Mo Ye was still looking at him with determined eyes. Who would be willing to send their most beloved person to this cruel battlefield?

Lei Yao finally looked at Bai Lixin and promised, in his deepest tone, "Make sure you come back alive. If you die, I won't continue living. "

A wave of heat flowed through Bai Lixin's heart. He stood on tiptoe and wrapped his arms tightly around Lei Yao's neck, kissing him on the chin and saying, "Don't worry, I will come back. Wait for me. "

After seeing him leave, Lei Yao looked at Chi Chuan and said, "I'm not comfortable with sentinel Mo Ye acting alone. Let sentinel Mo Shaojun clear the way for him."