Interstellar World: Arc 7.26

The worker zergs ran towards the ship in unison, but just as they reached out their sharp claws with the intention of tearing through it, the hatch of the ship opened haughtily, and before the zerg could react, a giant panther darted out. Immediately afterwards, countless giant animals poured out, taking the approaching worker zergs by surprise.

The panther summoned lightning, which instantly shattered several worker zergs.

Bai Lixin's fires caused heavy casualties among the zerg in the earth's crust, and those who managed to escape only accounted for one tenth of the zerg, yet this one tenth numbered more than 300,000.

Bai Lixin finally stopped the flames when he saw the new mother zerg swooping over.

He flapped his wings and flew high into the air, bringing up a wave of heat. All the zerg that came close to him were scorched by the flames. After this move, all the worker zergs near him were burned, and only the mother zerg was intact.

The mother zerg was covered with a powerful protective wall which the flames could not penetrate.

Letting out a mad laugh, the mother zerg pushed against the wave of fire.

Over there, the worker zergs and the sentinels were fighting in full swing.

The Sentinels were like demons who had returned from hell after demonic training.

They have never let up in the past twenty years, not because they had a deep sense of worry, but because of the abnormal training of the two great demons, Lei Yao and Bai Lixin.

Compared to Lei Yao and Bai Lixin, these zerg were simply too cute.

The Sentinels let out a howl of excitement. These zerg were now like ants in their eyes.

The winds and rivers had turned. The zergs had been oppressing Diyang Star for hundreds of years. It was their turn to be oppressed.

The zerg let out bursts of wais and howled in pain.

What kind of monsters are these? Why are they so tough?

Heh, if one can take ten moves under Chief Mo Ye, they will be this tough too.

Over there, Bai Lixin saw the mother zerg roaring angrily at him. With a nod to Lei Yao, who was in the distance, he turned his body into a ball of flames and flew towards him.

While these flames could burn the zerg to death, they only emitted a warm glow when they faced Lei Yao. The flames enveloped Lei Yao's entire body, and in the flames, Lei Yao's body began to change. His hair began to turn fiery red, and his eyes changed from blue to a flaming color. On his back, two huge wings slowly stretched out.

The wings resembled Bai Lixin's phoenix wings, golden and red in colour, with beautiful flames burning on the outside.

As Lei Yao changed, the flames that had just enveloped him slowly began to grow faint, as if being absorbed.

When the flames disappeared completely, only Lei Yao, who was burning with flaming red wings, was left; Bai Lixin and Lei Yao had fused.

When their spiritual fitness reached a certain height, Bai Lixin and Lei Yao found that they could merge their bodies, eventually forming a new evolution.

As a result of this evolution, all the strengths of the sentinel and the guide were fused together, and, rather than adding up, their abilities multiplied exponentially.

Deep in Leu Yao, two souls embraced each other.

The merging energy was powerful, but it could only be done when the spirits of the sentinel and the guide were in complete synchronisation and were as one in tacit understanding; otherwise, if the spirits fluctuated, they would disintegrate.

This method had been experimented with by other sentinels after Bai Lixin and Lei Yao had invented it, but even Lei Qi and Mo Shaojun, who had the most tacit understanding, could not reach such heights. And even when they managed to fuse, it could only last for less than a minute.

But the powerful force emitted from this short moment was enough to shock them.

That power was almost five times as strong as Mo Shaojun's in his half-human, half-beast form. They almost blew up a canyon entirely the day they tested the power out. After that, they only dared to practise in the gravity training room and never tried to go outside to destroy the ecology again.

Mo Shaojun's 2S ability was that powerful, let alone Bai Lixin, who had reached the limit of 3S.

The dark surface of the planet was lit up with the fires of battle. On the battlefield, there was a huge fiery glow.

The bright, fiery light shone, and at that moment, it was like the sun to the dead planet.

Lei Yao looked down at the mother zerg with a fierce gaze, only to see four translucent feathers slowly stretching out from the back of the young mother zerg.

The mother zerg had evolved in between its constant devouring.

It evolved wings, and it perhaps had other abilities besides wings. But it was doomed to die today, no matter how evolved it was.

Since they had come with the idea of exterminating the zerg, they would not allow any hope of the zerg making a comeback.

The female zerg flew into mid-air and opened its mouth slightly. A compressed ball of energy appeared right in front of its mouth. Only when the ball of energy had gathered enough did it roar. The ball of energy instantly turned into a pure white light and shot towards Lei Yao.

Lei Yao did not dodge, and as the energy ball flew towards him, he calmly stretched out his hand and grabbed it with his bare hands.

He then threw the energy ball back in the direction of the mother zerg.

The crowd only had a burst, followed by the mother zerg's wailing.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Yao raised his hand high in the air. His hand took the shape of holding something, and a red dagger appeared out of thin air. It looked like a red dagger, but a closer inspection would show that it was a constantly burning flame.

With a sneer, Lei Yao threw this flame hard at the female zerg. It once again wailed as the bright red flame penetrated through the protective wall and was firmly embedded in the mother zerg's arm.

However, the flame stayed firmly in the arm without bursting out of the mother zerg's arm once it was embedded.

The flaming barrel continued to emit extreme heat, burning the female zerg in agony.

The female zerg finally gritted its teeth and ripped off its arm.

A new arm immediately grew out, black and strong, as if the pain had never happened.

The mother zerg let out a braying laugh; it had long since completed its highest evolution after twenty years of energy storage. It was now immortal. Nothing could destroy it.

Seeing the mother zerg's rapid growth, Lei Yao let out a "Huh." He then threw another flaming gun barrel at the mother zerg'sarm. It roared in pain and once again ripped off the arm without mercy, growing a brand new one.

One after another, Lei Yao threw the flaming gun barrel at the mother zerg, and each time, it did the same thing, tearing off the arm.

The mother zerg let out a louder laugh, "See, there's nothing you can do about it. I'm the strongest! None of you can kill me! "

Lei Yao finally stopped his attack.

He curled his lips into a smile, his handsome, peerless face looking eerie against the brilliant red flames.

Lei Yao sneered, "Well, it was good for target practise , but I'm tired of playing with it."

As he spoke, he transformed his body into a flame once again.

The flame was so energetic that it appeared to be daylight on the dead planet due to the huge illumination.

The sentinels squinted their eyes. The zerg had long lived beneath the dark surface of the planet, and this near pure white was overwhelming to them.

The zerg gave up fighting and covered their burning eyes, rolling and wailing on the ground.

The flame, with its endless energy like the sun, forced its way towards the mother zerg.

The mother zerg tried to dodge, but as fast as it was, the flame was even faster.

In the end, the flames wrapped around the mother zerg at a relatively slow pace. The mother zerg did not even have the chance to wail before it was swept into this hot energy. At that moment, it did not even turn to dust but was directly burned into nothingness.

With the death of the mother zerg, the worker zerg were left without a leader and began to run around like headless chicken. They no longer knew what they were doing or why they were doing it. They could only rely on their instincts and flee to avoid death.

The crowd, which had expected a protracted battle, quickly took care of the remaining zerg and ended the war.

Lei Yao thought about it and burned all the remains of the zerg to dust. The planet was dead, and these zerg did not deserve to have their bodies left on top of the planet.

The group stayed on the planet for another seven days, during which they searched every corner of the planet to make sure that no zerg had slipped through the net.

During this time, Lei Yao and his group also went into their hiding place below the surface. There was a scorching smell all around, and no zerg were present except for some blackened ashes.

Li Sidan also found zerg technology inside. There was a flat clearing with many deformed ships on the ground, and beyond them was a circle of black ashes surrounding the ships. The zerg appeared to have intended to flee in the ships when the flames arrived, but were burned to death before they could board them.

Seven days later, when it was certain that there were no leaks, nor a single zerg egg, they decided to return to their home planet.

On the day they left, a dark cloud appeared out of nowhere on the dead planet. Thunder and lightning struck, and it rained on the planet immediately afterwards.

As long as there is water, there is the possibility of new life being birthed. With time, the planet would recover.

The rain may have been a coincidence, yet it was like a farewell to Lei Yao and the others.