Interstellar World: Arc 8.2

The man who revised the definition of "human" was a scientist who had devoted his life to advocating human theory—Sano.

He argued that robots were dangerous objects in that they could calculate more quickly and think more rigorously than humans.

Humans are filled with emotions, and emotions, in turn, can sway human judgement. But it is also this emotion that makes humans so valuable.

Robots will only analyze with the thinking chips that humans feed into their bodies, which are just carriers of a string of data. The world is surrounded by so many robots that they interfere too much with the human world, depriving it of the colour it should have.

And he also believed that the three laws of robotics were imperfect. Robots will one day, because of some loophole, do something threatening to humans.

When the problems with the simulated robots emerged, leading to a series of problems, he thought that the time had come.

He found a loophole in the three laws and changed the definition of "human" for some of the robots.

This caused a bigger problem in the world.

People who had long been used to being served by robots were horrified to discover that the robots around them held all their secrets and knew them even better than they did. The terror began when the robots that knew their habits and could analyse and predict their actions became their enemies.

The robots took their masters hostage, holding them like prisoners in their homes and controlling their movements.

It was at this point that the scientist, Manskoo, appeared. He discovered the root cause of this problem with the robots.

Manskoo was an expert on robots. Although he agreed that as science developed, certain problems were bound to arise, he was nevertheless committed to the development of robots. The simulated robots were the work of him and his staff.

The problems with the droids also led to his exile and the exile of his droids.

The place of exile was none other than Garbage Planet. When he learned of what had happened on Helium, he returned to the planet without a second thought and found out why the robots had rebelled.

He discovered that the reason for the robot's sudden change in temperament was that the definition of "human" had been modified.

After a series of searches, he finally found the culprit – Sano.

Sano didn't put up much of a fight when he was found. He just took a sip of wine and laughed, "After this, will humans still be able to use robots without fear?"

With those words, he closed his eyes.

It turned out that he had put poison in the wine he had been drinking.

After the case was solved, Manskoo revised the definition of "human" and the robots regained their "minds".

However, after this terrible experience, no one dared to use intelligent robots anymore, not even the intelligent mechanical dogs that played with children.

To prevent this from happening again, the human race began to shut down robot factories on a large scale. Intelligent robots were also forcibly sent back to the junkyard to be dismantled, turned into scrap, and sent to the garbage planet.

The robot empire completely fell.

Bai Lixin finished reading the world's memory and asked S419M: [Scan all corners of this galaxy, as long as it's a planet with living creatures. Find the top three people with the strongest soul power. Ah, yes, not including me. ]

After passing through multiple worlds, Bai Lixin was becoming more familiar with the routines involved.

The top three people with the strongest soul power were usually his lover, one of the twelve false gods, or the favoured son of this world.

[As ordered, Lord Host. Ding! Beginning the scan for the highest soul attributes.]

[Ding! The scan is now complete. Lord Host, I have scanned the mental powers of all creatures on all planets in this realm. Manskoo, Spiritual Attribute S, Physical Attribute A; Sano, Spiritual Attribute S, Physical Attribute B; and Angel, Spiritual Attribute S, Physical Attribute B are the top three.]

Angel? After searching through the world's memories, Bai Lixin finally found Angel's identity. Angel is Sano's daughter and Manskoo's lover.

There was absolutely no way that Dijia could be a woman, much less have children. So, was his lover Manskoo?

Time had now progressed to the point where Sano had changed the definition of "human" for some of the droids, and the exiled Manskoo had returned to Helium in the night on learning of the disaster on his home planet.

Has Manskoo returned to Helium?

Then he must go too.

Bai Lixin made a final decision before opening his eyes and getting his consciousness out of the void.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw an incredibly handsome face before his eyes.

It was an extremely handsome face, with short black hair and clean, glowing skin.

Although his skin was glowing, his clothes were in rags.

In addition, the man had a dull expression and eyes; if he had not blinked occasionally, Bai Lixin would almost have thought it was just a statue standing in this desert.

Seeing Bai Lixin awake, the man opened his mouth and said, in a very calm tone, "You are awake, human. Do you feel any discomfort? "


Bai Lixin looked over, sized him up some more, and asked, "You are a simulated robot?"

The man nodded and continued, word for word, "Yes, I am a simulated robot exiled here. You are a human and cannot be left to die."

"Oh, so that's how it is. Thank you for saving me. " Bai Lixin thought for a moment and said, "Is your maker Dr. Manskoo?"

The simulated robot didn't expect anyone to thank him and was puzzled for a moment before he said, "You're welcome. Yes, I was made by Dr. Manskoo. "

Bai Lixin nodded, his mind clear. No wonder he felt close to the robot before him.

"Thank you for saving me, but I have to go."

The robot's eyes blinked, and he nodded, "Okay."

The "dummy" had died of thirst on the aircraft he had taken when scavenging for scrap. When his fellow travellers saw him die of thirst, they simply dropped him off here in the middle of the desert.

This location was still a day and a night away from the garbage city.

Bai Lixin swallowed to perch his dry throat and began to slowly move towards the city.

He had taken two steps when he heard a sibilant sound behind him. He turned his head to frown, "You're following me?"

The simulated robot nodded, "I assessed your risk factor. If I let you go back to the city alone, there is a 99% chance that you will die on the way. I can't let you go forward on your own. "

Bai Lixin took a deep look at the expressionless robot and suddenly asked, "Why didn't you follow Mangskoo back to Helium?"

"Our batch of simulated robots totalled ten thousand, and the most successful of which was Machine S003, who always moves with Dr. Manskoo. Even when he was exiled to the Garbage planet, it was always Machine S003 that accompanied Dr. Manskoo. "

"And what number are you?" Bai Lixin asked.

The simulated robot lifted its sleeve to reveal the black tattoo mark on its arm, "I'm machine S000, a failure. I'm not perfect because I don't do facial expressions. "

"Oh, you mean that the simulated robots after you have facial expression movements?"

The droid nodded, "Yes, and I don't do emotion analysis, so after I was produced, I was considered a failure and sealed up. I was later cast to the Garbage planet."

"So you're homeless now? Do you have shelter? " A twinge of heartache flashed through Bai Lixin's heart, but he put this down to concern for his lover's appendages.

"I've been sold back and forth a few times since I came to the Garbage planet. But I was resold because they disliked me for my inability to make expressions and for not being a proper simulated robot. Last time, I was pushed from the aircraft in the air and landed here. That's when I met you. "

Bai Lixin sighed and lifted his arm to stroke the droid's hair, "So you're a poor man too? Then you'll follow me for now. You're also Manskoo's simulated robot anyway. A family doesn't abandon family; meeting each other is fate, let's go."

For a moment, a faint light flashed through the simulation robot's eyes, but the light came too fast and disappeared too quickly. Bai Lixin's eyes were no longer on the simulation robot, so he didn't see anything strange.

After taking two steps, he found that the robot was not moving, so he turned back and said, "What's wrong? Walk. "

"I'm following you, meaning you want to be my master?" The robot asked.

"You could say that." Bai Lixin nodded.

"Okay. Master, I have just calculated that you are relatively overtaxing your physical energy if you walk."

The simulated robot blinked, its angular, handsome face still expressionless.

"You don't need to walk on your own," the simulated robot took a step forward and bent down unsteadily to take Bai Lixin in a princess hug, "I am a robot and can move as long as I have enough energy, so it is best if you let me carry you."

Bai Lixin: "..."

This was such a self-absorbed robot.

With a personality so similar to Dijia's. Like master, like robot!