Interstellar World: Arc 8.7

Bai Lixin had raised his physical attributes to S rank as early as the night before. Furthermore, he discovered that the method of concentrating energy to a single point was still useful.

So, the black stone attached to the surface of this red stone was naturally easy to solve.

The old red-nosed dwarf slowly rode his flying motorcycle with several people following behind him.

Ever since he met Ghar, Bai Lixin found that his legs were close to being useless. Whenever there was a long walk, Ghar would consciously carry him.

At the moment, Ghar was holding Bai Lixin, walking unhurriedly.

Rubbish saw it and tried to approach Graverson again. He was stopped by a look from Graverson, who knew what he was planning to do, and scolded, "If you dare to hold me, believe it or not, I will throw you into the junkyard right now."

Rubbish retracted his mechanical arm in grievance and took several steps back.

As Ghar hugged Bai Lixin and passed Rubbish, Bai Lixin laughed, "Rubbish, not all masters are good at expressing their emotions. Maybe your master is just a tsundere? You should know what that means. Search your memory chip. "

** A tsundere is a person who acts cold and a little hostile towards another person at first, but then gradually shows his or her warm side.***

Rubbish nodded, "Okay."

After a few seconds, Rubbish said in a happy tone, "So the master is just shy. Thank you for the reminder, my lord."

Bai Lixin nodded, "My name is Bai Lixin."

"Yes, Lord Bai Lixin."

They were moving in a close nit group and neither Bai Lixin nor Rubbish spoke in a deliberately low voice. Graverson had long since heard the conversation between the man and the machine.

When he heard Bai Lixin call himself "tsundere," Graverson almost pulled his beard off.

And when he heard Rubbish say he was "shy", Graverson almost stumbled and fell on his face.

These two were doing it on purpose, weren't they?

He was a 6-foot man, with a strong back, and they called him "tsundere"? They're calling him "shy"?

Graverson turned around and glared at the two people. His eyes inadvertently glanced at Bai Lixin's hand and found that it still had some black stone powder.

His heart lurched, and he quickly turned his head back.

Humph, I am a 6-foot man with a tiger back and a bear waist. I am not going to quarrel over silly things.

The group followed the dwarf for about ten minutes before he stopped in front of a small house.

It wasn't a small house per se, but it was rather short.

From the outside, the entrance was a semi-circular arch. On entering, there was a huge semi-circular inner room, which narrowed down to the height of the front door.

The red-nosed dwarf got off the flying motorbike, not caring about the supplies hanging from the back of the vehicle. He only clutched the suitcase that was well guarded in front of him and said, "Come on in, this is my home."

With that, the old dwarf walked straight into the doorway with the case in his arms.

The crowd looked at each other for a moment, and Graverson took the lead as he bent and walked in too.

When it was Bai Lixin and Ghar's turn, Bai Lixin nimbly jumped out of Ghar's arms and went through the doorway. He smiled narrowly and waved at Ghar, "Ghar, come in. Come, come. "

Ghar was obviously at a loss because of the door's size. After about five seconds of waiting, he bent his back extremely low and walked in.

Bai Lixin saw this and laughed, "What a stumbling hero. Manskoo just had to make you so tall, wouldn't it be nice to be cute and short like a child? "

Bai Lixin looked at Ghar's helplessness and grew fond of it. Although Ghar was always expressionless and his speech was flat, he kind of looked cute when he was expressionless.

He had to find his lover soon to ease his longing, otherwise, he would be poisoned by the "cute" robot.

Bai Lixin wiped the tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes and went over to help Ghar up, "Ghar, don't relax, we'll have to do this later when we are getting out."

Ghar: "Yes, master, as long as it makes you happy."

Bai Lixin:"… "

He's pretty slick at talking.

The old dwarf tucked the case he was holding under the desk for a moment before removing 600-star coins in denominations of 10 from the locked cabinet under the desk.

He put them in a bag after separating 100 coins and gave these to Graverson. The old dwarf swept the rest all up in a larger bag and handed the bag to Bai Lixin, "Here is your payment."

Bai Lixin took the bag with a smile and handed it to Ghar behind him without looking back, "Ghar, this is our first bucket of gold. Keep it well."

Ghar nodded blandly, "Yes, master."

Graverson looked at the shallow pouch of money in his hand, and then at Bai Lixin's, and snorted. You talk as if you were the only one with a droid.

With that in mind, he shoved the money pouch behind him without looking back, "Rubbish, this is your master's money pouch. Keep it safe. You can't give it to anyone. "

Rubbish hurriedly took the money bag and asked, "Master, what about when you want it? Shall I give it or shall I not give it to you?"

Graverson snapped back, "Of course, you have to give it to me if I want it! It's my money. Do you want to take it for yourself? "

"Yes, Master!"

Graverson slowly turned back around.

Why did it feel like his robot was so far behind the other side in terms of intelligence?

Dwarfs were blacksmiths by nature, and the mechanical items built by their hands were always both practical and beautiful. People from all walks of life were clamouring for them.

Bai Lixin looked around and suddenly asked, "Do you have a bathroom here?"

To be fair, he did not want to remain so dirty, but water was a scarce commodity on the garbage planet and it was more precious than even life.

Where would he get water for bathing?

Now that he was in the dwarf's house, he couldn't stand the muddy body and the hair that had balled up into knots. All he wanted to do was to find a place to clean himself off.

The gnome knew what he meant and pointed to the side sliding door, "It's in there. Red is hot water, blue is cold. There are clean towels in the cupboard.

Bai Lixin was elated and rushed off in a single bound.

Ghar saw Bai Lixin dash into the bathroom and bent his head down to look at the dwarf. "Hello, do you have scissors, cloth, needles, and thread in your house please?"

The dwarf laughed, "I have a treasure chest of everything in this house." He bent down and pulled out a box from under the bed, "This box is full of needles and thread, scissors and cloth."

With that, he went over to the standing cabinet on one side and opened it up. A dazzling array of cloth was revealed, "I just like handicrafts. I make all my clothes, so that's why I have so much cloth. You are free to use it. "

Ghar took the cloth, needle, and thread box and nodded his thanks, "Thank you."

There was the sound of water splashing in the bathroom.

Hearing the sound, Ghar unfolded the cloth and spread it flat on the ground.

Graverson was left in the hall, and the red-nosed dwarf beckoned the rest to the drawing-room for tea.

"Dummy" had not bathed in who knows how long and was covered in layers of dirt, which Bai Lixin washed off. His hair was all tangled, and after a long time of unsuccessful attempts to untangle it, Bai Lixin simply ripped off the knots and threw them in the garbage.

He showered for a full hour and a half before turning off the showerhead.

As soon as he turned off the showerhead, he heard Ghar's calm tone outside the bathroom, "Master, I have prepared your clothes. They are on a shelf just outside the bathroom door. "

Through the bathroom door, Bai Lixin answered, "Okay, thank you."

Bai Lixin opened the bathroom door after wiping himself clean. He walked out naked to get dressed.

In the world's memory, it seemed that the "dummy" was only fourteen years old.

He had been living on Garbage Planet since he was six years old and had never worn a decent shirt until he died.

Bai Lixin sighed as he stroked the soft navy blue velvet jacket.

The clothes were neatly folded on the rack, and Bai Lixin thought they were clothes the dwarf had traded in from somewhere. But when he saw how well they fit, as if they had been made for him, he realised that Ghar probably made them.

Ghar had even thoughtfully made him a pair of underwear, and they were such a snug fit.

Bai Lixin let out a sigh of satisfaction. He was clean and had comfortable clothes. How could Ghar be so perfect? He could do everything, even clothes. Bai Lixin felt he was about to be raised by Ghar and be a waste.

He had just finished putting on his underwear and shirt when Ghar appeared from around the corner, "Master, please let me help you dress."

Bai Lixin opened his arms unresistingly and said lazily, "Okay, you do that. I'm not good at the bow tie. "

Ghar nodded and slowly walked up. He half leaned down to straighten Bai Lixin's shirt, his hand deftly hooking the black satin bow tie and creating a beautiful bow.

After that, he lifted Bai Lixin's shorts and also helped him put on socks.

Bai Lixin looked in the mirror after dressing up.

Ghar had cut and made him a jacket, shirt, and shorts, a pair of indigo socks were now on his feet. The shirt was white, and there was a navy jacket over it. The shorts were the same colour as the jacket, and the socks were a little darker.

Bai Lixin looked at himself in the mirror and suddenly smiled, "How noble-looking."