Interstellar World: Arc 8.11

Rubbish's screen face made an exaggerated expression of dropping his jaw, "What happened to my body?!"

Graverson was secretly relieved to hear Rubbish's surprise. It seems that Rubbish was unaware of the damage done to his body. He was probably cut off early on, so he did not suffer much before he was scrapped.

Rubbish claimed to feel pain, but Graverson attributed it to the virus because his body was mechanical and should have no nerve endings. But he felt pain when he was scalded by boiling water, he felt pain when he fell from a great height, and he even claimed to have a cold when his wiring shorted out.

"Why did you follow two men?" Graverson sighed and sat on Rubbish's completely wasted body, "Tell me how they lied to you."

Rubbish made a crying motion with his face, "Master, you didn't like the clothes I made. So I traded my treasured 100 T's of adult movies and 100 G seed resources in addition to my data on making bunny girls, cat-girls, nurse outfits, and more to get Ghar's male clothes making data. I was excited and went off to buy some cloth for you, Master. "

Without a hint of defensiveness, without the slightest concern, he just revealed the hidden transaction.

The depressed and gloomy atmosphere instantly changed to embarrassment at Rubbish's words.

They turned their heads towards Ghar in unison.

Bai Lixin looked at Ghar with a deep inquisitive look in his eyes and said, "Ghar, why do you want those things?" Why do I have an uneasy feeling?

Ghar took a deep look at Bai Lixin and said indifferently, "The core system to my running program has a self-learning function. When faced with anything unknown, I am driven by that system to try and take in that knowledge. Rubbish's stored information on those adult films and fancy dress practices was unknown to me, so I spontaneously made the exchange to gain this information. "

Bai Lixin nodded. Oh, so that's what it was about.

Bai Lixin glared at Graverson and said protectively, "See, your Rubbish is spoiling my Ghar. Now he's learned how to watch porn. "

Ghar: "…"

Graverson: "…"

Graverson coughed and blushed as he changed the subject, "And then what happened after you bought the cloth?"

" I was still missing a piece of material for the outfit in mind when two men suddenly came out and said they knew where to get it. So I followed them and ended up walking into a deep alley. They tried to steal the money bag you had asked me to keep, Master. I defended the money bag until they turned my power off. I don't know what happened after that. "

"Then they broke your arm, dug out the kinetic energy device, and turned you into a pile of scrap iron! If I hadn't found you in time, you would have been turned into an iron block and sent to the garbage recycle! "

As Rubbish sniffed, the eyes on the screen instantly turned into hearts as he said excitedly, "So it was Master who came to my rescue! I'm so touched, master!"

Graverson coughed to hide the sudden blush that appeared from the praise, "Now Ghar is going to make you a new body. What kind do you want?"

"I can choose a new body?!" The face on the screen made a surprised face, "What are the options?"

Ghar said, "It can be the same as the mechanical body you had before, or it can be something else. Do you have any requests or wishes for your new body? How about, gender, height, physique or something like that."

"Um….. I want to be as flexible as you are. Is that okay?" Rubbish added, "My mechanical body was so old that some of the chains were worn and rusty. My arms and fingers were crudely designed and crafted. It's hard to perform tasks that are too delicate. "

Ghar nodded, "Okay, any other requirements? body gender, colour, and such. "

"I want to be as tall as you are, imposing as you are, and cool as you are!" Rubbish flashed his heart-eyes as he looked at Ghar.

Bai Lixin: "…."

Gale: "… "

Graverson kicked the display hard, "Why be like him? Is he as tall as me? Does he have my swagger? Is he as cool as me? "

Rubbish made an aggrieved face and said, "Master, robots don't lie. He's taller than you, he's more imposing than you, he's cooler than you. Shouldn't I become like him so I can protect you and give you face at all times? "

"Idiot!" Graverson kicked the screen again, "How can I show off my height and power by walking around with a robot that is taller, cooler, and more imposing than me? I will decide on your body. In addition to meeting your first requirement, the rest will be infinitely close to your original body! "

Rubbish beamed, "Okay."

Ghar saw that the two had agreed, so he looked at the old red-nosed dwarf and said, "Can I borrow your workshop for a moment."

The old red-nosed dwarf was fond of handcrafting, especially those related to metal, ironwork, and the like. The pearls, gems, and ironwork he usually made were highly sought after, but he was still a bit out of his depth when it came to robots.

He had a ready-made production site; why not use it. "Of course, but on the condition that you let me watch, please. Maybe I can be of help. "

Ghar nodded as he drew out Rubbish's memory chip, "Okay, thanks."


The dwarf and Ghar had been in the crafting room for a day and a night so far. Bai Lixin had slept, eaten, and continued to sleep, but Ghar was still not yet out. He simply rolled over and went back to sleep.

Towards the latter part of the night, Bai Lixin heard the sound of footsteps around him, and he slowly opened his eyes. He made out a silvery grey trench coat faintly glowing in the darkness, "Ghar?" He tentatively called out.

"It's me, master. You stirred the covers in your sleep, and I was tucking you in. I am sorry to have woken you. "

Bai Lixin shook his head, "It's all right, I've had a long sleep this time. Is Rubbish's body done? "

"Yes, Master. His body has just been replaced, so he is in the adaptation stage. "

"Oh," Bai Lixin said, with a nasal note in his voice, "turn on the light for me. I want to see if my Ghar looks handsome in his new clothes."

"Yes, master." A faint glow lit up the room after some movements, "You have just woken up, so the light might be too harsh for your eyes."

Bai Lixin nodded and propped himself up.

Ghar was standing about four metres away at the light switch near the doorway. Under the faint light, Ghar's body dazzled as if it were emitting a pure white light.

The light reflected the brightness of his clothes, making his already fair face even whiter. His body stood as straight as a statue.

But beneath this indifference, there was a hint of familiarity.

With a bitter smile, Bai Lixin reached out and asked Ghar to sit beside him, "Come here, Ghar. Let me have a good look at our handsome robot. "

Ghar gave a soft "mmm" and sat at the edge of Bai Lixin's bed.

Bai Lixin's legs were still under the covers, and he sat up with his hands propped on top of the covers, his eyes looking into Ghar's.

Ghar's eyes were an almost transparent colour. They were crystal clear, as if without a trace of taint.

In the dim light, the surroundings were extraordinarily quiet and warm, with only the sound of the two breathing shallowly.

Bai Lixin slowly reached out and gently traced Ghar's delicate face with his warm fingertips.

His eyes followed his fingertips as they slid up his cheek, and when they reached Ghar's eyes, their eyes met.

Long lashes like bristles blinked as Ghar asked, "Master, what is wrong with my face?"

Bai Lixin shook his head, "Nothing, I just wanted to touch it."

Although Ghar's gaze was bland, there were a few hints of warmth and purity in it.

He looked into Ghar's eyes for a moment longer, then suddenly reached out and closed them.

It was such a light gaze, but it gave off a feeling that Dijia was gazing at him through those eyes.

Bai Lixin shook his head vigorously to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts. It seems that I have to move faster, otherwise I will develop schizophrenia if I continued like this.

"Didn't you say that Rubbish was fixed? So take me to see him, Ghar. " Bai Lixin suddenly said.

Ghar opened his eyes and looked deeply at Bai Lixin before nodding, "Yes, master. Please get dressed and follow me. "

Ghar pointed to the bedside cupboard, and Bai Lixin saw a light grey pyjama neatly folded there.

Ghar helped Bai Lixin dress up, and after buttoning the top meticulously, he had to half-kneel and help with the slippers.

"Did you also make both the pyjamas and slippers?" A warm current crossed Bai Lixin's heart, and he asked softly.

His voice was extremely soft and shallow. He did not speak aloud, as if fearing that the warmth would shatter with his voice.

"Yes, Master. I had some time after making Rubbish's body. So, I made some daily clothes for you." Ghar picked up Bai Lixin in a princess hug.

"Thank you, Ghar."

"You're welcome; it's what I should do."

They had started moving when Ghar suddenly spoke up and asked, "Why is Master so eager to go to Helium? Are you looking for something? "

Bai Lixin nodded, "I am looking for my lover. He is on Helium at the moment. "

Ghar's steps stopped, and he leaned down to look at Bai Lixin with penetrating eyes. "Is it Dr. Manskoo?"

Bai Lixin hesitated for a moment, "It may be, it may not. I'm not sure yet. I always have to take a look to confirm something. "

"He can't be your lover," Ghar affirmed.

Bai Lixin raised his eyes and frowned, "Why are you so sure?"

"Because he does not deserve a lover like you, no one on this planet deserves you." "Except for me," Ghar added silently.